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Beltrametti E.G., Cassinelli G. — The Logic of Quantum Mechanics (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications - Vol 15) |
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Atom of a lattice 98
Baer*-semigroups 178
Baer*-semigroups and orthomodular lattices 177—179
Baer*-semigroups, closed projections of 178
Bell’s inequality 275
Boolean algebra 97
Boolean algebra, partied 267
Boolean algebra, sub algebra of poset 126
Borel sets 4
Center of lattice 128
Certainly-yes domain 142—143
Chain in a lattice 195
Chain in a lattice, f-closed subspaces 233
Closure relation 120 193 201
Closure relation, orthoclosure 202 212
Closure spaces 193
Closure spaces, closed subspaces of 193
Coherent subspaces 48—49
Commutativity in poset 125—128
Commuting self-adjoint operators 19
Complementarity 26 162—164
Composition conditions 258
Composition of physical systems 61—74 256—264
Conditional connective 222
Conditional connective, classical 222
Conditional connective, Mittelstaedt’s. 224
Conditional connective, quantum 222—225
Conditioned probability with respect to Boolean algebra 285—287
Conditioned probability with respect to event 279—283
Conjunction 219—220
Continuous geometry 110
Convex set of states 6 209
Convex set of states, normed functioned on. 209
Convex set of states, polytope 211
Convex set of states, simplex 213
Convex set of states, strong polytope 213
Coordinatization, Hilbert-space 235—237
Coordinatization, vector-space 230—234
Coproduct of lattices 259
Correlation between subsystems 67— 72 81
Correlation between subsystems, coefficient of 68 273
Covering property 98 123 133 230
Cyclic vector 294
de Morgan’s laws 96 221
Density operators 4
Direct product of lattices 131
Direct sum of lattices 131
Disjoint elements 97
Disjunction 220
Distributive triple 97
Dynamical group 53
Dynamical invariance 244
Dynamics 52—58 249—255
Dynamics of subsystems 72—73
Dynamics, Heisenberg picture 56—57 254
Dynamics, Markovian 54 250
Dynamics, reversible 54 251
Dynamics, Schroedinger equation 55—56
Dynamics, Schroedinger picture 53
Dynamics, stationary 54 250
Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen paradox 69— 72
Entropy of a state 287
Euclidean invariance 41—43
Evolution operator 53
Exclusion principle 65
Faces of convex set 210
Faces of convex set, detectable 211
Faces of convex set, orthoclosed 212
Faces of convex set, stable 213
FLATS 195—197
Free particle 37—41
Free particle, 101
Gleason’s theorem 115
Greechie’s examples 102
Hamiltonian of free particle 39 247
Hamiltonian operator 55—56 252—254
Heisenberg inequalities 24—26
Hermitian form 233
Hidden-variable theories 171 265
Hidden-variable theories, Bell’s inequality 275
Hidden-variable theories, Bell’s model of 268—270
Hidden-variable theories, contextual 172—174 175—176 271-276
Hidden-variable theories, Kochen and Specker model of 270—271
Hidden-variable theories, local 271—276
Hidden-variable theories, noncontextual 172—175 265— 271
Identical systems 63—65
Imprimitivity system 244
Induced representations 244
Information of state 287
Involution of field 233
Involutive ring 102
Involutive ring, projections of 103
Involutive semigroup 178
Involutive semigroup, projections of 178
Irreducibility 128 134
Isomorphism of orthomodular lattices 130
Join 96
Joint distributions 23 158
Lattices 97
Lattices, A. C. 95
Lattices, amalgamation 102
Lattices, atomic 98
Lattices, atomistic 98
Lattices, complete 97
Lattices, distributive 97
Lattices, implicative 224
Lattices, irreducible 128
Lattices, modular 98
Lattices, orthomodular 97
Lattices, separable 97
Logic of physical system 149 152
Measurement 79 181
Measurement ideal and of first kind 79 180—187
Measurement process 77—86
Measuring instrument 77—86
Meet 96
Mixtures 7 139
Mixtures, decomposition into pure states 7—12
Mixtures, ignorance interpretation of 11—12
Mixtures, nonunique decomposability 9—12 34—37
Modular geometric lattices 232
Modularity 98 107
Modus ponendo ponens 223
Momentum of free particle 38
Morphism of orthomodular lattices 130
Negation 220—221
Nonseparability 71
| Observables 153
Observables, associated with 155
Observables, bounded 153
Observables, compatible 155
Observables, complementarity 162—164
Observables, complete set of compatible 157
Observables, function of 156—157
Observables, joint distribution of compatible 158
Observables, mean value 154
