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Griffits D.J. — Introductions to electrodynamics |
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Magnetic field of static configurations, uniformly magnetized object 288
Magnetic field of static configurations, uniformly magnetized sphere 264—265
Magnetic field, average over a sphere 253
Magnetic field, curl of 221—225
Magnetic field, divergence of 221—223 330
Magnetic induction 271 301—320
Magnetic monopole 232—233 248 258 327—328 342 546
magnetic susceptibility 274—275
Magnetism 522—525
magnetization 255—263 328—330
Magnetomechanical ratio 252
Magnetostatics 215 225 232 240 339
Mass, electromagnetic 472
Mass, relativistic 510
Mass, renormalization 472
Mass, rest 510
Massless particle 512—515
Matrix, Lorentz transformation 500
Matrix, rotation 11
Maxwell stress tensor 351—355
Maxwell's equations 232 321 539 542
Maxwell's equations in gaussian units 561
Maxwell's equations in vacuum 327
Maxwell's equations with magnetic monopoles 327 546
Maxwell's equations, inside matter 328—330
Maxwell's equations, tensor form 539
Maxwell, J.C. xiii 321—323 376
Meissner effect 325
Merzbacher's puzzle 340
method see "Images" "Relaxation" "Separation
Michelson — Morley experiment 480—481
Microscopic field 173—175 268
Minkowski, constitutive relations 545
Minkowski, diagram 503
Minkowski, force 518—519 521—522 540 543
Minkowski, H. 504
mks units xv 327 559—562
Momentum in electromagnetic field 349—357
Momentum in electromagnetic wave 380—382
Momentum, angular 358—361
Momentum, conservation 355—357 442 510
Momentum, density 355—356 380
Momentum, flux 356
Momentum, four-vector 510
Momentum, hidden 357 361 520—521
Momentum, relativistic 509—511
Monochromatic wave 376—380
Monopole, electric 147 149 458
Monopole, magnetic 232—233 243 248 327—328 342 362 546
Motional EMF 294—300 478—479
Multipole expansion of electrostatic potential 146—152
Multipole expansion of magnetostatic potential 242
Multipole expansion of radiation fields 458
Mutual inductance 310—312 321
Neumann formula 311
Newton's laws, first 477
Newton's laws, second 472 516
Newton's laws, third 349—351 442 469 517—518
Normal derivative 90
Normal incidence 384—386
Normal vector 26 89 241 332
Oblique incidence 386—392
Observer 484
Octopole 147 151 159 458
Oersted, C. xiii 536
Ohm (unit) 287
Ohm's law 285—291
Operator 16
Ordinary acceleration 521
Ordinary force 516 519
Ordinary velocity 507—508
Orthogonal coordinates 547
Orthogonal functions 130 132 140
Orthogonality 130 132 140
Paradox see "Bam and ladder" "Ehrenfest" "Electromagnetic "Feynman "Lorentz "Merzbacher" "Time "Twin"
Parallel-plate capacitor 74 104—105 183 231 525—526
Paramagnetism 255—257 263
PAST 504
Path independence 24—25 30 53 78
path integral 24
Perfect conductor 285 334 341 405
Permanent magnet 265 280
Permeability 216 274—275 278 545
Permeability of free space 216 275
Permeability, relative 275
Permittivity 180 545
Permittivity of free space 59 180
Permittivity, complex 402
Permittivity, relative 180
Phase 367
Phase, constant 367 395—396
Phase, transition 281
Phase, velocity 399 410
Photon 504 513—515
Pill box 72—73
Pinch effect 247
Planck formula 513
Plane of incidence 387—388
Plane of polarization 386
Plane, wave 376—380
plasma 247 341
Point charge see "Electric" "Force" "Magnetic" "Monopole" "Potential"
Poisson's equation 83 110 235 274
Poisson's equation for 235
Poisson's equation for V 83 87 110
Polar angle 38
Polar molecule 163
Polarizability, atomic 161
Polarizability, tensor 162—163
Polarization (of a medium) 161 166
Polarization (of a medium), current 329
Polarization (of a medium), electric 161 166 328—330
Polarization (of a medium), induced 161
Polarization (of a medium), magnetic see "Magnetization"
Polarization (of a wave) 373—375
Polarization (of a wave), angle 374
Polarization (of a wave), circular 374
Polarization (of a wave), linear 374
Polarization (of a wave), vector 374
Pole (magnetic) 232—233 248 258
Position vector 8—9
Position-time four-vector 500
Postulates, Einstein's 477—482
Potential 557 see "Vector"
potential energy 79
Potential energy of a charge configuration 93
Potential energy of a point charge 91
Potential in electrodynamics 416—422
Potential, advanced 425
Potential, electric 77—82
Potential, four-vector 541—543
Potential, Lienard — Wiechert 429—434
Potential, magnetic scalar 236 239 251
Potential, magnetic vector 234—246 252
Potential, retarded 422—427
Power in electromagnetic wave 381
Power, dissipated in resistor 290 348
Power, radiated by arbitrary source 457—458
Power, radiated by oscillating electric dipole 448 454
Power, radiated by oscillating magnetic dipole 453—454
Power, radiated by point charge 460—465
Poynting vector 347 380—383
Poynting's theorem 346—349
Preacceleration 467 469 475
Pressure, electromagnetic 353
Pressure, electrostatic 103
Pressure, radiation 382
Principle see "Equivalence" "Relativity" "Superposition"
Product rules 20
| Propagation vector 379
Proper, acceleration 521
Proper, time 507—509
Proper, velocity 507—509
Pseudoscalar 12
Pseudovector 12 204
