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Blunt L., Jiang X. — Advanced Techniques for Assessment Surface Topography: Development of a Basis for 3D Surface Texture Standards "Surfstand" |
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(ER3), specimen with circular groove 132
16% rule 343
2B finish, characterisation of 239
2B finish, stainless steel flat products on 239
2D and 3D parameters, comparison 206
2D and 3D roughness characterisation, full 249
2D and 3D surface roughness measurements 210
2D and 3D, dispersion in 216
2D profile filtering 65
2D profile filtering, regression filter 65 67
3D approach 7
3D characterisation, uncertainties in 216
3D functional surfaces, extraction 109
3D Gaussian regression form filter, order 77
3D Gaussian regression form filter, order of 77
3D Gaussian regression form filter, parameter study and, application of 85
3D morphological feature surfaces 110
3D parameters, 2D and comparison 206
3D plasticity index 250
3D plasticity index, dominant summits of 298
3D regression filter 72
3D regression filter, n-th order 74
3D relevant surfaces 106
3D roughness characterisation, full 2D and 249
3D surface characterisation 1 et seq
3D surface characterisation techniques, standardised 2D technique 197 et seq
3D surface filtering 72
3D surface metrology, automotive engine bore, performance using 307 et seq
3D techniques, standardised relationship with 2D surface characterisation techniques 197
3D topography, functional performance and 316
Abbott — Firestone curve 19
Amplitude parameters 20
Analysing filters 95
Anodised extruded aluminium 58
Areal characterisation technique, combination 48
Areal characterisation technique, material ratio curve parameters, linear 30
Areal characterisation technique, novel 43 et seq
Areal characterisation technique, segment combination 48
Arithmetic mean summit curvature 25
Atomic force microscopes (AFM’s), calibration, lateral 184
Atomic force microscopes (AFM’s), calibration, procedures 175 et seq
Atomic force microscopes (AFM’s), calibration, vertical 190
Atomic force microscopes (AFM’s), equipment, error sources measured using 175
Auto-correlation length, fastest decay 24
Automotive engine bore performance, 3D surface metrology using 307 et seq
Automotive engine bore performance, industry 11
Average roughness center line 6
Average roughness center line, surface 6
Ball bearing topography 215
Beamlet concept 304
Bearing ratio curve 19
Bearing surface application 333
Bending-under-tension (BUT) test, forming process 207
Bending-under-tension (BUT) test, friction, correlation to 208
Bi-orthogonal wavelet 95 100
Bi-orthogonal wavelet, first 95
Bi-orthogonal wavelet, second generation 100
Biomedical industry 12
Birmingham 14 parameters 17
Blow-by 201
Brick wall, linear phase 99
Calibration mode, mathematical study of 152
Calibration principle 144
Calibration procedures, atomic force microscopes 175 et seq
Calibration procedures, specimen, ES1, tests of 136
Calibration procedures, stylus, optical instrumentation and 119 et seq
Calibration procedures, three dimensions of the, synthesis of 135
Calibration procedures, type 2 instruments, type 1 and 127
Calibration procedures, vertical, amplitudes 127
Calibration procedures, vertical, atomic force microscope of 190
Calibration, horizontal drives 129
Calibration, lateral, atomic force microscope 184
Cantilever relaxation time 180
Centre line average roughness 6
Change tree 48 55 304
Change tree, pruning 55
Change tree, system 304
Circular groove 132 164 166
Circular groove, specimen with (ER3) 132
Class space 44
Closed path, based definitions, local 50
Closed path, separation 51
Cold welding, galling behaviour and 259
Component, functional performance, control of 43
Contact measurement techniques, optical and 203
Continuous data, critical points 50
Contour lines 54
Core, material volume 33
Core, roughness depth 32
Core, void volume 33
Cubic-spline wavelet 102
Curve 19 30 35
Curve parameters, linear areal material ratio 30
Curve related parameters 35
Curve, Abbott — Firestone 19
Curve, bearing ratio 19
Cylinder liner topography 198 213
Cylinder liner topography, functionality and 198
Database information, distribution of in network 330
DBS (draw bead simulator), multi-strip approach 249 302
DBS (draw bead simulator), multi-strip approach, test 272 273 280
DBS (draw bead simulator), multi-strip approach, test, galling 280
DBS (draw bead simulator), multi-strip approach, test, procedure 272
DBS (draw bead simulator), multifrottement 269
DBS (draw bead simulator), multifrottement, test 265
Default rules 342
Developed interfacial area ratio 27
Dominant summits 250
Duality principle 342
Dynamometers, engine tests 307
Electronic surface profile 5
Electronics, MEMS industry and 12
Engine bore performance, automotive, 3D surface metrology 307 et seq
Engine bore performance, automotive, bores, functional testing 314
Engine bore performance, automotive, tests, dynamometers 307
Engineering surfaces, description of 81
ER type standards 164
Error sources, measured using AFM equipment 175
ES standards 166
ES1, calibration specimen, tests of 136
ES1, master 141
Estimators, robust 84
Euler criterion 51
Extraction sampling procedure 341
Fastest decay auto-correlation length 24
Feedback loop scan speed 179
Field parameters 19 43
Filter regression, 2D and 3D 65 67 72
Filter, Gaussian, advanced 63 et seq
Filter, Gaussian, ISO 11562 63
Filter, Gaussian, regression, form of order, 3D 77
Filter, Gaussian, regression, parameter study, application of 85
Filter, Gaussian, regression, zero order of 76
Filtering profile, 2D 65
Filtering profile, robust 70
Filtering techniques, robust 81
Filtering, 3D regression 72
Filters 63 et seq 95
Filters, analysing 95
