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Greiner W. — Relativistic quantum mechanics. Wave equations |
Предметный указатель |
Group-parameter 139
Gupta, Suraj Narayan 388
Gyromagnetic factor (g factor) 125
Half-density radius 55 252ff
Hamilton function, classical 12
Hamiltonian 285
Hamiltonian density 17
Hamiltonian density of the Schroedinger equation 19
Hamiltonian in representation 279
Hamiltonian of the Schroedinger equation 19
Hankel function 56
Hankel function of the first kind 57
Hartree — Fock model 261
Heavy-ion accelerators 261
Heisenberg picture 68
Heisenberg representation of the Dirac equation 118
Heisenberg, Werner Karl 98
Helicity 28 109 342
Helicity, operator 110 335
Hermiticity, generalized 36
Hermiticity, ordinary 36
Hole theory 118 291ff
Hole theory and Klein's paradox 329
Homogeneous proper groups 402
Homogeneous proper groups, tensor representation 402
Hydrogen atom 290
Hylleraas basis 263
Hypercharge 28
Hyperfine structure of the muonic atoms 253
Imaginary potential 65
Impulse approximation 83 87
Infinitesimal operators 391
Infinitesimal transformation 390
Intertial system 127
Isomorphism 402
Isospin 28
Kaon spin 67
Kemmer algebra 362 370 371
Kemmer algebra, covariance of the 368ff
Kemmer equation 361ff
Kemmer equation, free 363
Kemmer, Nicholas 388
Kisslinger potential 65
Klein — Gordon equation 5
Klein — Gordon equation, Lorentz covariance of 5
Klein — Gordon equation, positive-energy and negative-energy solutions 5
Klein — Gordon equation, Schroedinger form of the 68
Klein — Gordon equation, Schroedinger formulation 23
Klein — Gordon field 10
Klein's paradox 325ff
Klein, Felix 415
Klein, Oskar Benjamin 97
Kummers' differential equation 63
Lagrange density 12
Lagrange density for the Klein — Gordon field 14
Lagrange density for the Weinberg — Shay — Good theory 381
Lagrange density of the free Dirac equation 111 114
Lagrange density of the Kemmer density 363
Lagrange density of the Kemmer theory 378
Lagrange density of the Proca equations 361 372
Lagrange formalism for the Klein — Gordon field 14
Lagrange function 12
Lagrange function, classical 12
Lagrange, Joseph Louis 97
Laguerre polynomials 64 263
Lamb shift 290
Laplace equation 96
Legendre polynomials 263
Lepton number 28
Lie group 391
Light cone in momentum space 158
Line element 127 390
Lippmann — Schwinger equations 86
Lorentz boost 396
Lorentz covariance of the Dirac equation 100
Lorentz covariance of the vector field theory 373
Lorentz force 124
Lorentz gauge 51
Lorentz group 397
Lorentz group, extended 398
Lorentz group, full 397
Lorentz group, homogeneous 390
Lorentz group, inhomogeneous 398
Lorentz group, orthochronous 398
Lorentz invariance 323
Lorentz metric 2
Lorentz rotation angle 143
Lorentz scalar 153
Lorentz transformation 127 137
Lorentz transformation, along the x axis 142
Lorentz transformation, antichronous 397
Lorentz transformation, finite 142
Lorentz transformation, improper 127 312 314 391
Lorentz transformation, infinitesimal 142
Lorentz transformation, infinitesimal special 395
Lorentz transformation, orthochronous 397
Lorentz transformation, orthogonality relations for 127
Lorentz transformation, proper 127 397
Lorentz — Lorenz correction 93
Lorentz — Lorenz effect 92
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon 148
magnetic moment 254
Majorana representation 156
Majorana, Ettore 156
Many-electron systems 261
Many-particle picture 112
Mass of the electronic neutrino 333
Mass of the pion 45
Mass of the positron 292 299
Mass, Bargmann — Wigner particles 364
Mass-energy relation, relativistic 333
Maxwell equations 49 92 364ff 401
Maxwell equations, conformal invariance 401
Metric tensor, contravariant form 2
Metric tensor, covariant components 2
Minimal coupling 41 120 130 234 382
Minkowski space 390
Minkowski space, two-component spinors 406
Mixed tensors 392
Model for the vacuum 293
Molecular orbitals of two nuclei 261 262
Momentum density of the Schroedinger equation 20
Momentum fluxes of the Schroedinger equation 20
Momentum operator, conjugate of 72
Momentum operator, in the representation 72
Monomials 404
Multiple scattering model 84
Multipole decomposition of the two-centre potential 269
Multipole expansion 267
Multipole moments 253
Multispinor 347
Multispinor of negative energy 351
Multispinor, Bargmann — Wigner 354 383
Muon number 28
Muon, mass of the 249
Muonic atoms 65 249
Muonic atoms, production of 249
Nabla dagger 129
Negative energy continuum 60
Neumann function 56
Neumann function, spherical 219
Neutrino 29 333
Neutrino current 336
Neutrino state 336
Neutrino, left-handed 340
Newton's classical equation 70
Noether theorem 16
Nonlocal potential 89
Nonrelativistic limit 256
Nonrelativistic limit of the Dirac equation 120