Pulsar 474
Quadrupole, electric 147 150—151 158 459
Quadrupole, magnetic 243
Quadrupole, moment 158
Quadrupole, radiation 458—459
Quantization of charge xiv 362
Quasistatic 308—309 429
Quotient rules 21
Radiation 443—476
Radiation by arbitrary source 454—459
Radiation by electric dipole 444—450
Radiation by electric quadrupole 458—459
Radiation by magnetic dipole 451—454 473—474
Radiation by point charge 460—465
Radiation by point charge in hyperbolic motion 476
Radiation by rotating electric dipole 450
Radiation by surface current 474—475
Radiation, damping 468
Radiation, electromagnetic xiv 443—444 460
Radiation, field 438 460
Radiation, pressure 382
Radiation, reaction 465—473 476
Radiation, resistance 450 454
Radiation, synchrotron 465
Radiation, zone 446 453 456
Rapidity 502
RC circuit 290—291
Reference point for electric dipole 151—152
Reference point for magnetic dipole 245
Reference point for potential 78 80 82
Reflection 384—392
Reflection at conducting surface 396—398
Reflection, angle of 388
Reflection, coefficient 386 391—392
Reflection, internal 413
Reflection, law of 388
Reflection, waves on a string 370—373
Refraction 384—392
Refraction, angle of 388
Refraction, coefficient of 404
Refraction, index of 383 398 403
Refraction, law of 388
Relativistic, constitutive relations 545
Relativistic, dynamics 516—522
Relativistic, electrodynamics 522—543
Relativistic, energy 509—511
Relativistic, kinematics 511—516
Relativistic, mass 510
Relativistic, mechanics 507—522
Relativistic, momentum 509—511
Relativistic, potentials 541—543
Relativity of simultaneity 483—484 496—497
Relativity, principle of 477—483
Relativity, special xi 477—546
Relaxation, method of 113
Renormalization of charge 183
Renormalization of mass 472
Resistance 287
resistivity 285—286
resistor 286
Resonant cavity 415
Rest energy 510
Rest mass 510
Retarded position 429—432
Retarded potentials 422—427
Retarded time 423
Reversion of series 471
Right hand rule 3
Right-handed coordinates 6
RL circuit 320
Rogrigues formula 138 144
Rotation 10
Rotation matrix 11
Runaway motion 467 469 543
Saturation 280
scalar 1
Scalar potential 53 416—442
Scalar potential, dynamic configurations, arbitrary charge distribution 423 456
Scalar potential, dynamic configurations, oscillating electric dipole 446
Scalar potential, dynamic configurations, oscillating magnetic dipole 451
Scalar potential, dynamic configurations, point charge, arbitrary motion 432
Scalar potential, dynamic configurations, point charge, constant velocity 433—434
Scalar potential, magnetic 236 239 251 274
Scalar potential, static configurations, average over a sphere 114—115
Scalar potential, static configurations, conducting sphere in external field 141—142
Scalar potential, static configurations, continuous charge distribution 83—84
Scalar potential, static configurations, disk 86
Scalar potential, static configurations, electric dipole 149
Scalar potential, static configurations, finite cylinder 87
Scalar potential, static configurations, infinite line 85—86
Scalar potential, static configurations, multipole expansion 146—152
Scalar potential, static configurations, point charges 84
Scalar potential, static configurations, polarized matter 166—170
Scalar potential, static configurations, ring 86
Scalar potential, static configurations, specified charge on surface of sphere 142—143
Scalar potential, static configurations, specified electric field 78 251
Scalar potential, static configurations, specified potential on surface of sphere 139—140
Scalar potential, static configurations, spherical shell 81 85 144
Scalar potential, static configurations, surface charge 85
Scalar potential, static configurations, uniformly charged object 283
Scalar potential, static configurations, uniformly charged sphere 82 87
Scalar potential, static configurations, uniformly polarized sphere 168—169 172
Scalar potential, static configurations, volume charge 84
Scalar product 2 5 7 501—502
Second derivative 22—23
Second-rank tensor 11—12 535
Self-force 469—472
Self-inductance 312—315
Semiconductor 286
Separation of variables 127—145
Separation of variables, cartesian coordinates 127—136
Separation of variables, cylindrical coordinates 145
Separation of variables, spherical coordinates 137—145
Separation vector ix 9 15 59 224
Shear 353
shielding 183
SI units xv 327 559—562
Simultaneity 483—484 496—497
Sinusoidal waves 367—370
Skin depth 394
Sky, blueness of 449
Snell's law 388
Solenoid 220 227—228
Solenoidal field 54 240
Source charge 9 58—59 202
Source point 9 60
Space charge 107
Spacelike interval 503
Spacetime, diagram 503—506
Spacetime, interval 502—503
Spacetime, structure 500—506
Special relativity xi 477—546
Spectrum, electromagnetic 377
Speed of charges in wire 234 289
Speed of light in linear medium 383
Speed of light in vacuum 376 480—481
Speed of waves on a string 366
Spherical coordinates 38—43
Spherical wave 412
Standing wave 367 410
Stationary charge 59 215
Steady current 215
Step function 49
Stokes' theorem 34 552—554
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