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Bell E.T. — Mathematics: Queen and Servant of Science
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Íàçâàíèå: Mathematics: Queen and Servant of Science
Àâòîð: Bell E.T.
Àííîòàöèÿ: An absorbing account of pure and applied mathematics from the geometry of Euclid to that of Riemann, and its application in Einstein's theory of relativity. The twenty chapters cover such topics as: algebra, number theory, logic, probability, infinite sets and the foundations of mathematics, rings, matrices, transformations, groups, geometry, and topology. Mathematics was republished in 1987 with corrections and an added foreword by Martin Gardner.
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1996
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 437
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.04.2010
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Curve(s) 130—132 347—348 358—359 364—368
Curve(s), continuous 395
Curve(s), definitions of 148
Curve(s), degree of 132
Curve(s), sine 364 365
Curve(s), tangentless 395
Cut, Dedekind's 405—406
Cycles 278
Cyzicus 272 287
Dante xiv 278
Darwin, C. xiv 5 290—291
Davis, H.M. xiv 251
de Fermat, P.S. xiv 152 223—227 230 232 237—239 245 320—321 342 344—345 347 377—378 389
de Fermat, P.S., Last Theorem of 230 237—239 242
de Fermat, P.S., principle of least time of 342 344—345
de la Poussin, C.V. xviii 234
de Lafayette, M. xvi 373
de Maupertius, P.L.M. xvii 347—348 350
De Morgan, A. xiv 22 151
de Morgan, W.F. xiv 151
Dedekind, J.W.R. xiv 75 81 222 243 397—398 405—406
Deduction 266 268 288
density 386
Density, variable 345
Denumerable 48 64
derivatives 324—325 334 336 341 343 384 395
Derivatives, partial 327—328 333 352
Derivatives, second 326
Derivatives, second partial 328
Derivatives, third 327
Desargues, G. xiv 134
Descartes, R. xiv 101 122—126 129 132 135—139 145—146 153—154 191 193—194 196 221 277 306 411
Descent 238
Determinant 111—112
Determinism 131
Deviation 327n.
Devil, Pascal's wager with 378
Dice 375
Dickson, L.E. xiv 223 246
Differential calculus see "Calculus"
Differential equations see "Equations"
Differentials 200
Digital 64
Dimensionality, geometric 142 148
dimensions 43
Diophantus xiv 159 236—237
Dirac, P.A.M. xiv 2 92 128—129 391
Direction 51
Dirichlet, P.G.L. xiv 234 242
Discontinuity 337 367
Discrete 49 234 304—305
Discreteness 306
Discriminant 95 116
Disquisitiones arithmeticae, by Gauss 68 220
Distance 138 160—162 191—193 198
Distance formulas 252
Distributive law 59 79 110
Distributive property 34
Disturbance(s), electromagnetic 255 373
Disturbance(s), periodic 368 373
diverge 396—397
Divergent 336 396—397
Divine Comedy, by Dante 278
Divisibility, infinite 302 310
Division, algebraic 31
Divisor, common 79
Divisor, greatest common 79
Divisor, normal 173—174
Domain of integrity 72 84 86
Double-bar notation 103
Drawing, mechanical 300
Dual 147
Duality, principle of 147—148 159
DuBridge, L.A. xiv 255—257
Dynamics 136 286 320 327 348 389
Dynamics, classical 388
Dynamics, Newtonian 210 267 387
Earth 292 348
Earthquake(s) 357 360
Eccentricity 289
Ecology 349
Economics, mathematics of 355
Economy, divine 349
Eddington, A.S. xiv 113 181 270—271
Einstein, A. xiv 1 14 26 42 97 104 115 127 139 203—204 206 208 210—214 216 251 266 270 279
Eisenstein, F.M.G. xiv 225—226
Elasticity 329
electricity 345 357 362 370
Electricity, two-fluid theory of 266
Electromagnetic field, Maxwell's equations of 127
Electromagnetism 259 329 334
electronics 250
Electrons 179—181 391
Electrostatics 155
Element(s) 24 68 257
Element(s), chemical 257
Element(s), neutral 99
Elements, by Euclid 24 188 311
Ellipses 274 276 280 282—283 285
Energy 290
Energy, conservation of 117 290
Energy, electrical 290
English Channel 369
Entities 126—127
Entities, existence proofs of 410
Entities, physical 300
Entuples 197—199
Envelope of lines 148
Epicycles 278
Equality 30 69 76 78
Equations in mathematical physics 255
Equations in two or more unknowns 236
Equations of center 290
Equations of heat conduction 319
Equations of line 129
Equations, algebraic 54 237
Equations, algebraic of nth degree 355
Equations, algebraic solution of 184
Equations, algebraic, Galois' theory of 173
Equations, annual 290
Equations, Cartesian 276
Equations, Cauchy — Riemann 352—353
Equations, characteristic 110
Equations, differential 182 209 214 254 316—318 329—330 349—350 356 358 383—384
Equations, differential, for optics 350
Equations, differential, non-linear 3 336
Equations, differential, partial 329 332 371
Equations, diophantine first degree 237—239
Equations, Einstein's 115
Equations, electromagnetic 255
Equations, fifth degree 185
Equations, Fourier's 318
Equations, integral 355—356
Equations, invariant 209—210