Observables, spectrum 153 158
Observables, sum of 159—161
Observables, variable 154
Operators commuting self-adjoint 19
Operators commuting self-adjoint, complete set of commuting self-adjoint 21
Operators commuting self-adjoint, density 4
Operators commuting self-adjoint, positive 291
Operators commuting self-adjoint, spectral representation 293
Operators commuting self-adjoint, spectrum 14
Operators commuting self-adjoint, trace-class 291—292
Order relation 96
Orthocomplement 96
Orthocomplementation 96 144
Orthocomplementation, relative 130
Orthomodularity 97 229—230
Paradoxes E. P. R. 69—72
Paradoxes E. P. R., Schroedinger cat 84—86
Pauli matrices 31
Physical quantities compatible 19
Physical quantities compatible, as proposition-valued measures 150
Physical quantities compatible, complementary 26
Physical quantities compatible, complete set of compatible 21
Physical quantities compatible, function of compatible 19
Physical quantities compatible, joint probability distributions 23
Physical quantities compatible, mean value 16
Physical quantities compatible, probability distribution 4—5
Physical quantities compatible, probability distribution in a pure state 8
Physical quantities compatible, variance 17
Polytope 211
Polytope, strong 213
Poset, orthocomplete 97
Poset, orthomodular 97
Position of free particle 38
Probability measures 111
Probability measures and covering property 123—124
Probability measures, convex combination of 112
Probability measures, dispersion-free 155
Probability measures, on 115 117 118 121 122
Probability measures, on 114 116 118 121 122
Probability measures, ordering set of 116
Probability measures, pure 112 122—123
Probability measures, separating set of 116
Probability measures, strongly ordering set of 116
Probability measures, sufficient set of 116
Probability measures, superposition of 120
Probability measures, support of 117
Probability space 172 277
Probability space, generalized 278
Projection postulate von Neumann’s 79
Projection postulate von Neumann’s, Lueders’s 79 182 282—283
Projection-valued measures 294
Projection-valued measures, spectral 4
Projective geometry 232
Projective lattice 232
Proposition-valued measures 150
Propositions 140—142 146—149
Propositions, active picture of 187—188
Propositions, compatible 155—156
Propositions, complementary 162—164
Propositions, lattice of 152—153
Propositions, ordering 142—144
Propositions, orthocomplements 144—146
Propositions, orthogonal 148
Propositions, passive picture of 187—188
Quantum logic 217—225
Quantum superpositions 164—167
Quantum superpositions, exchange property of 167
Random variables 155 277—278
Rank 194—196
Recognition maps 257
Residuated mappings 179
Sasaki projections 99 179
Sasaki projections, properties of 180—181
Schroedinger equation 55—56
Segment of lattice 130
Spectral theorem 293 295
Spectrum continuous 15 158
Spectrum continuous of observables 153
Spectrum continuous of self-adjoint operators 14
Spectrum continuous, point 14 158
Spectrum continuous, simple 294
Spin 30—31
Spin, spin- system 31—34
Spin-statistics connection 65
States of compound systems 65—67
States of subsystems 65—67 (see also “Probability measures”)
States, dispersion-free 155 (see also “Probability measures”)
States, exceptional 268—271 (see also “Probability measures”)
States, mixture 7 (see also “Probability measures”)
States, nonpure 7 139
States, pure 7 140
States, superposition of 8 120 164—167 191—193
States, vector 8 (see also “Probability measures”)
Stone’s theorem 55 245 253
Superposition principle 165
Superselection operators 47
Superselection rules 45—51 167 238—239
Superselection rules and compound systems 73
Superselection rules, continuous 48
Superselection rules, discrete 48
Support 117 299
Tensor product 61 263—264
Tensor product, antisymmetrical 64
Tensor product, symmetrical 64
Trace-class operators 291—292
Transition probability 12 200
Transition-probability spaces 200
Transition-probability spaces, basis of 202
Transition-probability spaces, orthoclosed subsets of 202
Transition-probability spaces, subspaces of 201
Two-slit experiment 283—285
Von Neumann algebras 21 109—110
von Neumann algebras, entropy 287
von Neumann algebras, lattices 110
von Neumann algebras, projection postulate 79
Weights 6 112
Wigner’s theorem 253
Yes-no experiments 137—138 208—210
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