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Kotz S. — Breakthroughs in Statistics (volume 3) |
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Likelihood, profile 396 409
Likelihood, profile, adjusted 399
Likelihood, profile, modified 413
Likelihood, quasi- 411 414 467 474 480
Likelihood, ratio 91 227 316
Limiting distributions 225 392
Linear functionals 338
Linear hazard model 350
Linear models 96 263 422 466
Linear models, generalized 463 470 478
Locally asymptotically equivalent (LAE) 219
Locally asymptotically minimax (LAM) 330 341
Locally asymptotically normal (LAN) 217 219
Location-scale model 405 422
Logistic distribution 371
Logistic model 303
Logistic regression 92 112
Lognormal distribution 377
Longitudinal data analysis 463 470
Loss function 331 341
M-estimators 441
M-estimators, generalized 433 434
M-estimators, multivariate 433
M-estimators, one-step 451
Malaria 22
Marginal density 519 526 536
Marginal likelihood 411
Marginalization 397
Markov chain 124 247 348 354 383 471 520
Markov chain, Monte Carlo (MCMC) 236 240 257 260 288 520
Markov field 297 532
Markov field, random (MRF) 124 287
Markov process 124
Martingale methods 348
Matched pairs 421
Matrix, hermitian 151
Matrix, information 91
Matrix, random, orthogonal 251
Matrix, random, permutation 254
Matrix, spectral 151
Matrix, transition 124 243 250
Matrix, Wishart 247
Maximal invariant 428
Maximum likelihood 90 101 175 287 316 395 404 413 471 504
Median, absolute deviation 423
Median, repeated 442 444
Medical problems 27
Metropolis — Hastings algorithm 235
Metropolized importance sampling 238
minimax 433
Minimax, asymptotic variance 433 441
Minimax, covariance determinant (MCD) 435
Minimax, locally asymptotic 330 341
Minimax, theorem 326
Minimum distance 128
Minimum volume ellipsoid (MVE) 435 453
Missing values 60 468 480 522
Mixtures 258 264 519
Monte Carlo see "Simulation"
Moving Average 140 144 150
Multidecrement model 152
Multidecrement models 353
Multinomial distribution 92 487
Multinomial model 537 544
Multivariate analysis 247 254
Multivariate logistic 282
Multivariate normal 464 471 540
Multivariate Poisson 21
Multivariate stable distributions 426
Multivariate time series 141
Multivariate transforms 208
Natural parameters 375
NEF (natural exponential family) 369 374
NEF-GHS distribution 382
NEF-HS distribution 382
Nelson — Aalen estimator 350
Neural networks 527
Neyman — Pearson lemma 90
Neyman — Scott problem 95 397
Non-Gaussian data 479
Nonadditivity 60
Nonadditivity, Tukey test for 60
Normal distribution 371 415
Normal distribution, bivariate 197 447
Nuisance parameters 90 93 260 396 400 471 476 479 480
Numerical analysis 133 250 519
Odds ratio 111 118 422
Optimality 325 330
Optimality, A-, D-, E- 96
Optimality, universal 96
Optimization 63 125 142
Orbit 411
Order statistics 452 458
Outliers 423 436 449
Parallel samples 104
Parasites 20
Percentile method 485 489
Phase space 128
Pivot, asymptotic 471 484
Pivotal quantities 484 490
Pixel 125 523
Poisson, distribution 29 246 371
Poisson, distribution, bivariate 21
Poisson, distribution, truncated 21
Poisson, model 539
Polynomials, bootstrap 493
Polynomials, generalized Laguerre 390
Polynomials, Gontcharoff 23
Polynomials, Hermite 182 390
Polynomials, Krawtchouk 390
Polynomials, Legendre 204
Polynomials, Meixner 390
Polynomials, Poisson — Charlier 39
Polynomials, Pollaczek 390
Population growth 18
Posterior distribution 125 175 229 523 527 543
Power series distribution 204
Prediction variance 145 154 164
Prevalence rate 112 120
Prior distribution 229 259 537
Prior distribution, invariant 412
Probability plotting 247
PROGRESS algorithm 435
Projection pursuit 446
Proportional hazard models 95 350
