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van Dijk N. — Handbook of Statistics 16: Order Statistics: Theory & Methods
van Dijk N. — Handbook of Statistics 16: Order Statistics: Theory & Methods

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Название: Handbook of Statistics 16: Order Statistics: Theory & Methods

Автор: van Dijk N.


Major theoretical advances were made in this area of research, and in the course of these developments order statistics has also found important applications in many diverse areas. These include life-testing and reliability, robustness studies, statistical quality control, filtering theory, signal processing, image processing, and radar target detection.
Theoretical researchers working on theoretical and methodological advancements on order statistics and applied statisticians and engineers developing new and innovative applications of order statistics have been successfully brought together to create this handbook. For the convenience of readers, the subject matter has been divided into two volumes. This volume focuses on theory and methods, and volume 17 deals primarily with applications. Each volume has been divided into parts, each part specializing in one aspect of order statistics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1 edition

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 721

Добавлена в каталог: 12.04.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Radioactive decay      39
Raghavarao, D.      38 52
Rahman, M.      138 143 266 286 296 308
Rainfall      515
Rainville, E. D.      197 227
Ralescu, S. S.      468 469 471 472 474 483 484
Ramachandran, B.      45 60 231 232 234 235 239 256 259 262 266 283 289
Ramberg, J. S.      41 60 68 71
Ramirez, D. E.      18 23 387-390 392 394 396 398 400 402
Random censoring lS      349 350 368
random records      545
Random trees      559
Randomly disturbed Wiener sheet      674
Randomly perturbed Kiefer process      664
RANGE      25 27 33 36 39 113 119 120 124 125 161 203 204 273 504
Rank order statistics      25
Rank sequence      376 382 383
Rank-weighted mean      348
Ranked-set sampling      488 499 500
Ranking and selection      25 38 39
Ranks      339 340 375 376 553 579 599 605 655
Rannen, M. M.      546 547 560 568
Rao — Shanbhag result      249
Rao, B. R.      204 223
Rao, C. R.      3 4 6 8 10-12 14 16 18 20 22-24 27 29 42 43 45 49 54 55 57 58 61 64 231-240 242 244-257 259 262 266 279 283 286-289 292 402 480 482 512 559 568 648 687
Rao, J. N. K.      255
Raqab, M. Z.      531 568
Rate of cancer      441
Rauhut, B.      293 310
Rayleigh distribution      199-201 218-221 532
Reach statistic      174
Record indicators      532 537 543 548 549 554 556 560
Record spacings      519
Record times      249 516 518 520-525 532-534 537 544-546 550-552 554 557 560
Record values      4 20 45 75 77 81 86 231 248 249 251 293 302 304 488 516-520 523 525 527-529 531 533 534 538-540 543 54 546 550 553 557 559-561
Records      11 19 47 86 326 515-561
Records in sequences with trend      547 553
Recurrence relations      4 9 21 32 46 149-228 257 291 403 412 531
Reeder, H. A.      41 61 67 71
Reflected Weibull distribution      276 300
Reflexive symmetric $g$-inverse      399
Regression analysis      42
Regression coefficients      25 28 488 496
Regression diagnostics      387
Regression function      488 506 508
Regression functionals      339 341 359
Regression quantiles      336 350-352 360
Regression rank scores estimators      352
Regression-equivariance property      350
Regression-scale family      336
Regular functional      338
Regular variation      322
Regularly varying function      552 553
Reid, N.      476 484
Reiss, R. — D.      12 24 33 40 61 287 308 329 331 332 441 462 466-468 470 472 474 482 484 487 493 511 512 566 568 570
Reliability      30 89 90 253 335-338 361 362
Reliability function      363 366
Reliability properties      546
Renewal process      252 545
Repair times      364
Repeated significance testing      356
Resnick, S. I.      12 24 40 47 61 442 447 456 461 516 528 532 537 540 547-549 557-560 563-566 568 569
Response to selection      507
Restrepo, A.      46 50
Restricted family of distributions      105 106
Reverse martingale      346
Reverse sub-martingale property      362
Reynolds, M. R. Jr      605 630
Richter, D.      117 144
Rider, P. R.      29 61
Ridout, M. S.      500 512
