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Henkel M. — Conformal Invariance and Critical Phenomena
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Название: Conformal Invariance and Critical Phenomena
Автор: Henkel M.
Аннотация: This book provides an introduction to conformal field theory and a review of its applications to critical phenomena in condensed-matter systems. After reviewing simple phase transitions and explaining the foundations of conformal invariance and the algebraic methods required, it proceeds to the explicit calculation of four-point correlators. Numerical methods for matrix diagonalization are described as well as finite-size scaling techniques and their conformal extensions. Many exercises are included. Applications treat the Ising, Potts, chiral Potts, Yang-Lee, percolation and XY models, the XXZ chain, linear polymers, tricritical points, conformal turbulence, surface criticality and profiles, defect lines and aperiodically modulated systems, persistent currents and dynamical scaling. The vicinity of the critical point is studied culminating in the exact solution of the two-dimensional Ising model at the critical temperature in a magnetic field. Relevant experimental results are reviewed.
Рубрика: Физика /Термодинамика, статистическая физика /Квантовые методы /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1999
Количество страниц: 433
Добавлена в каталог: 10.09.2005
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
-theorem 283
-expansion 22 24 326
algebra 159
ADE classification 207 223
ADE model 216 300
ADE model from Dynkin diagram 29
ADE model, dilute 217 301
ADE model, dilute, free energy for model 301
ADE model, dilute, order parameter 301
ADE model, order parameter 300
ADE model, related models 29
Adjacency matrix 28 216
Affine extension see "Kac — Moody algebra"
Affine Lie algebra see "Kac — Moody algebra"
Affine Toda theory 296
Amplitude see "Critical amplitude"
Amplitude-exponent relation 75 331 351 361
Amplitude-exponent relation in 3D 258 259
Amplitude-exponent relation, non-linear 283
Anisotropic local scaling 377
Anisotropy exponent 20 42 369
ANNNI model 369
ANNNO(n) model 370
ANNNS model 370 381 382
Anomalous thresholds 292
Anomaly 57
Antiferromagnet 336
Aperiodic modulation 362
Arnoldi algorithm 170
Ashkin — Teller model 230 313 340
Ashkin — Teller model, operator content 234
Ashkin — Teller model, quantum chain phase diagram 233
Ashkin — Teller model, relation to defect line 360
Ashkin — Teller model, surface operator content 340
Associativity of the OPE 108
Average value 5 375
beta function 236
Bethe ansatz equations 302
Block spin 11
Blume — Capel model 16 221
BMKD algorithm 169
Boltzmann constant 4
Boltzmann weight 28
Bootstrap equation 292
Bound states 292
Boundary operator 345
BST algorithm 174
Bulk scaling amplitudes 279
C-parity 159
c-theorem 280 281
Callan — Symanzik beta function 236 281
Cappelli — Itzykson — Zuber — Kato theorem 207
Casimir effect 61 77
Central charge 56 77 78 331 354
Central charge of Coulomb gas 133
Central charge, c, from specific heat 77
Central charge, effective 228
Central charge, free boson 78 130
Central charge, Ising model 193 335
Central charge, k, from susceptibility 241
Central extension see "Central charge"
CHARACTER 87 88 97—99 189
Charge conjugation operator 158 230
Charge operator 158
Charge sector 158
Charge U(1) 131 248 308
Chemisorption 31
Circle models 212
Classification of modular invariant partition functions, minimal models with c < 1 207
Classification of modular invariant partition functions, models with c = 1 215
Clock model 19
Column geometry 259
Compactification radius 212
Compactification, circle 212
Compactification, orbifold 213 230
Conformal algebra, generators 47 62 242 327
Conformal anomaly see "Central charge"