Equations, irreducible 241
Equations, Laplace's 329—330 333 353
Equations, linear 112
Equations, Maxwell's 127 372
Equations, quadratic 116—117
Equations, wave 255 372—373
Equivalence classes 69
Equivalence relation 68—69 105 197
Eskimos 117
Ether 357 371—372
Ether, luminiferous 266
Euclid xiv 9—10 20 22—24 30 38—40 42—43 126 129 143 149 159 225 232—233 262—263 311 410 412
Eudoxus xiv 272 397
Euler, L. xiv 14 92 150 153 163 225 233 236 238 247 292
Evection 290
Even 180
Event(s), mutually exclusive 387
Everett, E. xiv 20—21
Evolution, Darwin's theory of 290—291
Excluded Middle 24 60 63 410
Existence theorems see "Theorems"
Existence, Infinite 304
Experience 37 262—265
Experience, common 264
Experience, human 126
Experience, physical 93 264
Experience, sensory 27
Experience, tactual 140
Experience, visual 140
Experiment 390
Extension(s) 84—88
Extension(s), algebraic 186—187
Extension(s), algebraic, simple 87
Extension(s), Galoisian 186
Extension(s), normal 186
Extension(s), separable 186
Extension(s), transcendental 86
Extremum (Extrema) 342—344 349
Factor tables 229
Factorization of large numbers, On the, by Cole 228
Factorization, unique 242
Faraday, M. xiv 254 357 370—371
Faust 391
Field 33 45 55 371
Field of force 371
Field, abstract 102
Field, abstract, Galois' theory of 186
Field, algebraic number 241—243
Field, commutative 105
Field, continuous 303
Field, Euclidean 244
Field, finite 71
Field, gravitational 213
Field, imaginary 244
Field, Maxwell's theory of 371
Field, prime 84
Field, quadratic 244
Field, theories in physics 302
Fifth, degree 184—185
Finite fields 71
Fission, atomic 116
Fission, nuclear 309
Flamsteed, J. xiv 290
Flattening, polar 289
Flow of heat 318
Flow of water 315—316 318
Flow, fluid 330—334
Flow, velocity of 315—316 318 331
Fluid, incompressible 387
Flux, eternal 314 335
Focus 276
Force(s) 36 284 427
Force(s) of attraction 284—285
Force(s) of gravitation 213
Force(s), central 288 384
Force(s), field of 371
Force(s), variable 394
Form, abstract 45
Form, binary quadratic 116
Form, homogeneous 120
Form, quadratic differential 200 208 213
Form, quadratic differential, general 201
Formalism 413—415
Formula(s), asymptotic 247
Formula(s), reading of 30
Formula(s), structural 120
Fourier analysis 2
Fourier's theorem 362 367—369
Fourier, J.B.J. xiv 2 5 318 354
Fowler, R.H. xiv 236
Frechet, (R.)M. xv 160
Free will 131
Frege, F.L.G. xv 402—403 412
French Academy of Sciences 210
French Revolution 118
Frequency fractions 376—377
Function(s) 50 321—322 329
Function(s) of a non-denumerable infinity of variables 355
Function(s) of complex variable 87 351
Function(s), analytic 352
Function(s), characteristic 350
Function(s), circular 354
Function(s), discontinuity of 367
Function(s), elliptic modular 185
Function(s), order 235
Function(s), orthogonal 369
Function(s), periodic 354—355 358—359 362 366
Function(s), potential 333
Function(s), propositional 66
Function(s), rational 86
Function(s), special 354—355
Function(s), trigonometric 354
Fundamental 368 369
Fundamental theory, by Eddington 181 271
G.C.D. ("greatest" common divisor) 76 79 80—81
G.C.D. ("greatest" common divisor) for ideals 83
Galaxy 267—268 383
Galileo xv 279 284 399—401
Galois theory 75 237
Galois, E. xv 54—55 75 164—165 172—173 184—187
Games, theory of 355
Gas(es) 267 304 327 384
Gas(es), invisible 118
Gas(es), kinetic theory of 247 268 309
Gas(es), perfect 267
Gas(es), poison 115
Gauss, C.F. xv 1 9 50 68 85 87 115 133 154—155 191 195—196 205 220—223 226—227 236 240 243—244 409
Gelfond, A. xv 245
Generator 273
Genes 381—382
Genesis 291
Gentzen, G. xv 415
Geodesic(s) 41 194 212 263 348
Geometric dimensionality, Pluecker's theory of 142 146—147
Geometrical object 145
Geometry 7 9 22—23 27 97 129—131 201 220—221 260—261 310 346
Geometry of heavens 276
Geometry of manifolds 346
Geometry of space 123
Geometry, abstract 141 158 162—163 214
Geometry, affine 99
Geometry, algebraic 75 91 115
Geometry, analytical 11 101 122 126 135 223 277 320 338 364 384 412
Geometry, any number of dimensions 144
Geometry, Cartesian 126 137—139 149 362 364
Geometry, definitions of 141—145
Geometry, differential 198 252 317
Geometry, discrete 401
Geometry, Euclidean 27 38—40 42 100 135 143 149 182 198 226 311
Geometry, Euclidean, non-Euclidean 144 222
Geometry, four-dimensions 43—44 136
Geometry, infinity of dimensions 44
Geometry, invention of 1
Geometry, kinematical 147
Geometry, Klein's 197
Geometry, language of 135 137 140 147 198 214
Geometry, lattice 99
Geometry, line 147
Geometry, Lobachewsky's 38 40
Geometry, metric 143
Geometry, object of 99
Geometry, physical 214
Geometry, postulates for elementary 34 262—264
Geometry, projective 55 98—99 143 146—150
Geometry, Riemannian 40 202—205 214
Geometry, school see "Geometry Euclidean"