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Griffits D.J. — Introductions to electrodynamics
Griffits D.J. — Introductions to electrodynamics

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Название: Introductions to electrodynamics

Автор: Griffits D.J.


The book deserves 5 stars just on the writing style and clarity of presentation. Professor Griffiths displays a mastery of the subject and makes a beautiful subject even more beautiful. Sure this is not a graduate level book but that does not demean it in any sense to Jackson - the two are aimed at different levels. I am a grad student and I still find this book invaluable. Professor Griffiths deserves an award for this work

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Электромагнетизм/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3rd edition

Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 580

Добавлена в каталог: 09.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Electromagnetic induction      301—320
Electromagnetic mass      472
Electromagnetic paradox      472
Electromagnetic radiation      xiv 443
Electromagnetic spectrum      377
Electromagnetic waves      364—415
Electromotance      293
Electromotive force      285—300 314
Electron, dipole moment      252
Electron, discovery      208
Electron, radiative time constant      467
Electron, spin      252 362
Electrostatic pressure      103
Electrostatics      59 215 225 232—233
emf      285—300 314
Enclosed charge      68
Enclosed current      222 225 269 322
Energy density in linear media      348
Energy density of electromagnetic wave      380—383
Energy density, electromagnetic      348 380
Energy density, electrostatic      93—96
Energy density, magnetostatic      318—319
Energy in electric field      346—348
Energy in magnetic field      317—321 346
Energy of capacitor      106
Energy of charge in static field      90—91
Energy of continuous charge distribution      93—95
Energy of dipole      165 281—282
Energy of electromagnetic wave      380—382
Energy of inductor      317
Energy of linear dielectric      191—193
Energy of point charge distribution      91
Energy of point charge near conducting plane      124
Energy of spherical shell      94—95
Energy of static charge distribution      90
Energy, conservation      346—349 386 510
Energy, flux      347
Energy, relativistic      510
Energy, relativistic, kinetic      510
Energy, relativistic, rest      510
Energy-momentum Four-vector      510
Equipotential      79 97
Equivalence principle      476
Ether      479—481
Ether, drag      480
Ether, wind      479—481
Euler's formula      369
Evanescent wave      414
Event      493
Farad (unit)      104
Faraday Cage      101
Faraday's law      301—310 321 336 378—379 540
Faraday, M.      xiii 301
ferromagnetic domain      278—280
ferromagnetism      255 278—282
Feynman disk paradox      359—361
Field      see also "Electric" "Magnetic"
Field electric      58
Field electric in conductor      97 285—286
Field electric, average over sphere      156—157
Field electric, curl of      65
Field electric, divergence of      65
Field electric, induced      302 305—310
Field electric, macroscopic      173—175
Field electric, microscopic      173—175
Field magnetic, average over a sphere      253
Field magnetic, curl of      221—225
Field magnetic, divergence of      221—223 330
Field magnetic, macroscopic      268
Field magnetic, microscopic      268
Field point      9 60
Field tensor      535—537 541
Field theory      xiii 52—55 525
Field, line      65—67
Flux density      271
Flux density, energy      347
Flux density, momentum      356
Flux integral      24
Flux rule      296—298 302—303 478—479
Flux, electric      65 67
Flux, magnetic      295 300
Force density      351
Force electromagnetic between point charges      439
Force Lorentz      204 209 519
Force magnetic between current loops      250
Force magnetic between monopoles      328
Force magnetic between parallel currents      202—204 217 220 522—525
Force magnetic between parallel planes      231
Force magnetic on current      209 211—212
Force magnetic on magnetic dipole      257—259 282
Force magnetic on magnetized material      262
Force magnetic on point charge      204
Force Minkowski      518—519 521 540 543
Force relativistic      516
Force, electric, between point charges      59 439
Force, electric, on conductor      102—103
Force, electric, on dielectric      193—196 199
Force, electric, on electric dipole      164—165
Force, electric, on point charge in field      60 204
Force, electric, on point charge near conducting plane      123—124
Force, electric, on point charge near dielectric plane      188—190
Force, electric, on surface charge      102—103
Four vector      500—502
Four vector, acceleration      521
Four vector, charge/current      537—538
Four vector, displacement      502
Four vector, energy/momentum      510
Four vector, gradient      543
Four vector, Minkowski force      518 521 540 543
Four vector, position/time      500
Four vector, potential      541—543
Four vector, velocity      507—508
Fourier series      130
Fourier transform      370 412
Fourier's trick      130 140
Free charge      175 186 393
Free current      269 277
Fresnel equations      390—392
Fringing field      194—195
Fundamental theorem of calculus      28
Fundamental theorem of calculus for curls      34
Fundamental theorem of calculus for divergences      31 551
Fundamental theorem of calculus for gradients      29 548
future      504
Galilean transformation      494 502
Galileo      477
Galileo's principle of relativity      477
Galileo's velocity addition rule      482
Gauge Coulomb      421 541
Gauge Lorentz      421—422 542
Gauge, invariance      542
Gauge, transformation      419—420
Gauss (unit)      216 560
Gauss's law      65 67—69 232 321 539
Gauss's law, applications of      70
Gauss's law, inside matter      175—177
Gauss's law, symmetry for      71
Gauss's theorem      31
Gaussian "pillbox"      72—73
Gaussian surface      70—73
Gaussian units      xv 327 559—562
Gedanken experiment      483
Generalized Coulomb field      438
Generator      294—300
Gilbert dipole      258 284 454