Filters, Gaussian, advanced 63 et seq
Filtration 221 341
Filtration, numerical parameters and 221
Flat-cylindrical tool set-up 251
Flat-cylindrical tool set-up, -flat tool 251
Flat-cylindrical tool set-up, die multifrottement 267
Force detection system 178
Form roughness, waviness and 3
Form surfaces, rough, wavy and 106
| Fourier transform 92
Fractal 29
Fractal, dimension 29
Fractal, parameter 29
fretting 226
Friction, surface roughness parameters and 207
Functional diagnostics 43
Functional performance, 3D surface topography and 316
Functional performance, component, of the 43
Functional performance, prediction 43
Functional performance, surfaces, extraction of 3D 109
Functional performance, testing, engine bores 314
Gabor transform 92
Galling severity 249
Galling severity index (GSI) 289 303
Galling test, DBS multi-strip 280
Galling test, device 263
Galling, behaviour, cold welding and 259
Gaussian filter, filters, advanced 63 et seq
Gaussian filter, ISO 11562 63
Gaussian filter, regression 81
Gaussian filter, regression form, order of, 3D 77
Gaussian filter, regression, 3D, parameter study and application of 85
Gaussian filter, regression, zero order of 76
Gaussian filter, robust 82
Geometrical product specifications and verification (GPS) system 339 340
Geometrical product specifications and verification (GPS) system, next generation 340
Grinding wheel 57
Ground surface, evaluation of 87
Hard on hard bearings, wear ranking of 230
Hard on hard bearings, wear ranking of, prosthetic hip joints 230
Height, maximum, topographic surface of the 22
Height, reduced, peak 32
Height, reduced, valley 32
Height, ten point, surface of the 29
Horizontal drives, calibration of 129
Hybrid parameters 25
Image bow 177
Insignificant events 49
Instrument verification 119
Internet/World Wide Web 331
Intersection plane/sphere, specimen 133 134
Intranet 331
ISM surface texture knowledge support 325 et seq
ISM surface texture knowledge support system 327
ISO 11562 Gaussian filter 63
ISO14460-1 1
Java-JDBC 333
Journal bearings, machining assessment of 234
Journal bearings, machining assessment of, wavelet analysis 234
Knowledge-based expert system 328
Knowledge-based expert system, database 329
Knowledge-based expert system, structure (expert) 329
Kurtosis of topography height distribution 21
L12-design 253
Lateral calibration, atomic force microscope 184
Lattice data, critical points 51
Least-squares ellipse 154 158
Least-squares ellipse, robust 158
Light-section microscope 5
Line-wise levelling 189
Linear areal material ratio curve parameters 30
Linear areal material ratio curve parameters, phase, brick wall 99
Local closed path based definitions 50
Located property 99
Lowest valley of the surface 22
Machining assessment, journal bearings of 234
Machining assessment, journal bearings of, wavelet analysis 234
Manufacturing process, control of 43 et seq
Master certification 144
Master ESI 141
Material/void volume parameters 32
Matt finish femoral stems 221
Max rule 343
Measurand 341
Measurement errors 120
Measurement techniques, optical, contact and 203
MEMS industry, electronics and 12
Metrology instrumentation industry 12
Milled surface, evaluation of 86
Mode switching 181
Morphological assessment, multi-scalar wavelets using 245
Morphological feature surfaces, 3D 110
Multi-scalar filtration methodologies 91 et seq
Multi-scalar filtration methodologies, wavelets orthopaedic implants using, in vivo wear 243
Multi-scalar filtration methodologies, wavelets, morphological assessment using 245
Multifrottement flat die 267
Multifrottement test 251 264
Multifrottement test, DBS 265
N-th order, 3D regression filter 74
Named lifting factors 104
Nominal surface 2
Novel areal characterisation techniques 43 et seq
Numerical parameters, characterisation of topography 17
Numerical parameters, filtration and 221 et seq
Observable measurements 44
Ockham’s razor 47
Oil consumption 201
Optical instrumentation, stylus and, calibration procedures 119 et seq
Optical instruments, translation mechanisms driven by 120
Optical interference 178
Optical measurement techniques, contact and 203
Optimol SRV 266 271
Orthogonality 177
Orthopaedic implants, multi-scalar wavelets using 243
Orthopaedic implants, multi-scalar wavelets using, in vivo wear 243
Parallel groove standard, double net of 164 166
Parallel groove standard, two 164 165
Parameter study, 3D Gaussian regression filter, application of 85
Parameter, fractal 29
Parameter, S-, set 19 20
Parameter, V-, set 19 30
Parameters, 2D, 3D and comparison 206
Parameters, amplitude 20
Parameters, Birmingham 14 17
Parameters, curve related 35
Parameters, field 19 43
Parameters, hybrid 25
Parameters, linear areal material ratio curve 30
Parameters, material/void volume 32
Parameters, numerical, characterisation of topography 17
Parameters, numerical, filtration and 221 et seq
Parameters, spacing 23
Parameters, surface roughness, friction and 207
Parameters, surface roughness, relation to functional demands 197
Parameters, valley depth 6
Pattern analysis 44
Pattern analysis, neural 45
Pattern analysis, statistical 45
Pattern analysis, structured surfaces and 343
Pattern analysis, syntactic 45
Pattern generation 44
Pattern recognition 45
Pattern space 44
Peak height 6
Peak height, reduced 32
Peak material, component 32
Peak material, volume 32
Phase correct filter 64
Pit 50
Plane/sphere standard 166 167
Plateau honed surface, evaluation of 87
Profile filtering 70
Profile filtering, 2D 65
Profile filtering, robust 70
Profiles, individual processing of 146
Profilometer 5
Prosthetic hip joints 230
Prosthetic hip joints, hard on hard bearings, wear ranking of 230
Quality coefficient 156
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