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Kotz S., Johnson N.L. — Breakthroughs in Statistics: Volume 1: Foundations and Basic Theory |
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Optimality criteria, L 426
Optimality criteria, M 425
Optimization 397
Optimum designs 395 400
Optimum designs test 264 266
Orbit 591
orthogonal arrays 232 429
p-value 70 463 502
Parameter space 468 503
Pearson distribution 7 23 32
Pearson distribution, heterotypic 23
Pearson distribution, Type III 6 36
Pearson distribution, Type VII 24
Periodogram 622
Permutation postulate 129
Personal probability 535
Pitman estimator 444 454 459
Poisson distribution 35 37 121 189 202 223 251 380 382 389 392 440 448 449
Poker 589
Polynomial regression 412 423
Power 68 261 403 407 410
Power spectrum 621
Prediction 153 463
Predictive likelihood 473
Presidential address (ASA) xxi
PRESS criterion 599
Principal components 620
Prior distribution 339 380 384 388 463 512 541 546 548 557 566
Prior distribution, probability 92 98 154 572
probability 13 26 127 138 147 531
Probability law space 144
Probability, axioms 138
Probability, conditional 145 536
Probability, degrees of belief 128
Probability, fiducial 513 587 596
Probability, frequentist theory 128
Probability, inverse 13 29 41
Probability, personal 535
Probability, posterior 154 531
Probability, prior 92 154
Probability, structural 579 587 595
Probability, subjective 131 360 526
Programming, dynamic 340
Proportions, difference between two 75
Propositions 368
Protozoa 8
Psychological research 519 531
Quadratic loss 418 437 443 452
Quadratic loss regression 421
Quantile 399
Random sample xxvii 15
Random sample walk 249
Randomization 404
Randomized block design 402
Randomized block design, decision function 348
Randomized block design, design 403 417
Rank correlation 313 331
Rank correlation, Spearman's 309
Rank-order statistics 304
Ranks xxix 329
Rao - Blackwell theorem 229
Rao - Blackwellization 327
Rational behavior 369 371
Rational behavior decisions 359
Regression xxix 47 412 421 423 427 599
Regression, multiple 611 620
Regression, nonnormal 584
Regression, polynomial 412 423
Regression, quadratic 421
Repeated significance tests 253
Response surface xxv 397
Risk 375 443
Risk function 452
Robustness 398
Sample size 545
Sample size distribution 288
Sample size, expected 258 281
Sampling design 461
Sampling design, double 251 258
Sampling design, multiple 251 258
Scale parameter 443
Scaling 12
Scientific theories 366
Scores 362
Seiche record 621
Separable space 356
| Sequential analysis 249 294 300 306
Sequential analysis, design 503
Sequential analysis, methods 260 345 399
Sequential analysis, probability ratio test (SPRT) 250 257 264 295 516
Sequential analysis, tests 256 261
Sharp null hypothesis 523 531 564 570
Sheppard's correction (for grouping) 7 19 37 41
Significance level 70 500 503 557 622
Significance level test 116 245 253 363 479 485 502 549 571 631
Similar region 98 102
Simple hypothesis 67 82 418 427 521 547 556
Smoothing 381
Spatial statistics 397
Spearman's rank correlation 309
Species sampling 382
Specification 16 482
Spectral theory 175
Spectrum, power 621
Stable distribution 188
Stable distribution, estimation 520 521 540 562 576
Stable distribution, relatively 187
Stochastic process 175 178 191
Stochastic process, stationary 180
Stochastically increasing 596
Stopping rule 350 461 574 575
Strata xxvii
Strategy 346 556
Stratified sampling xxvii
Strong Law of Large Numbers 127 159
Structural covariance 599
Structural covariance, distribution 589 593 596
Structural covariance, probability 579 595
Student's ratio 68
Student's ratio, generalized 54
Student's ratio, t-test 106
Subjective judgment 148
Subjective judgment, probability 131 360 526
Sufficiency 33 42 109 113 131 461 466
Sufficiency, conditional 595
Sufficiency, principle 471 480 487 488
Sufficient experiment 414
Sufficient experiment, statistic 3 12 18 114 116 156 229 238 403 479 488
Super efficiency (Hodges ) 422
Symmetrical design 405
systematic sampling xxvii
t-distribution 56 120
t-distribution, significance level 567
t-statistic 45
t-test 106
tabulation xxii
test 51 67 547 549 573
Test, Bayesian 552
Test, choice of 67 486
Test, conditional 110
Test, likelihood ratio 606
Test, significance 116 245 253 363 479 485 502 549 571
Test, uniformly most powerful (UMP) 69 114
Time series 599 611 620
Transformation 46 111 182 400 412 512 545 582 587 590 591 594
Trend 58
Truncated SPRT 253 293
Turing's formula 381
U-statistics 300 302 308 311 313 319 330
U-statistics, limit theorems 320 325
U-statistics, variance 313
Unbiased estimator 308 310
Unbiased estimator, distribution-free 310
Unbiased estimator, minimum variance (UMVE) 389
Unbiased test 410
Uniformly most powerful (UMP) test 69 71 114
Utility xxxiv 131 140 360 369 373 375
Utility, maximum expected (MEU) 36
V-statistics 301
Validity 12
Variance, generalized 413 426 621
Variances, homogeneity test 110 118
Wald boundary 251
Weak law of large numbers 130
Weber's law 523 563
Weighing problems 429 582
Weight function 63 343 354
Weight function of evidence 372
Wilks' lambda 50
Wishart matrix 448
Youden square 430
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