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Bernardo J.M., Smith A.F.M. — Bayesian Theory
Bernardo J.M., Smith A.F.M. — Bayesian Theory

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Название: Bayesian Theory

Авторы: Bernardo J.M., Smith A.F.M.


This highly acclaimed text, now available in paperback, provides a thorough account of key concepts and theoretical results, with particular emphasis on viewing statistical inference as a special case of decision theory. Information-theoretic concepts play a central role in the development of the theory, which provides, in particular, a detailed discussion of the problem of specification of so-called ‘prior ignorance. The work is written from the authorss committed Bayesian perspective, but an overview of non-Bayesian theories is also provided, and each chapter contains a wide-ranging critical re-examination of controversial issues. The level of mathematics used is such that most material is accessible to readers with knowledge of advanced calculus. In particular, no knowledge of abstract measure theory is assumed, and the emphasis throughout is on statistical concepts rather than rigorous mathematics. The book will be an ideal source for all students and researchers in statistics, mathematics, decision analysis, economic and business studies, and all branches of science and engineering, who wish to further their understanding of Bayesian statistics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 586

Добавлена в каталог: 12.04.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Score function, smooth      70 151 399
Scoring rules      see "Score function"
Scott, D.      90 544
Scott, E.L.      480 535
Scott, W.F.      261 531
Scozzafava, R.      9 263 516 544
Sech-squared distribution      see "Logistic distribution"
Secretary problem      61—63
Seeber, G.      10 532
Seidenberg, A.      90 527
Seidenfeld, T.      10 90 91 104 162 373 458 472 525 527 543 544
Sellke, T.      263 475 495
Sen, A.K.      104 544
Sendra, M.      261 511
Sensitivity analysis      160 235 see
Sequential, analysis      5 375
Sequential, decision problem      6 56—57
Sequential, revision of beliefs      47—49
Serfling, R.J.      295 544
Several samples      xiii 211—216 381
Several Samples and Bernoulli, binomial models      211—215 216
Several Samples and multinomial models      216
Several Samples and normal models      216
Shafer, G.      84 99 102 263 394 544
Shannon, C.E.      6 80 91 102 159 544
Shao, J.      350 405 544
Sharpies, L.D.      353 355 516
Shaw, J.E.H.      347 348 349 350 420 426 544 545
Siegel, S.      91 503
Significance testing      xiv 9 262 416 445 475—478 see
Significance testing, inadequacies of      476 479
Significance testing, pure significance test      475
Significance testing, significance level (p-value)      471 474—478 see
Significant event      27 28
Simar, L.      10 373 512 534
Simon, J.C.      10 544
Simple hypothesis      see "Hypothesis"
Simpson's paradox      41 42
Simpson, E.H.      42 544
Singpurwalla, N.D.      10 104 373 374 513 531 533 544 545
Singular distribution      111
Siow, A.      417 554
Sivaganesan, S.      371 545
Skene, A.M.      347 420 426 545
Skilling, J.      10 545
Slate, E.H.      348 526
Slovick, P.      96 375 525
Smith, A.F.M.      vii 10 11 18 103 141 160 183 230 247 263 295 345 346 347 348 350 352 353 354 355 356 368 369 370 373 374 378 417 418 422 424 425 426 488 489 496 497 498 504 506 512 513 515 518 519 522 531 533 535 537 540 541 545 546 547 549 551
Smith, C.A.B.      99 263 394 546
Smith, C.R.      10 510 546
Smith, J.Q.      10 104 374 536 546 554
Smokier, H.E.      10 87 102 528
Smouse, E.P.      374 546
Snedecor distribution      123 124 140 432
Solomonoff, R.J.      485 546
Soubiran, C.      374 541
Soyer, R.      374 544
Spall, J.C.      10 258 362 546
Spectral analysis      10
Spezzaferri, F.      417 543
Spherical quadrature      348
Spherical symmetry      181—183
Spiegelhalter, D.J.      95 103 353 355 417 422 426 488 516 528 545 546 549
Spizzichino, F.      104 236 492 527
Splines      374
Sprott, D.A.      10 455 481 492 517 525
