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Greiner W., Reinhardt J. — Quantum electrodynamics
Greiner W., Reinhardt J. — Quantum electrodynamics

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Название: Quantum electrodynamics

Авторы: Greiner W., Reinhardt J.


This completely revised and corrected new edition provides several new examples and exercises to enable deeper insight in formalism and application of Quantum electrodynamics. It is a thorough introductory text providing all necessary mathematical tools together with many examples and worked problems. In their presentation of the subject the authors adopt a heuristic approach based on the propagator formalism. The latter is introduced in the first two chapters in both its nonrelativistic and relativistic versions. Subsequently, a large number of scattering and radiation processes involving electrons, positrons, and photons are introduced and their theoretical treatment is presented in great detail. Higher order processes and renormalization are also included. The book concludes with a discussion of two-particle states and the interaction of spinless bosons.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Общие курсы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: third edition

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 475

Добавлена в каталог: 09.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Permittivity of the vacuum      443
Perturbation expansion      32 57 455
Perturbation theory      83
Phase shift      394 402
Photon      168
Photon absorption      172
Photon emission      172
Photon longitudinal      178
Photon loop      271 458 460
Photon propagator      79 104 227 265ff. 274
Photon scalar      178
Photon splitting      425
Photon vertex      108 456
Photon virtual      108 150 176 220 224 225
Photon-electron scattering      189ff.
Photon-photon interaction      220 224 231 425
Pion pair production      463
Pion scattering      453
Plane waves      2 14 52 94
Polarization      442
Polarization averaging      89
Polarization charge density      302
Polarization current      275
Polarization degree of      165
Polarization function      276 290ff.
Polarization in Coulomb scattering      163
Polarization photon      169 262 444
Polarization spin      161
Polarization tensor      274ff.
Polarized particle scattering      161
Positive-energy solutions      52
Positron      45 49
Positron production      382ff.
Positron production induced      417
Positron production spontaneous      421
Positron scattering      59 100 409
Positronium      347 374ff. 377
Principal-value singularities      403
Principle of causality      12
Projection operator      365 420
Projection operator energy      50 365
Projection operator mixed      368
Projection operator spin      161
Propagator      46
Propagator Feynman      53 68 73 74
Propagator in coordinate space      73ff.
Propagator nonrelativistic limit      68
Propagator of photon      79 104 265ff. 274
Propagator two-particle      349
Proton radius      129
Quasi-molecule      415
Radiation cloud      314 331
Radiation gauge      170 178 195 199
Reciprocity theorem      25
Recoil      103 120
Reducible interaction kernel      349
Regularization      276 313 322 428
Renormalization constant      283 311 316 318
Renormalization of charge      283 311 318 432
Renormalization of field strength      432
Renormalization of mass      316
Renormalization of photon lines      285
Renormalization of wave function      312
Renormalized mass      311
Residue theorem      26 48 367
Resonance energy      400
Resonance in Bhabha scattering      153
Resonance in positron continuum      383 393ff. 420
Resonance width      394 401
Retardation      365 372
Right-handed electron      162
Rosenbluth's formula      121ff.
Running coupling constant      294 302
Rutherford hyperbola      417
Rutherford scattering cross section      88
Rutherford's scattering formula      92
S matrix      14 22ff.
S matrix elements      56 259
S matrix expansion of      32 57 456
S matrix unitarity      21
Scalar electrodynamics      449
Scale transformation      279 280 313 322
Scattering      12 259
Scattering Coulomb      83ff.
Scattering electron-electron      141ff. 154
Scattering electron-positron      141 149ff. 154
Scattering electron-proton      103ff. 121ff.
Scattering matrix      14
Scattering of antiparticles      455
Scattering of identical particles      141
Scattering of polarized particles      161ff.
Scattering of spin-0 bosons      453ff.
Scattering photon-photon      425
Scattering positron      59 100 409
Scattering semiclassical approximation      418
Schrodinger's Equation      3 26 27
screening      188 413
Seagull vertex      456
Self-energy      265 273 309ff. 318 342
Self-energy function      310 313
Self-energy regularized      314
Semiclassical approximation      418
Short-range attraction      286
Soft-photon emission      174 329
Soft-photon theorem      175
Sommerfeld's fine-structure formula      386
Specific heat capacity      32
Spin polarization      161
Spontaneous positron emission      382 416 421
Static point charge      84 297
Statistical factor      260
Step function      4 25
Strong electromagnetic field      381
Stuckelberg — Feynman definition      45
Stuckelberg — Feynman prescription      452
Stuckelberg — Feynman propagator      53
Subcritical Hamiltonian      408
Subcritical potential      393
Substitution rule      151 204
Subtracted dispersion relation      290 293
Summation formula of Euler — MacLaurin      429
Supercritical atom      408
Supercritical heavy ion collision      417
Supercritical point charge      411ff.
Supercritical potential      393
Supercritical wave functions      408
Superposition principle      4
Symmetry transformation operator      23
Tadpole graph      264
Theorem of residues      26 48 367
Thomson's scattering formula      199
Time-reversal invariance      24
Trace identities      96ff.
Trace technique      144 162 194
Transition current      106
Transition probability      85
Transition rate      108
Tunnel effect      384
Tunnel process      436
Two-centre Dirac equation      415ff.
Two-loop corrections      344
Two-particle propagator      349
Two-particle wave equation      347 359
Two-photon exchange      138
Two-photon vertex      456 462
Uehling integral representation      300
Uehling potential      286 297
Uehling potential for an extended source      304ff.
Unitarity      21
VACUUM      381
Vacuum charged      382 410
Vacuum decay      405
Vacuum energy      427
Vacuum fluctuations of      273
Vacuum neutral      382
Vacuum polarization      44 273ff. 343
Vacuum polarization charge cloud      303 410
Vacuum polarization real      410
Vector dominance      466
Vertex      43 108
Vertex correction      273 316ff. 318
Vertex function      317 320 322
Vertex one-photon      457
Vertex seagull      456
Vertex two-photon      456 462
Virtual photon      108 150 176 220 224 225
Virtuality      227 229
Volkov wave function      239 250ff.
Ward identity      319
Wave equation      36 169
Wave-function renormalization      312
Weizsacker — Williams approximation      230
Zitterbewegung      379
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