Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Bloomfield P., Steiger W. — Least Absolute Deviations |
Предметный указатель |
McCormick, G.F. 273
McDonald, J. 113
Median 17
Median polish 119 120 121 122 123 124 126 128 129
Median polish, finite convergence of 125
Median polish, half-step of 120
Median polish, modified 124
Median polish, safety of 126
Median, conditional 139
Median, low 125
Median, mid- 111 126
Median, weighted 6 9 36 110 199 200 201 203 211 213 242 271
Midmedian 111 126
Midmedian polish 126
Midmedian polish, safety of 126
Minty, G. 167
Modified median polish 124
Monte Carlo experiment 98
Monte Carlo experiment for comparison of LAD algorithms 220 254
Monte Carlo experiment for linear model 64
Monte Carlo experiment for linear program 169 174
Multi-way table 109
Multi-way table, effects in 109 121
Multi-way table, LAD estimator for, statistical properties of 117
Multi-way table, LAD fits for 110
Multi-way table, LAD fits for, uniqueness of 112
Multiple pivot sequences 199
Narula, S.C. 34 273
Natural spline 133
Nelson, P. 75
Normal distribution 65 104
Normal distribution, contaminated 65 99
Normalized gradient 215 244
Normalized steepest edge 212 215
Objective function 152
Objective function, dual 160
One-way table 109
One-way table, LAD fits for 110
One-way table, LAD fits for, uniqueness of 110
Optimal hyperplane 7 52
Optimal partition 264
Optimal solution 152
Orveson, R.M. 34
Osborne, M.R. 33 35 75 259 266 270
Overdetermined equations 237
Pareto distribution 66 67 99 100 226 231
Peck, J.K. 263
Pfaffenberger, R.G. 34
Pivoting 156
Pivoting, multiple 199
Polish see also "Low median polish median mid-median
Polished two-way table 121
Projected gradient 202 203 273
Quandt, R.E. 169 170
Quantile spline 137 140 141
Quantile, conditional 138 139
Quantile, local 141
Quantile, regression 138
R estimator 60 61 62 63
R estimator, central limit theorem for 64
Rabinowitz, P. 271
Rao, M.R. 34
Regression quantile 138
Regression, robust 60
Reinsch, C.H. 131
Residual 1 121
Residual, signs of 16
Rhodes, E.C. 10 34 181
Robbins, H. 75
Robers, P.C. 33 273
Robers, P.D. 161 179 271 272
Roberts, F.D.K. 33 34 183 186 196 197 199 220 272 273 274
Robust regression 60
Robust spline 131
Rosenberg, B. 34
Roughness of a function 132
Row-plus-column decomposition of two-way table 116 119
Ruppert, D. 74
Sadovski, A.N. 11 35 271
Safety of median polish 126
Safety of midmedian polish 126
Sampling behavior of LAD estimator for autoregression 98
Sampling behavior of LAD estimator for linear model 64
| Saunders, P. 274
Schlossmacher, E.J. 34 262 263
Schoenberg, I.J. 131 135 149
Schorr, N.Z. 179
Schrijver, A. 167
Scores 61
Scores, sign 62
Seneta — Steiger algorithm 237
Seneta — Steiger algorithm, comparison with Bloomfield Steiger algorithm 253
Seneta — Steiger algorithm, data structure for 246
Seneta — Steiger algorithm, formal statement of 248
Seneta, E. 11 35 185 237 238 251 254
Sequence, ergodic 39
Sequence, stationary 39
Sharpe, W.F. 34
Sheynin, O.B. 7
Shrinivasan, V. 34
Siegel, A.F. 118 122 123 124 125 130
Sign scores 62
Signs of LAD residuals 16
Simplex method 153 156 176 177 178 184 186
Simplex method, computational complexity of 167 168
Simplex method, pivoting in 156
Sinclair, J.W. 11 33 179 183 186 202 273
Singleton, R.R. 34 181
Slack variable 153 159 160
Smoothing parameter for spline function 136
Smoothing spline 135
Spline Function 131
Spline function, iteratively reweighted least squares algorithm for 144
Spline function, knot of 131 140
Spline function, LAD 135
Spline function, LAD, generalized 137 140
Spline function, least squares 142
Spline function, natural 133
Spline function, quantile 137 140 141
Spline function, robust 131
Spline function, smoothing 135
Spline function, smoothing parameter for 136
Sposito, V.A. 11 34 35 273
Spyropoulos, K. 33 272
Stable distribution 74
Stable distribution, domain of attraction of 75 81 84 98 105 107
Startup phase of Barrodale — Roberts algorithm 186
Startup phase of Bloomfield — Steiger algorithm 212
Stationarity condition for autoregression 77
Stationary sequence 39
Statistical properties of LAD estimator 39
Statistical properties of LAD estimator for multi-way table 117
Steepest edge 187
Steepest edge, normalized 212 215
Steiger, W.L. 11 33 34 35 73 74 75 107 171 183 185 186 212 220 231 234 237 251 254 273
table see also "Multi-way table" "One-way "Two-way
Tolle, J.W. 171
Tukey, J.W. 109 120 150 259
Turner, H.H. 11
Two-way table 115
Two-way table, interaction-free decomposition for 116
Two-way table, interaction-free decomposition of 119
Two-way table, LAD fits for 115 116 123 124
Two-way table, LAD fits for, uniqueness of 128
Two-way table, polished 121
Two-way table, row-plus-column decomposition for 116
Two-way table, row-plus-column decomposition of 119
Uniqueness of LAD fits 6 10 21 23 26
Uniqueness of LAD fits for multi-way table 112
Uniqueness of LAD fits for one-way table 110
Uniqueness of LAD fits for two-way table 128
Usow, K.H. 272 273 274
Utreras, F.I. 131
Wagner, K. 179 182 271
Wahba, G. 131 149 151
Wallace, T.D. 34
Watson, G.A. 33
Wei, C. 2 75
Weighted median 6 9 36 110 199 200 201 203 211 213 242 271
Weisberg, S. 57 76
Wellington, J.F. 34 273
Welsch, R.E. 76 263
Witzgall, C. 179
Wood, F. 270
Yohai, V.J. 107
Young, A. 33 271 272
Zeger, S.L. 145
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