Global conservation law      xiv 345
Gradient      13 14 548
Gradient in cartesian coordinates      13 14
Gradient in curvilinear coordinates      548
Gradient in cylindrical coordinates      44
Gradient in spherical coordinates      42
Gradient theorem      29 548
Gradient, four-dimensional      543
Green's identity      56 121
Green's reciprocity theorem      157—158
Green's theorem      31 56
Ground      118
Group velocity      399 410
Guided wave      405—412
gyromagnetic ratio      252
Hall effect      247
Harmonic function      111
Heaviside — Lorentz units      xv 561
Helical motion      205
Helmholtz coil      249
Helmholtz theorem      52—53 555—557
Henry (unit)      313
Hertz, H.      xiii 323
Hidden momentum      357 361 520—521
Homogeneous medium      182
Horizon      434—435
Hyperbolic geometry      505—506
Hyperbolic motion      434 441 476 509 516 543
Hysteresis      280—281
Images, dipole and conducting plane      165
Images, method of      121—125
Images, parallel cylinders      127
Images, point charge and conducting plane      121—124 475
Images, point charge and conducting sphere      124—126
Images, point charge and dielectric plane      190
Incidence, angle of      388
Incidence, plane of      387—388
Incident wave      370 384
Index of refraction      383 388 398 403
Induced charge      97—101 123 126
Induced current      304
induced dipole      160—163
Induced electric field      305—310
Induced EMF      302
Inductance      310—316
Inductance, mutual      310—312 321
Inductance, self      313—315
Induction      271 301—320
Inertial system      477
Inhomogeneous wave equation      422
Insulator      96 160
Integration by parts      37
Intensity      381
Internal reflection      413
internal resistance      293
Interval, spacetime      502—503
Interval, spacetime, lightlike      503 505—506
Interval, spacetime, spacelike      503 505—506
Interval, spacetime, timelike      503 505—506
Invariance of charge      525
Invariance of mass      511
Invariance, time-reversal      425
Invariant      501 511 534 537
Invariant, interval      501—503
Invariant, product      501
inversion      12 412
Irrotational field      53 77—79
Isotropic medium      184
Jefimenko's equations      427—429
Joule heating law      290
Jumping ring      304—305
kinetic energy      510
Kronecker delta      158 352
Langevin equation      200—201
Laplace's equation      83 110—114 116
Laplace's equation in one dimension      111—112
Laplace's equation in three dimensions      114 116
Laplace's equation in two dimensions      112—114
Laplacian      23
Laplacian in Cartesian coordinates      22 111
Laplacian in curvilinear coordinates      235 554
Laplacian in cylindrical coordinates      44
Laplacian in spherical coordinates      42
Laplacian of $\mathbb{A}$      235
Laplacian of a scalar      23
Laplacian of a vector      23 235
Laplacian of V      83 87 110
Larmor formula      458 462
Law of Cosines      3
LC circuit      316
Left-handed coordinates      6
Legendre polynomials      138 148
Lenz's law      303—304
Levi-Civita symbol      283
Levitation      335—336
Lienard formula      463 545
Lienard — Wiechert potentials      429—434
Lifetime      486 488
Light      364—415
Light, cone      504
Light, speed of, linear medium      383
Light, speed of, universal      481
Light, speed of, vacuum      376 480—481
Lightlike interval      503
Line charge      62
Line current      208—209
Line element, Cartesian      9
Line element, curvilinear      547
Line element, cylindrical      44
Line element, spherical      40
Line integral      24
linear combination      130 369—370
Linear equation      130 367
Linear medium      382—384
Linear medium, electric      179—196
Linear medium, magnetic      274—277
linear polarization      374
Local conservation      see "Continuity"
Longitudinal wave      373
Lorentz contraction      481 489—493 497
Lorentz contraction, paradox      490—491
Lorentz force law      202—214 232 519 540 545
Lorentz gauge      421—422 426 542
Lorentz transformation      493 500 543
Lorentz — Lorenz equation      200
Lorentz, H.A.      xiii 469 481
Macroscopic field      173—175 268
Magnet      265 274
Magnetic      see "Charge" "Dipole" "Energy" "Field" "Flux" "Force" "Magnetization" "Potential" "Susceptibility"
Magnetic field      202—204 271 522
Magnetic field in superconductor      325
Magnetic field of dynamic configurations, arbitrary charge distribution      428 457
Magnetic field of dynamic configurations, charging capacitor      324—325
Magnetic field of dynamic configurations, oscillating electric dipole      447
Magnetic field of dynamic configurations, oscillating magnetic dipole      453
Magnetic field of dynamic configurations, parallel-plate capacitor, moving      528—530
Magnetic field of dynamic configurations, point charge, arbitrary motion      219 435—439
Magnetic field of dynamic configurations, point charge, constant velocity      440 532
Magnetic field of dynamic configurations, solenoid, moving      530—531
Magnetic field of earth      216
Magnetic field of static configurations in cavity      272—273
Magnetic field of static configurations, bar magnet      265 274
Magnetic field of static configurations, circular loop      218
Magnetic field of static configurations, dipole      246 253—254
Magnetic field of static configurations, finite solenoid      220
Magnetic field of static configurations, finite straight line      216
Magnetic field of static configurations, infinite plane      226
Magnetic field of static configurations, infinite solenoid      220 227 232 249
Magnetic field of static configurations, infinite straight line      217 221 226
Magnetic field of static configurations, magnetized object      263—264 268
Magnetic field of static configurations, solenoid filled with magnetic material      275—276
Magnetic field of static configurations, sphere of linear material in external field      277
Magnetic field of static configurations, spinning sphere      237 240 253
Magnetic field of static configurations, toroidal coil      229—230
Magnetic field of static configurations, uniformly magnetized cylinder      265
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