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Beran M.J. — Statistical Continuum Theories |
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Analytic signal 44 158
Angular diameter, stars 174
Angular diameter, two-point objects 151
Axially symmetric tensors 138 225 230 252
Blackbody radiation 176
Boltzmann's equation 406
Capillary models 264 275
Coherence, blackbody radiation 176
Coherence, coherent and incoherent fields 149
Coherence, far-field approximation 169
Coherence, functional solution 85
Coherence, functions 44 145 155
Coherence, governing equations 158
Coherence, Green's functions 85 163
Coherence, quasi-monochromatic radiation 147 166
Coherence, radiation from a plane finite surface 165
Coherence, star, measurement of angular diameter 174
Coherence, visibility 144
Conditional probability 21
Conductivity see "Permittivity"
Cumulant neglect hypothesis 117 121 361
Darcy's law 262
Decay of correlation functions 172 231 234 240 353 368
Diagrammatic techniques 388
dielectric constant see "Permittivity"
Dilute suspensions 200 247
Direct interaction equations 369 398
Dispersion in porous media 268 288
Dispersion in porous media, effect of molecular diffusion 304
Displacement field see "Permittivity"
Eddy "size" 344
Eddy viscosity 318 323 360 404
Effective constants, bounds 131 141 245 246 288
Effective constants, definitions 126 131 184 191
Effective constants, determination from perturbation solutions 229 235 240
Effective constants, dilute suspensions 200 247
Effective constants, n-phase materials 197
Effective constants, self-consistent approximation 199
Effective constants, simple models 192
Elasticity, effective constants 182 212 240
Elasticity, fluctuations 240
Elasticity, statistical moment equations 236
Electric field fluctuations 229 232 235
Ensemble, concept of 18
Ensemble, variational principle 128
Ergodic hypothesis 41
Expectations 30
Functionals 56
Functionals, characteristic 71
Functionals, continuity 57
Functionals, delta 63 79 90 410
Functionals, differentiation 62
Functionals, governing equations, harmonic oscillator 75
Functionals, governing equations, Maxwell's equations 81
Functionals, governing equations, Navier — Stokes equations 87 400
Functionals, integration 67
Functionals, linear 59
Functionals, probability density 70
Functionals, Taylor series 60
Gaussian processes 36 49 72 179 271 362 389 402 412
Geometry, heterogeneous media 202
Geometry, porous media 258
Harmonic oscillator, functional equations 75
Harmonic oscillator, introduction 6
Harmonic oscillator, moment equations 96 104
Harmonic oscillator, other treatments 117 125 382
Heterogeneous media, effective constants see "Effective constants"
Heterogeneous media, geometry 202
Heterogeneous media, statistical moment equations 215
Heterogeneous media, statistical moment equations, elastic case 236
Heterogeneous media, statistical moment equations, electrostatic case 216
Heterogeneous media, statistical moment equations, electrostatic case, scalar permittivity 230 232
Heterogeneous media, statistical moment equations, electrostatic case, tensor permittivity 225 250
Heterogeneous media, variational principles 126 241
Hilbert transform 43 146
Homogeneity, heterogeneous media 112 128 182 211
Homogeneity, turbulence 337
Hydraulic radius 265
inclusion 186 199 200 247
Incoherent radiation 149
Isotropic, direct interaction equations 378
Isotropic, equations for turbulence 343 349
Isotropic, radiation field 176
Isotropic, tensors 177 218 338
Karhunen — Loeve theorem 55
Kolmogorov's hypothesis 355 382 402
Kozeny equation 266 277
Lambertian source 175
Liouville's equation 92 403
Maxwell's equations 81 155
Mixing lengths 318 323 330
Moments, definitions 32 35
Moments, different type 94
Moments, equations 93 104 158 215 334
Moments, Fourier transforms of 112 343
Moments, solutions 116
n-phase materials 197 199
Navier — Stokes equations 87 101 109 263 316 370 385 406