Pseudo-likelihood 287 288
Quadratic forms 90 142
| Quadratic variance function (QVF) 369 374 378
Quantiles 326 506
Quartiles 8 452
Quasilikelihood 411 414 467 474 480
Quasilikelihood, maximum 411
Quotient measures 430
Rabies 18
Radix algorithm 203
Random numbers 129 249
Randomization 63 236
Randomization, Barker 236 244
Randomization, Metropolis 236 244
Rates 116
Ratios 195
Recombination fraction 100
Regression 5 416 422 433 445 446 508
Regression, logistic 92 479
Regression, multiple 263 273 434 440
Regression, orthogonal 440
Regression, reweighted 475
Regression, ridge 283
Regression, robust 442
Relative risk 109
Repeated measurements 83 404 418 464
Repeated measurements, median 442 444
Repeated significance tests 94
Resampling 485 526
Residuals 449
Rigid-sphere system 131
ROBETH subroutines 448
Robustness 94 219 433 442
Rubin's importance sampling algorithm 534
Rubin's importance sampling algorithm, SIR method 521
S estimator 435 452
Saddlepoint techniques 171 177 398 407 416
Saddlepoint techniques, empirical 175
Scatter plots 2
Score, equations 459
Score, equations, efficient 100 106
Score, equations, profile 397
Score, statistics 89 91 93
Scoring method, Fisher's 475
Self-generating distribution 385
Sequency see "Zero crossings"
Sequential analysis 93 289
Sequential estimation 335
Sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) 93
Set of neighbors 298
Shanbhag condition 371
Shrinkage 258 282
Significance tests 65 77 90 119
Simulation 124 129 135-137 240 448 521
Smoking 112
Spatial processes 286 295
Spatial schemes 306
Spatial statistics 237
Spectral function (periodogram) 151
Spectral function (periodogram), normalized 161
Spectral representation 150
Spherical distribution 453
Stable distribution 371 426
Stable distribution, multivariate 426
Stahel — Donoho estimator 453
Standardization 4
Standardization, age- 118
Statistical mechanics 123 194 235 241 295
Statistical physics 522
Steepest descent, method of 174 180
Stochastic integrals 359 362
Stochastic processes 142 295 349
Studentized statistics 484
Suboptimal procedures 492
Substitution sampling 526 528
Sunspot data 166
Superefficiency 222 325
Survival analysis 287 348
Swendsen — Wang algorithm 289
Tanner — Wong (data augmentation) algorithm 521 528
Test of goodness of fit 165 309 316
Test of homogeneity 104
Test of significance 65 90 119
Test, sequential score 93
Test, union-intersection 93
Test, Wald — Wilks type 93 97
Time series 94 141 149 287 316 463 465
Time series, multivariate 149
Tobacco 113 115
Transfer function 145
Transformation, Laplace 193 269
Transformation, Lorentz 429
Transformation, models 175 396 404 409 423 428
Transformation, models, composite 409 429
Transformation, unitary 154
Transient response 152
Transition, matrix 124 243 250
Transition, probabilities 130 353
Two-by-two tables 36 117 421
U-statistics 328 331 341
Unbiasedness 331
Uniformly consistent 101
Union-intersection test 93
Unitary transformation 154
Utility function 266
Variance components 66 72 267 542
Variance function, cubic 371
Variance function, quadratic (QVF) 369 374 378
Variance prediction 145 154 164
Variance residual 144 282
Variance total 154
Variety trials 67
Virial coefficient 135-137
Virial theorem (Clausius) 131
Vital statistics 49
Von Mises — Fisher model 406 415 423
Voronyi polygon 311
Vorticity 19 54
Wald's statistic 91
Walsh — Hadamard transform 205
Watson's lemma 172 180 181
Weighted mean 60 77 81 4!9
Weighted mean, semi- 81
weighting 77 82 85 265 519
Wold decomposition 145
Yates' missing value technique 60
Yates' missing value technique, table (for interactions) 205 212
z test 66 76
Zero class 21
Zero crossings 208
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