Spun coin, the      279—281
Squared root inverted gamma distribution      119 431
Srinivasan, C.      258 495
St. Petersburg paradox      87
Staeel von Holstein, C.-A.S.      10 375 546
Standard deviation      112
Standard events      29—32 50—52 54
Standard normal distribution      121 123
Standard Student distribution      123
Stangl, D.K.      10 497
Statistic      190
Statistical decision problem      see "Decision Problem"
Statistical inference      see "Inference"
Statistical models      see "Models"
Steel, M.F.J.      371 374 426 530 536 547
Steffey, D.      373 526
Stegun, I.A.      156 489
Stein's paradox      365
Stein, C.      333 361 365 367 446 449 475 523 547
Stelzer, J.      90 508
Stephens, D.A.      352 547
Stewart, L.      350 547
Stigler, S.M.      2 356 357 547
Stigum, B.P.      84 547
Stirling's formula      414
Stochastic approximation      374
Stochastic assumptions      238 239
Stochastic complexity      485 488
Stochastic simulation      264 340 348—356
Stone, M.      103 160 162 362 363 365 367 405 488 504 547 548
Stoney, D.A.      10 489
Stopping rule      xii 7 247—255 367 375
Straight-line model      220 222 382
Strawderman, W.E.      465 541
Strong inconsistency      365
Strong Law of Large Numbers      126 173 182 185 188 286 288
Stroud, A.H.      348 548
Structural assumptions      238 239
Structural inference      459—461
Structured layouts      xii 217 218 381 382
Studden, W.J.      160 502 510
Student distribution      122 123 136 139 239 240 329 335 369 385 416 432 459 462 469 480 see
Subjective probability      ix 2 3 94 99—102
Subjective probability, measurement of      31 32 85
Subjective probability, uniqueness of      35 37 41
Subjectivity      ix xii 2 3 99—102 195 236 237 275 424 425
Sudderth, W.D.      88 90 162 172 485 521 528 548
Sufficiency      247—255 451
Sufficiency, parametric      xii 192 193
Sufficiency, predictive      xii 191—193
Sufficient statistics      7 190—207 462
Sufficient statistics for exponential family      xii 197—207
Sufficient statistics in conjugate analysis      264—285
Sufficient statistics, definition of      191 192
Sufficient statistics, factorization criterion for      193 194
Sufficient statistics, minimal      197
Sugden, R.A.      160 548
Sunahara, Y.      10 374 543
Suppes, P.      11 84 90 91 104 503 527 532 548
Sure-thing principle      26
Survival analysis      5
Susarla, V.      228 548
Sweeting, T.J.      231 289 548
Symmetry      3 7 33 168—170
Symmetry, centred spherical      183—186
Symmetry, complete      169
Symmetry, spherical      181—183
t distribution      see "Student distribution"
Taneja, I.J.      160 536
Tanner, M.A.      353 541 549
Taylor, S.J.      106 527
Teicher, H.      178 501
Teichroew, D.      350 549
Teller, A.H.      356 533
Teller, E.      356 533
Temporal coherence      94
Test procedure      see "Hypothesis testing"
Test statistic      412—417
Testing hypotheses      see "Hypothesis testing"
Thatcher, A.R.      376 549
Thomas, A.      426 549
Thomas, H.      87 91 104 523
Thomas, L.C.      10 513
Thorburn, D.      228 549
Tiao, G.C.      9 230 258 260 360 361 367 370 419 420 498 499 537 539 549
Tibshirani, R.J.      359 371 509 549
Tierney, L.      341 344 353 356 426 526 549
Time series      5 374
Titterington, D.M.      374 549
Tiwari, R.C.      11 510
Tolerance region      484
Torgesen, E.N.      362 549
Trader, R.L.      11 549
Transformation of random quantities      111 113 130—132 246 295—297 344 347 350 358 360
Transformation, elaboration      230 231
Transitivity      24—26 84
Tribus, M.      9 10 530 549
Tritchler, D.      104 535
Truncated exponential distribution, model      200
Tsao, H.J.      373 516
Tsay, R.S.      374 533
Tsui, K.-W.      345 530
Tsutakawa, R.K.      348 512
Turing, A.      390
Turkkan, N.      160 538
Tversky, A.      10 90 96 104 375 509 525 527 531
Two-way layout      217 218
Type 1 and type 2 error probabilities      see "Hypothesis testing"
Unbiased estimation      348 462—465
Uncertainty      2—5 13—16
Uncertainty precise measurement of      31—33
Uncertainty relation      21—38 106—109