Riedel, M.      261 263 267 289
Riemann integration      320
Riemann zeta functions      176
Right corner set increasing (RCSI)      93
Right tail increasing      94 99
Right truncated exponential distribution      132 190 403
Right-truncated Pareto distribution      415
Rinott, Y.      47 61 492 511
Riordan, J.      152 227
Rizvi, M. H.      32 58 151 184 226
Robbins, H.      109 111 143 380 384
Robinson, A.      497 510
Robinson, J.      463 464 466 468 470 472 474 476 478 484
Robust estimates      18 29 45 46 150 336 345 350
Robust inference      17 18 41 150 343 347 348 351 403 404 415 416 419 644
Rogers, B.      545 563
Rogers, G. S.      256
Rogers, L. C. G.      540 565 569
Rogers, M. P.      45 51
Rogers, W. H.      18 21 29 48 150 222
Romano, J. P.      43 461 482 483
Romanovsky, V.      160 227
Ronchetti, E. M.      29 54 476 483
Rootz$\acute{e}$n, H.      12 23 40 58 330 332
Rosenblatt, M.      465 484 591 628
Ross, S.      100 104
Rossberg, H. J.      45 61 239 256 260 261 266 267 269 283 289
Rothe, G.      483
Rothmann, M. D.      377 380 384
Rounding error      161 190
Roussas, G. G.      614 630
Rousseeuw, P. J.      29 54 61 387 402
Roy, J.      42 61
Roy, S. N.      42 43 61
Rubin, H.      239 255 266 283 289
Rubinovitch, M.      516 560 569
Russo, R. P.      377 380 384
Rustagi, J. S.      54 60 104 119 144
Ruymgaart, F. H.      509 510
Rychlik, T.      10 24 33 61 105 106 108-118 120 122-124 126 128 130 132-134 136 138 140-144 257 292
Sackrowitz, H. E.      253 256
Saddlepoint      475
Saddlepoint approximation      444 448 449 451 454 455 458 467 475 476 478
Saddlepoint density      476
Saddlepoint expansion      477 478
Saddlepoint methods      443 479
Salama, I. A.      62 144 562
Saleh, A. K. Md. E.      14 21 190 227 255 295 309 311 371
Samaniego, F. J.      558 559 569
Sample differential      118
Sampling with replacement      444 480
Sampling without replacement      94 100 116 338 467
Sampson, A. R.      104
Samuel — Cahn, E.      47 61 253 256
Samuel, P.      166 227
Samuelson inequality      117
Samuelson, P. A.      117 144
Sandhu, R. A.      41 49 69 71 183 184 223
Sanstrom, A.      506 509 512
Sapatinas, T      264 289
Sarabia, J. M.      326 327 331
Sarhan, A. E.      3 24 26 31 60 62 149 223 225 227 343 372
Sarkar, S. K.      14 24 31 47 62 64
Sarma, Y. R. K.      261 286
Sasvari, Z.      272 289
Sathe, Y. S.      46 62 292 311
Savits, T. H.      104
Scale parameter      30 31 105 112 149 179 208 404 415 416 419 426 441 449 453 499 518
Scale-parameter family      13
Scaled $F$ distribution      400
Scaled Kiefer process      675
Scarsini, M.      86
Schaeffer, L. R.      174 227
Schafter, R. E.      16 23 30 59 150 226
Schechtman, E.      497 512
Scheffe, H.      34 62 149 227
Schlipf, J. S.      41 56 68 71
Schmeiser, B. W.      41 62 68 69 71
Schneider, B. E.      451 462
Schneider, H.      36 62
Schucany, W. R.      41 62 67 68 71
Schweitzer, N.      11 23 45 53 257 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 296 304 306
Score function      344 347 644
Scores      355 467
Scott, C.      190 227
Scott, E. L.      144
Scott, J. M. C.      117 144
Seal, K. C.      38 62 173
Searching Algorithms      554 559
Secretary problem      553 554 559
Seismology      25
Selection differentials      118 119 125 138
Selection procedures      487 488 507
Semi-interquartile range      27
Semiparametric inference      336 354 442 444
Semirange      29
Sen, P.      559 567
Sen, P. K.      12 24 40 46 50 62 101 104 144 225 287 335 337-340 342 344-348 350-362 364 366 368-373 487 498 507 510-512 562
Sendler, W.      483
Seneta, E.      522 526 533 565
Seoh, M.      469 472 484
Separable Gaussian process      591 596-598 624 627
Sequential Bahadur — Kiefer process      682
Sequential empirical distribution function      639
Sequential empirical process      632 638 639 655
Sequential empirical quantile function      639
Sequential order statistics      293 639
Sequential procedure      576 605
Sequential process      633
Sequential quantile process      631 640 642 543 645 648 657 658 660
Sequential ranks      518 535 574 579 604 605 607 609 611 614 655
Sequential testing      356
Sequential uniform Bahadur — Kiefer principle      638
Sequential uniform Bahadur — Kiefer process      637 638 684
Sequential uniform empirical distribution function      631
Sequential uniform empirical process      631 632 657
