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Blunt L., Jiang X. — Advanced Techniques for Assessment Surface Topography: Development of a Basis for 3D Surface Texture Standards "Surfstand"
Blunt L., Jiang X. — Advanced Techniques for Assessment Surface Topography: Development of a Basis for 3D Surface Texture Standards "Surfstand"

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Название: Advanced Techniques for Assessment Surface Topography: Development of a Basis for 3D Surface Texture Standards "Surfstand"

Авторы: Blunt L., Jiang X.


This publication deals with the latest developments in the field of 3D surface metrology and will become a seminal text in this important area.

It has been prepared with the support of the European Community's Directorate General XII and represents the culmination of research conducted by 11 international partners as part of an EU-funded project. The aim of the project is to inform standards bodies of the possibilities that exist for a new international standard covering the field of 3D surface characterisation.

The book covers a description of the proposed 3D surface parameters and advanced filtering techniques using wavelet and robust Gaussian methodologies. The next generation areal surface characterisation theories are discussed and their practical implementation is illustrated. It describes techniques for calibration of 3D instrumentation, including stylus instruments as well as scanning probe instrumentation. Practical verification of the 3D parameters and the filtering is illustrated through a series of case studies which cover bio-implant surfaces, automotive cylinder liner and steel sheet. Finally, future developments of the subject are alluded to and implications for future standardisation and development are discussed.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 355

