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Hohenberg P.C. — Theory of dynamic critical phenomena
Hohenberg P.C. — Theory of dynamic critical phenomena

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Название: Theory of dynamic critical phenomena

Автор: Hohenberg P.C.


An introductory review of the central ideas in the modern theory of dynamic critical phenomena is
followed by a more detailed account of recent developments in the field. The concepts of the conventional
theory, mode-coupling, scaling, universality, and the renormalization group are introduced and are
illustrated in the context of a simple example—the phase separation of a symmetric binary fluid. The
renormalization group is then developed in some detail, and applied to a variety of systems. The main
dynamic universality classes are identified and characterized. It is found that the mode-coupling and
renormalization group theories successfully explain available experimental data at the critical point of pure
fluids, and binary mixtures, and at many magnetic phase transitions, but that a number of discrepancies
exist with data at the superfluid transition of 4He.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Термодинамика, статистическая физика/Фазовые переходы/

Статус предметного указателя: Нет и не будет

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Год издания: 1977

Количество страниц: 45

Добавлена в каталог: 10.09.2005

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