Sequential uniform empirical quantile function      631
Sequential uniform order statistics      631 641
Sequential uniform quantile process      633 636 640 642
Serfling, R. J.      12 24 40 54 62 344 373 441 462 468 470 471 473 484
Serial correlation      42
Series system      329
Seshadri, V.      45 51 261 272-276 278 286 289 290
Sethuraman, J.      46 60 96 101 102 104 263 276 290
Shah, B. K.      32 62 178 217 218 224 227
Shah, S. M.      269 290
Shaked, M.      7 22 27 33 50 80 81 87 89-92 94-98 100-104
Shanbhag, D. N.      11 24 45 61 231-242 244-257 259 262 283 286 287 289 290 292 559 568
Shanbhag’s lemma      236 283
Shanthikumar, J. G.      7 22 27 33 50 80 81 87 89-92 94-98 100-104
Shao, Q. M.      574 582 583 587 589 590 595 597 626 629 654 657 686
Shape parameter      329 415 416 453
Shapiro — Wilk’s test      18
Shapiro, S. S.      18 24 44 45 62
Sharp bounds      105 119 121 126 127 531
Sheather, S. J.      467 475 483 484
Shewhart, W. A.      36 62
Sheynin, O. B.      30 62
Shifted exponential distribution      243 244 250
Shifted geometric distribution      243 245
Shifts      91
Shimizu, R.      234 247 256 260 262 263 270 271 277 290
Shiryayev, A. N.      614 629
Shorack, G. R.      12 24 40 62 336 350 373 376 381 384 473 484 574 582 589 630 635 636 653 686 687
Shorrock, R. W.      47 62 231 256 516 518 520 521 525 527 533 550 560 569
Shu, V. S.      150 224 227
Shubha      159 225
Sibuya, M.      559 569
Siddiqui — Bloch — Gastwirth estimator      475
Siddiqui, M. M.      45 62 517 534 544 545 563 569
Siegel, A. F.      47 62
Siegmund, D.      380 384
Significance level      443 447 454
Sillitto, G. P.      32 62 151 156 159 160 227
Silverman, B. W.      482 484
Simiu, E.      329 332 562
Simonoff, J. S.      458 462
Simple random sampling      26
Simplified linear estimator      498
Simplified MLEs      499
Simulation algorithms      17 41 65-72 441
Singer, J. M.      336 373
Singh, B.      8 17 22
Singh, K.      480-482 484
Singular decomposition      390
Singular Gaussian distribution      394
Sinha, A. K.      500 512
Sinha, B. K.      372 500
Size biased selection      500
Skewed distribution      153
skewness      127
Skorohod embedding      632
Skorohod space      585 656
Skorohod — Dudley — Wichura theorem      589
Slippage      412 421
Slowly varying function      322
Small sample asymptotic      478
Smirnov, N.      43 62 467-469 484 580 630
Smirnov’s lemma      467-471 473 474 480
Smirnov’s transformation      519 554
Smith, R. L.      41 53 70 71 327 332 441 442 461 462 547 559 569
Smooth $L$-functionals      361
Smooth bootstrap approximation      482
Smooth quantile estimator      344
Smoothed bootstrap      481 482
Snedecor — Fisher distribution      387
snowfall      515
Sobel, M.      38 39 49 50 53 54 258 287
Somerville, P. R.      34 35 62
Sondhauss, U.      489 494 512
Song, R.      490 492 512
Sorting      66
Spacings      11 25 44 70 258 259 261 265 270 271 275 278 295 298 337 338 442 445 446 454 458
span      232 234 237 239 245 250
Speeds of groups of vehicles      559
Sports events      515 553
Sports records      559
Spruill, N. L.      497 504 512
Sreehari, M.      245 256
Srikantan, K. S.      32 62 151 156 227
Srivastava, J. N.      42 62 63
Srivastava, R. C.      255 256 280 282 285 289 290 516 559 567 569
SSD test      37
Stable distributions      45
Stadje, W.      239 240 256
Stahel, W. A.      29 54
Stam, A. I.      540 569
Standardized selection differential      153 174
Star-ordering      76 81 92
Star-relation      134
Star-shaped      76 93
Starshaped ordering      89 134
Stationary $m$-dependent sequence      544
Stationary Gaussian sequences      543
Stationary, strong mixing sequence      548
Statistical modeling      362
Stegun, I. A.      176 205 222 443 461
Step-down procedure      42
Stepanov, A. V.      524 526 529 530 536 537 540 541 559 568 569
Stephens, M. A.      18 22 23 45 51 58 150 151 153 173 223 224 261 274 275 290
Stigler, S. M.      40 63 468 484
Stirling number of the first kind      521
Stirling’s formula      383 479
Stochastic comparisons      103
Stochastic orderings      7 27 89-91 93 94 98 99 101 107 120 561
Stochastic predictors      353
Stochastic process      338 358 585 591 593 54 597 599 600 602 609 610 613 637 663 655 666 674 685
Stochastically increasing      94
Stock market      40
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