| Nonrelativistic limit of the Klein — Gordon equation 7 26 50
Normal ordering 321
Normalization 42
Normalization box 9
Normalization condition for free Dirac spinors 166ff
Normalization of a continuum wave function 246
Normalization of a wave packet 189
Normalization of the Klein — Gordon field 25
Nuclear deformation in muonic atoms 252
Nuclear polarization 253
One-particle interpretation 68
One-particle operators 68
Operator of angular momentum 411
Operator of kinetic energy 264
Operator of time inversion 309
Operator, even 71 113 279
Operator, odd 71 113 279
Optical potential 87
Optical potential, higher-order correction 94
Orbital angular momentum 272
Ordinary scalar product 36
Orthogonal transformations 389ff
Orthogonal transformations, defining condition for 389
Orthogonal transformations, group of the four-dimensional, complex 389
Orthogonality relations 402
Orthogonality relations of the unit spinors 170
Orthonormality relations 111
Oscillator potential 53
Pair annihilation 292
Pair creation 55
Parity 272
Parity in the weak interaction 323
Parity invariance 313
Parity of the pion 67
Parity operator 210
Parity operator of the Kemmer theory 370
Parity transformation 312
Parity violation 333
Particle-antiparticle conjugation symmetry 28
Pauli equation 100 120
Pauli matrices 22 102 334 350
Pauli matrices, spin-1 analogues of the 374
Pauli principle 55 292
Pauli spinor 145
Pauli's fundamental theorem 132
Periodic system 262
Phase shift 203ff 222ff 259
Pion 8
pion condensate 58
Pion, spin of 67
Pion-nucleon forward scattering amplitude 90
Pionic atoms 45 53 65
Pionic deuteron atom 67
Poincare group, inhomogeneous Lorentz group 398
Poincare, Henri Jules 415
Poisson equation 55
Polar coordinates 79
Polarization of muons 254
Polarization of pions 254
Polarization vectors 295
Polarizibility 92
Position operator 121
Positron 112 182
Positron theory 322
Positron, polarized 176
Potential barrier 328
Potential resonance 199ff 224
Potential well, overcritical 200
Potential well, supercritical 203
Probability current density 104
probability density 148 168
Probability density of the Klein — Gordon equation 6
Probability interpretation 293
Proca equations 360ff
Proca equations, inhomogeneous 362
Projection operators 283 338
Projection operators for eigenstates with positive/negative energy 177
Projection operators for spin eigenstates (spin projection) 178ff
Projection operators on negative/positive energy states 113
Projection operators, properties of the 178
Prolate deformation 253
Prolate elliptic (spherical) coordinates 263
Quadrupole interaction 249
Quantized radiation field, fluctuation of the 290
Quantum electrodynamics 294
Quantum numbers 28
Quantum numbers, external 29
Quantum numbers, intrinsic 29
Quarks 382
Quasimolecular orbitals 262
Quasimolecules, superheavy 262
Radial differential equation 44
Radial wave functions of the Dirac equation 214
Radial wave functions, normalized 231
Radiation catastrophe 291
Rarita — Schwinger equation 386ff
Re-gauging 365
Recoil effect on muonic atoms 250ff
Reduced mass approximation for muonic atoms 250
Reflection coefficient 328
Reflection symmetry 339
Refractive index 93
Refractive index, complex 94
Renormalization 293
Renormalization in quantum electrodynamics 311
Representation, irreducible 403
Representation, reducible 403
Representation, scalar 403
Representation, spinor 403 408 410 414
Representation, tensor 403 407ff 410 414
Representation, vector 403
Repulsive potential 199ff
Resolvents 84
Resonance catastrophe 94
Retardation effect on muonic atoms 250
Rotation about the infinitesimal angle 395
Rotation operator 174
Scalar coupling 61 206
Scalar interaction 61
Scalar potential 234
Scale transformations 400
Scattering of pions at atomic nuclei 83
Scattering phase shifts of the continuum 222
Scattering states 200 207
Schiff — Snyder — Weinberg effect 59
Schiff, Leonard Isaac 98
Schroedinger equation 4
Schroedinger picture 68
Schroedinger type 131
Schroedinger, Erwin 97
Schwinger, Julian Seymour 388
Screening by electrons in muonic atoms 251
Screening potential, caused by electrons in muonic atoms 251
Self-energy 251ff 290
Self-representation 414
Self-representation of three-dimensional rotations 413
Separation ansatz 59
Sign operator 112 281
Single-electron two-centre problem, nonrelativistic 261
Single-electron two-centre problem, relativistic corrections of the 261
Single-particle interpretation 44
Single-particle interpretation, limits of the 124
Solution of the Klein — Gordon equation 39
Solution of the Proca equation 375
Sommerfeld's fine structure, constant 59 63
Sommerfeld's fine structure, formula 231 238
Space inversion 67 153 339
Space-time translation 398
Spatial inversion 314
Spatial reflection 149
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