Permeability 262 278 283
Permittivity, bounds 131 141 245
| Permittivity, cumulant neglect hypothesis 121
Permittivity, effective constants 210 229 232 235
Permittivity, functional equation 82
Permittivity, moment equations 99 105 216
Permittivity, one-dimensional problem 10 193
Permittivity, perturbation solution 118 222
Permittivity, variational principles, Brown, Hashin, Shtrikman-type 132 247
Permittivity, variational principles, standard 126 241
Perturbation theory 114 118 222 385
Poisson point model 207
Polarization 132
Polycrystal 189 217 224 250
Porosity 259 263
Porous media, Darcy's law 262
Porous media, description 258
Porous media, dispersion 268 288
Porous media, flow through, correlation lengths 260
Porous media, Green's function 278 281
Porous media, permeability 262 278 286
Porous media, random capillary model 275
Porous media, spherical arrangement 259 273
Porous media, variational principle 283
Power spectra 44
Power spectra, smoothing procedure 48
Probability theory, axiomatization 18
Probability theory, characteristic functionals 71
Probability theory, characteristic functions 31
Probability theory, characterization of a two-phase medium 204
Probability theory, conditional probability 21
Probability theory, convergence 33 53
Probability theory, correlation functions 35 43
Probability theory, density functionals 70
Probability theory, density functions 22
Probability theory, description of porous media 258
Probability theory, distribution functions 26
Probability theory, ergodic hypothesis 41
Probability theory, gaussian processes 49 72
Probability theory, mathematical expectations 30
Probability theory, moments 32 37
Probability theory, power spectra 43
Probability theory, semiinvariants 34
Probability theory, stationary processes 38
Probability theory, transformation of variables 28
Propagation of radiation through random media 85 118 154 180 400
Quasi-monochromatic radiation 147 166
Radiation 83 162
Reynolds' equation 316
Reynolds' number 267 303 313 327 357
Self-consistent approximation 199
Semiinvariants 34 122 124
Similarity hypothesis 331 384
Stability 317
Star, measurement of angular diameter 174
Stationary processes 38 156
Strain fluctuations 240
Stress fluctuations 240
Symmetric materials 245 246 256
Taylor pipe dispersion problem 289
Taylor series 60 95
Tchebycheff's inequality 53
Tortuosity 266
Turbulence, analogy to quantum field theory 408
Turbulence, cumulant neglect hypothesis 361 381
Turbulence, direct interaction equations 369 398
Turbulence, eddy "size" 344
Turbulence, eddy viscosity 318 323 360
Turbulence, energy transfer 354 381
Turbulence, experiments in channel flow 327
Turbulence, final period of decay 350 402
Turbulence, functional approaches 400
Turbulence, Heisenberg's theory 358
Turbulence, homogeneous 337
Turbulence, homogeneous and isotropic 338
Turbulence, inertial range 357
Turbulence, Kolmogorov's hypothesis 355
Turbulence, Lagrangian fields 370 383 385
Turbulence, lateral correlation function 342
Turbulence, Loitsianski's invariant 367
Turbulence, longitudinal correlation function 342
Turbulence, mixing lengths 318 323 330
Turbulence, Reynolds' equation 316
Turbulence, Reynolds' number 267 303 313 327 357
Turbulence, Reynolds' studies 312
Turbulence, shear flow 312 412
Turbulence, similarity hypothesis 323 331 384
Turbulence, stability 317
Turbulence, statistical moment equations 101 109 334
Turbulence, vorticity 366
Turbulence, Wyld's perturbation procedure 385
Turbulent diffusion 125 314 335 363 404
Van Cittert — Zernike theorem 174
Variational principles 126
Variational principles, heterogeneous media 241 247
Variational principles, porous media 283
Viscosity, eddy 318 323 360 404
Viscosity, kinematic 319
Visibility 144
Volume fractions 185
Wiener — Khinchin theorem 46
Young's interference experiment 143
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