Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Bezdek A. — Discrete Geometry |
Предметный указатель |
(r,q)-structure 28
Affine regularity 415
Algorithm 215 361
Angle function 367
Antipodal pointsl 94 201
Bipyramid 69
Cellulation 241
Chessboard Ramsey number 79
Circle, arrangement 27
Circle, covering 19
Circle, packing 279
Circle, spherical 103
Circle, supporting 104
Collinear points 185
Coloring 79
Combinatorial, aperiodicity 399
Combinatorial, type 334
Constant width 374
Convex, body 387
Convex, hull 50 60 201 352 381
Convex, position 49 352
Covering, adic 360
Covering, on-line 359 443
Covering, triangles 435 2
Critical 456
Cubic 305
CW complex 241
Delaunay triangulation 271
Delone cell 105 120
Density of packing 279
Diameter 374
Distance preserving map 193
Double lattice 453
Duality 20
Edge unfolding 216
Ellipsoid 202
Erdos problem 186 292
Erdos — Szekeres problem 49 185 351
Euler equation 239
f-vector 239
Facet 71
Facet, cycle 216
Fatness of a polytope 239 451
Fatness of a tiling 451
Fejes Toth G. problem 19
Fejes Toth L. problem 88 111 279
Fixing system 85
Fixing system, primitive 85
Flag vector 242
Gale transform 381
General position 49
Generalized helix 273
Geometric tomography 367
Graph 79 178 194 300
Griinbaum’s problem 87
Hadwiger number 455
Hadwiger’s theorem 1
Hamiltonian path 306
Helly’s theorem 1 387
Horocycle 27
Hyperbolic geometry 239
Hyperboloid 2
Hyperplane 34 230
Illumination 88 457
Independence number 292
Integer hull 33
interval 13
Isometry 193 244
K-disjoint family 387
Katchalski’s problem 448
Keplerian polyhedron 340
Kissing number 455
Klein model 244
Knotted arc 452
Kuperberg 254 256 359 431
Lattice 20 33 231
Melchior’s inequality 187
Mid-pint map 411
Minimal tree 452
Minkowski, Metric 203
Minkowski, Space 373 291
| Minkowski, Theorem 37
Mixed moment curve 274
Monkey-saddle 306
Monotile 398
Newton — Gregory problem 103 112
Orchard problem 185
Packing 456
Packing, barely saturated 453
Packing, completely saturated 453
Packing, saturated 453
Penrose rhombus 399
Perimeter 450
Petrie, cylinder 275
Petty number 292
Pick’s Theorem 39
Plank 447
Poincare model 245
Polygon 227 267
Polygon, convex 367
Polygon, empty 52
Polygon, regular 332
Polygon, smoothed 407
Polyhedron 215 267 331
Polyhedron, abstract 333
Polyhedron, cubic 305
Polyhedron, uniform 331
Polytope, cyclic 267
Polytope, d-polytope 69 201 242 267
Polytope, neighborly 59 267 4
Polytope, totally-sewn 60
Polytope, universal 59
Primitive vectors 34
Protoset 398
Protoset, weekly aperiodic 398
Prototile 397
Ramsey like number 79
Reuleaux triangle 376
Rich, edge 39
Rich, facet 34
Right prism 452
Rooted n-gon 407
Saturated packing 302
Separable family of solids 455
Shortest path problem 19
simplex 198 225 242 381
Solid covering 280
Solidity 279
Sphere 207 229
Sphere, packing 254
Spherical, Law of Sin 104
Spherical, polygon 104
Square 359
Stabbing number problem 450
Steiner-system 190
Strip 447
Support hyperplane 375 387
Sylvester — Gallai problem 27
Symmetric body 431
Tangent map 368
Tarski’s problem 447
Tile, aperiodic 397
Tiling 20 207
Tiling, Archimedian 280 343
Tiling, locally finite 398
Tiling, non-periodic 398
Tiling, spherical 280
Tiling, uniform 280
Topological pyramid 71
Translation covering 435
Transversal line 2
triangle 208
Triangulation 207 216
Unfolding 216
Unit distances 193
Universal 4
Upper Bound Theorem 381
Vertex, doubling 335
Vertex, figure 71
Vertex, star 333
View obstruction 229
Voronoi diagram 268 302
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