Conformal block 108 see
Conformal group 45
Conformal group, analytic functions 46
Conformal invariance 4 49 54 326 351
Conformal normalization 163 188 199 262 332 339 359
Conformal perturbation theory 263
Conformal tower 85 86 163 194 263 266 354 359
Conformal transformations 45
Conformal transformations, angle-preserving 45
Conformal transformations, projective 48 51 244 326
Conformal turbulence 254
Conformal turbulence, minimal model 257
Conformal weights 48 213
Conservation law 287 288
Conservation law, absence for perturbation 313
Conservation law, energy-momentum tensor 55
Convergence of DMRG algorithm 181
Convergence of finite-size amplitudes 171
Convergence of finite-size sequences, linear 173
Convergence of finite-size sequences, logarithmic 173
Convergence of Lanczos algorithm 168
Corner exponent 367
Correction exponent 72 81 156 264
Correlation function see "Two-point function" "Three-point "Four-point
Correlation functions, covariance 7 44 49
Correlation functions, differential equation 103
correlation length 2 5 41 68 222 279
Coulomb gas 127 248 309
Coulomb gas and minimal models 134
Coulomb gas, correlators 134
Coulomb gas, screened 132 134
Coxeter exponents 29 209 296
Coxeter number 29 209 216 296
Critical amplitude 67 304
Critical amplitude, universal ratio 304
Critical dynamics 370
Critical exponents 6 21 220 324
Critical exponents, bulk 6
Critical exponents, definition 6
Critical exponents, finite-size estimates 162 331
Critical exponents, non-equilibrium 384
Critical exponents, surface 324
Critical exponents, tricritical 15
Critical point 3
Cross-over exponent 363
Crossing condition 107 108 120 292
Dangerous irrelevant scaling field 68
Defect line 350
Defect line exponents 350
Defect strength 350
Density matrix renormalization group 177
Detailed balance 375
Dihedral group 158
Dihedral group 158 230 264
Dihedral group and breaking of rotation invariance on square lattice 278
Dihedral group , irreducible representations 232
Dilatation 11 45 46
Dipolar interactions 13 32
Directed percolation 176 371
Discretized energy and momentum 148 163 191
Disorder line 187 199 259 383
dispersion relation 77 163 188 196 244 380 382
DMRG algorithm 177
DMRG algorithm, finite system 179
DMRG algorithm, infinite system 178
Droplet picture 3
Dual bond 18
Dual coupling 18
Dual lattice 18
Dual site 18
Duality 17 20 67 151 153 159 182 188
Dynamical exponent 370 see
Dynamical scaling function 371
Dynamical symmetry 83 148 225 331
Dynkin diagram 28
Eigenvalues 167
Eigenvectors 168
Elastic scattering 289
Energy density on the lattice 242
Energy density, surface exponent 332
Energy spectrum, turbulence 255
Energy-momentum tensor 54 86 129 133 280 356 374
Enstrophy 255—257
Euler pentagonal theorem 209
Euler relation 18
Experiment 2 3 13 14 21
Experiment, bulk exponents in 2D 30
Experiment, central charge 241
Experiment, classical 2D and quantum (1+1)D systems 14
Experiment, finite-size scaling in 2D 81
Experiment, finite-size scaling in 3D 78
Experiment, reaction-diffusion in 1D 375 384
Experiment, surface exponents in 3D 326
Experiment, Yang — Lee zeroes 23
EXPONENT see "Critical exponents"
Exponent inequalities 10
Extended conformal algebras 226
Extraordinary transition 323 333 335 368
Extrapolation algorithms see "BST-algorithm" "VBS-algorithm"
Extrapolation length 322
Extreme anisotropic limit see "Hamiltonian limit"
Fermion number operator 184
Fibonacci sequence 362
Finite group, cyclic 19
Finite group, dihedral 158
Finite group, permutation 17
Finite sizes, relation to inverse temperature 40
Finite-lattice extrapolation 173
Finite-size corrections 71 197 263 268
Finite-size corrections from conformal tower of the identity 266
Finite-size scaling 63—68 75 77 161 162 274 330
Finite-size scaling amplitude 70 75 191 259 331 334 337