Добавлена в каталог: 11.04.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Real surface, workpiece of a      1
Regression filter, 3D      72
Regression filter, 3D, nth order      74
Regression filter, constants      90
Regression filter, form of $2^{nd}$ order, 3D Gaussian      77
Regression filter, Gaussian      81
Regression filter, Gaussian, 3D parameter study and, application of      85
Regression filter, Gaussian, robust      82
Regression filter, Gaussian, zero order of      76
Remove point connected      51
Ringing      180
Root-mean-square, deviation of the surface      20
Root-mean-square, slope, assessed topographic surface of the      27
Root-mean-square, surface roughness      6
Rough, wavy, form surfaces and      106
Roughness characterisation, full 2D, 3D and      249
Roughness depth, core      32
Roughness measurements, 2D and 3D surface      210
Roughness parameters, surface, friction and      207
Roughness parameters, surface, relation to functional demands      197
Roughness waviness, form and      3
Roughness, average, centre line      6
Roughness, average, surface      6
Roughness, surface, root-mean-square of      6
Running-in lengths      65
Running-out lengths      65
S-parameter      19 20
S-parameter, set      20
Saddle point      47 50
Scan speed      179
Significant events      49
Skewness of topography height distribution, Ssk      20
Sliding velocity      258
Slope-based definitions      50
Spaced twin groove spaced specimen (ER1)      130
Spacing parameters      23
Sphere/plane      148 166
Sphere/plane, intersection centre      148
Sphere/plane, standard      166
Sq, root-mean-square deviation of the surface      20
Ssk, skewness of topography height distribution      20
Static noise      168
Steel products, textured sheet functionality, characterisation of      249 et seq
Steel sheet topography      211
Steel sheet topography, measurement, functionality and      203
Steel sheets, uncoated frictional study      207
Steel, stainless, flat products, 2B finish on, characterisation of      239
Structured surfaces      12 343
Structured surfaces, pattern analysis      343
Stylus, optical instrumentation and      119 et seq
Stylus, optical instrumentation and, calibration procedures      119 et seq
Sudden jumps      178
Summits of the surface, 3D, characterisation      1 et seq
Summits of the surface, 3D, characterisation, techniques, standardised 2D techniques with      197 et seq
Summits of the surface, application, bearing      333
Summits of the surface, creation      4
Summits of the surface, density of      23
Summits of the surface, density of summits      23
Summits of the surface, filtering, 3D      72
Summits of the surface, filtering, robust      79
Summits of the surface, ground, evaluation of      87
Summits of the surface, integrity      2
Summits of the surface, lowest valley of the      22
Summits of the surface, maximum height of the topographic      22
Summits of the surface, metrology, 3D, automotive engine bore performance using      307 et seq
Summits of the surface, metrology, future developments in      339 et seq
Summits of the surface, milled, evaluation of      86
Summits of the surface, nature of      1
Summits of the surface, nominal      2
Summits of the surface, peak height, maximum      22
Summits of the surface, plateau honed, evaluation of      87
Summits of the surface, profile, electronic      5
Summits of the surface, real, workpiece of      1
Summits of the surface, root-mean-square, deviation      20
Summits of the surface, root-mean-square, slope of topographic      27
Summits of the surface, roughness, average      6
Summits of the surface, roughness, measurements 2D, 3D and      210
Summits of the surface, roughness, parameters, friction and      207
Summits of the surface, roughness, parameters, relation to functional demands      197
Summits of the surface, roughness, root-mean-square of      6
Summits of the surface, ten point height of the      29
Summits of the surface, texture      2
Summits of the surface, texture, aspect ratio, surface of      24
Summits of the surface, texture, knowledge support - ISM      325 et seq
Summits of the surface, texture, syntactical relational description      46
Summits of the surface, texture, toolbox      341
Summits of the surface, topography      2 221
Summits of the surface, topography, 3D, functional performance and      316
Summits of the surface, turned, evaluation of      86
Summits of the surface, wavelength, bandwidth of      18
SURFSTAND project      9
Tactile instruments      119
Test processing      168
Texture primitives, segmentation and      46
Texture, aspect ratio, surface of the      24
Texture, direction      30
Textured sheet steel products      249 et seq
Textured sheet steel products, functionality, characterisation and      250 et seq
Thermal drift      177
Three dimensional measurement, processing of      145
Three dimensional measurement, test      140
Three dimensions, calibration of synthesis of      135
TiN coated plates, wear of UHMWPE      227
TIP      180
Tip, sample compression      180
Tip, shape      180
Topographic surface, assessed, root-mean-square slope      27
Topographic surface, maximum height      22
Topography, ball bearing      215
Topography, characterisation of, numerical parameters      17
Topography, cylinder liner      213
Topography, cylinder liner, functionality and      198
Topography, height distribution, kurtosis of      21
Topography, height distribution, skewness of      20
Topography, steel sheet      211
Topography, steel sheet, measurement, functionality and      203
Topography, surface      221
Topography, surface, 3D, functional performance and      316
Translation mechanisms, optical instruments driven by      120
Triangulation      53
Tribological test rigs      263
Turned surface, evaluation of      86
Twin net, specimen with      131
Type 2 instruments, type 1 and      127
Type 2 instruments, type 1 and, calibration      127
UHMWPE, of TiN coated plates      227
UHMWPE, wear of      227
UHMWPE, wear of, TiN coated plates      227
V-parameter set      19 30
Valley void volume      34
Valley, depth parameters      6
Valley, height, reduced      32
Valley, lowest, surface of the      22
Verification tests      167
Verification tests, acceptance, periodical and      167
Vertical amplitudes, calibration of      127
Vertical amplitudes, calibration, atomic force microscope of      190
virtual      47
Virtual peak      47
Virtual pit      47
Vivo wear, orthopaedic inplants, multiscalar wavelets using      243
Void, volume parameters, material      32
Void, volume, valley      34
Volume parameters, material/void      32
Volume, core, material      33
Volume, core, void      33
Volume, peak material      32
Volume, valley void      34
Watershed merging      56
Wavelet analysis      238
Wavelet analysis, machining assessment, journal bearings of      234
Wavelet theory      92
Wavelet, bi-orthogonal, first      95
Wavelet, bi-orthogonal, second generation      100
Wavelet, cubic-spline      102
Wavelet, prototype      93
Wavelets, multi-scalar      243 245
Wavelets, multi-scalar, morphological assessment using      245
Wavelets, multi-scalar, orthopaedic implants using in vivo wear      243
Waviness, roughness, form and      3
Wavy, rough, form surfaces and      106
Wear      202 227 230 243
Wear in vivo orthopaedic implants, multi-scalar wavelets using      243
Wear ranking, hard on hard bearings of prosthetic hip joints      230
Wigner distribution      92
Wigner — Ville distribution      92
Wolf pruning      55
Workpiece, real surface of      1
World Wide Web/Internet      331
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