Uniform distribution as prior distribution      308 320 356 357
Uniform distribution, conjugate analysis of      438
Uniform distribution, discrete      79 117 308 356
Uniform distribution, inferential process for      468 479 438
Uniform distribution, model      117 349 380 430
Uniform distribution, reference distributions for      311 438
Uniform distribution, sufficient statistics for      199 200 438
Uniformly most powerful test      472 473
Uniqueness of conditional probability measures      41
Uniqueness of probability measures      37
Urbach, P.      10 522
Utility      x xi 6 16 49—75 141—154
Utility and loss functions      256 391 396 445
Utility, axioms for      90 91
Utility, bounded      49—54
Utility, canonical      50 see
Utility, canonical for money      87
Utility, canonical of a probability distribution      x xi 69—75 151—154
Utility, canonical, elicitation of      51 53 54 91
Utility, canonical, expected      see "Expected utility"
Utility, canonical, general      54
Utility, canonical, logarithmic      see "Score function logarithmic"
Utility, canonical, zero-one      389—395
Vaidyanathan, S.      417 526
Value of perfect information      65 66 149
van der Linde, A.      viii
van der Merwe, A.J.      373 549
van der Merwe, C.A.      373 549
van Dijk, H.K.      349 527 549 550
Van Ryzin, J.      228 548
van Zyl, D.      104 506
Vardeman, S.      366 533
Variance      112 113
Venn, J.      100 550
Verbraak, H.L.F.      10 550
Verdinelli, I.      160 418 546 550
Veronese, P.      279 422 501
Viertl, R.      10 550
Villegas, C.      viii 362 460 500 550
von Mises, R.      100 101 550
von Neumann, J.      84 90 91 446 550
Vovk, V.G.      485 550
Vyugin V.V.      485 550
Wahba, G.      228 374 526 550
Wakefield, J.C.      355 551
Wald, A.      375 446 448 450 551
Walder, A.N.      374 532
Walker, A.M.      289 551
Wallace, C.S.      485 551
Wallace, D.L.      9 534
Wallace, M.A.      104 527
Waller, R.A.      10 532
Walley, P.      99 102 371 537 551
Wallsten, T.S.      96 551
Walsh, K.      91 548
Warren-Hicks, W.J.      373 374 553
Wasserman, L.      99 130 367 371 418 501 528 550 551
Weak law of large numbers      126
Wechsler, S.      104 236 492 551
Wedderburn, R.W.M.      488 535
Wedlin, A.      9 502
Weerahandi, S.      104 483 551 554
Wei, L.J.      228 536
Weight of evidence      390
Weighted average form of posterior means      275 276 368
Weighted average form of prediction      384 398
Weighted average of posterior distributions      281 282 387
Weighted average of prior distributions      280 282
Weiss, R.E.      418 551
Welch, B.L.      359 479 551 552
West, M.      viii 10 104 230 366 370 374 375 420 483 520 528 538 539 552
Wetherill, G.B.      374 375 552
White, D.J.      10 104 513 552
Whittle, P.      162 228 552
Wichmann, D.      9 552
Wiener, N.      91 552
Wild, P.      355 516
Wilkinson, G.N.      458 553
Wilks, S.S.      133 553
Willing, R.      481 553
Wilson, J.      104 553
Wilson, R.B.      104 553
Wilson, S.P.      373 545
Winkler, R.L.      9 104 375 397 420 501 509 553
Winsten, C.B.      250 455 492
Wishart distribution      138—140 435
Wishart distribution as prior distribution      441
Witmer, J.A.      376 553
Wolfowitz, J.      480 526
Wolpert, R.L.      10 250 350 371 373 374 495 528 553
Wong, C.-M.      374 491
Wong, W.H.      341 353 549 553
Wooff, D.A.      426 553
Wright, D.E.      262 348 506 553
Wright, G.      375 519
Wrinch, D.H.      90 322 553
Wu, C.-F.      10 498
Yaglom, A.M.      10 553
Yaglom, I.M.      10 553
Ye, K.      338 367 553 554
Yilmaz, M.R.      96 554
Ylvisaker, D.      188 273 276 279 283 507
Young, K.S.      417 538
Young, S.C.      104 554
Youtz, C.      81 534
Yu, P.L.      104 554
Zabell, S.L.      94 507
Zanotti, M.      90 548
Zeckhauser, R.      104 523
Zeleny, M.      104 501
Zellner, A.      10 11 43 90 263 361 362 417 483 511 514 517 554
Zero-one, discrepancy      xiv 413 414
Zero-one, utility      xiii 389—395
Zidek, J.V.      11 104 362 363 374 483 499 504 506 515 551 554
Zionts, S.      104 517
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