Finite-size scaling functions 70 197 198 270—272 274 298 312 316
Finite-size scaling limit 67 264
Finite-size scaling region 65 67
Finite-size scaling variables 70 264
First intersection 94
Fixed point 11
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 7 370
Form factor 304
Four-point function 52 103 107 117 120 122 124 134 136 137
Free boson 78 127 209 see
Free boundary conditions 64 78 162 333
Free energy 5 40 63 68 76 191 279 301 322 325
Free energy density 7
Free energy, surface 64 322
Free fermion 82 see
Free Parisi — Sourlas field theory 254
Friedan — Qiu — Shenker theorem 94
Frobenius series 116
Fuchs differential operator 114
Fuchs theorem 116
Galilei invariance 373
Generating function of lattice animals 251
Generating function of polymers 27 250
Generating function of the partitions of the integers 189
Geometric phase transition 24
Glauber dynamics 375 383
Global symmetry 17 19 21 158 160 184 221 229 230 232 338
Goddard — Kent — Olive theorem 97
Half-filling 364
Half-partition function 240
Hamiltonian limit 141 143 147 157 230
Heisenberg model 22 80 241 260
Highest weight of Kac — Moody algebra 131
Highest weight of superconformal algebra 225
Highest weight of Virasoro algebra representations 85
Hilhorst — van Leeuwen model 361 367
history 13 31
Hubbard — Stratonovich transformation 144
Hypergeometric function 115 116 118 126 135 140 269
Hypergeometric function, asymptotics 380
Hyperscaling 10 20 69 70 325
Hyperuniversality 70
Ideal bose gas 78
Ideal Fermi gas 82
Integrability 288
IRF model 28 216
Irrelevant see "Scaling field"
Irrelevant scaling field 71 263
Ising lattice gas 13
Ising metamagnet 16 221
Ising model 1 13 34 35 95 117 139 141 171 183 210 240 242 258 264 267 271 272 288 294 297 298 305 317 332 336 351
Ising model, (1+1)D see "Ising quantum chain"
Ising model, (2+1)D 161 258
Ising model, antiferromagnetic 336
Ising model, in magnetic field at 288 296 298 301
Ising model, operator content 196
Ising model, operator content with a defect line 357
Ising model, random 349
Ising model, relation with diluted model 301
Ising model, relation with RSOS model 30
Ising model, surface operator content 335
Ising quantum chain 14 143 147 183 245 298 351
Ising quantum chain, aperiodic 362
Ising quantum chain, diagonalization 184 333 352
Ising quantum chain, Glauber dynamics in 1D 383
Ising quantum chain, multispin interactions 181
Ising quantum chain, phase diagram 187
Ising quantum chain, spin S = 1 198
Ising uniaxial magnet 13
Jordan — Wigner transformation 184
Kac formula 93 96 97 155 156 189 227
Kac formula from Coulomb gas 133
Kac formula, non-unitary 227
Kac formula, superconformal 225
Kac table see "Kac formula"
Kac — Moody algebra 28 129 216 241 355 356
Kac — Moody algebra, shifted 342 357
Kinetic Ising model 375 383
Kinetic spherical model 376
Lanczos algorithm 163—169
Lanczos algorithm, convergence 167
Lanczos algorithm, Fortran code 164
Lanczos algorithm, re-orthogonalization 168
Landau — Ginzburg — Wilson 146 154
Latent heat 68 161
Lattice animal 251 367
Lattice momentum 149 162
Level of Kac — Moody algebra 129
Level of Virasoro algebra representation 85 87 189
Lie superalgebra 224
Lieb, Schultz, Mattis technique 185 333 352
Lifshitz point 370 381
Local scale invariance 371 377
Logarithmic operators 243
Logarithmic transformation 74 149 331 351
Loop algebra 47
Luck criterion 362 363
Magnetic field 1 298 311
Magnetic field, complex 23
Magnetic field, staggered 14
magnetization see "Order parameter"
Manhattan lattice 310
Marginal see "Scaling field"
Marginal scaling field 286 308 351
Mass ratios from factorizable S-matrix 294—297
Mass ratios, numerical 300 302 313 316
Mass term 373 378
Master equation 375
Metamagnet 16
Metric factor 68 198 331
Minimal models 90 93 96 134