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Goodman J.W. — Introduction to Fourier Optics |
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Quadratic phase dispersion 72
Quadratic phase factors, in imaging equation 109—112
Quality criterion 154
Quantum confinement 203
Quantum efficiency, of detector 64
Quantum well 202
Quantum-confined Stark effect 203
Quarter-wave plate 418
Quasi-monochromatic light 127
R-SEED see “Resistor-biased SEED”
Ragnarsson, S.I. 262 263
Rainbow hologram 324—326
Raman — Nath regime 206 208 209 276
Ratcliffe, J.A. 55
Ray 401—402
Ray directions 19
Ray-transfer matrix 404—407
Rayleigh interferometer 239 240
Rayleigh resolution criterion 157
Rayleigh resolution distance 157
Rayleigh — Sommerfeld diffraction formula 49—50
Rayleigh — Sommerfeld diffraction theory 46—50
Rayleigh's theorem 9 396
Rayleigh, Lord 126 129
Real image 108
Real image, in holography 301
Real-time holographic interferometry 375
Reciprocal polarization element 419
Reciprocity theorem 46
Reconstruction wave 297
Recording materials, for holography 346—351
Rectangle function 13
Rectangular sampling lattice 23 26
Reduced coordinates 130
Reference wave 297
Reference wave, in VanderLugt filter 239
Referenceless on-axis complex hologram (ROACH) 355 360—361
Reflection 33
Reflection hologram 296 321—322 333
Reflection intensity modulator 193
Reflective polarization devices 418—420
Refraction 32
Refractive index 32 36
Registration errors, in holographic memories 383
Relief image, photographic 184
Replication of holograms 328—329
Resistor-biased SEED (R-SEED) 204
Resolution, beyond classical limit 160—165
Responsivity, of detector 64
Restrick, R.C. 369
Retardation, Jones matrix representation of 191
Retarded time 54
Reynolds, C.O. 295
Rhodes, W.T. 230
Roach see “Referenceless on-axis complex hologram”
Robinson, D.Z. 223
Rogers, G.L. 296 369
Rotation angle 200
Rotation sensitivity, of matched filter 251
Rubinowicz, A. 55
S-SEED see “Symmetric SEED”
Saltus problem 35
Sampled function 25
Sampling theory 22—27
SAR see “Synthetic aperture radar”
Sawtooth grating 211
Saxby, G. 295
Scalar diffraction theory 35 36—38
Scalar diffraction theory, limitations of 214
Scale size sensitivity, of matched filter 251
Scaling of hologram 317 319
Scattering, in photographic emulsion 181
Schade, O. 126
Schlieren method, in microscopy 220
Schumann, W. 373
Schwarz's inequality 140 147
Secondary source 46
Secondary wavelets 34
Security applications, of holography 388
Seed see “Self-electro-optic effect device”
Self images 87—90
Self-electro-optic effect 204—205
Self-electro-optic effect device (SEED) 204—205
Separable functions 10
Shamir, J. 114
Shannon, C 23
Sherman, G. 61
Shift theorem 8
Shift theorem, proof 395—396
Shoulder, of H&D curve 176
Side lobes 152
Side-looking radar 159
Sifting property, of delta function 20 393
Sight-mod see “Magneto-optic spatial light modulator”
Sigmoid nonlinearity 384
Sign convention, for radii of curvature 97
Signum function 13
Silver halide 173
Similarity theorem 8
Similarity theorem, proof 395
Sine function 13
SLM see “Spatial light modulator”
Small angle diffraction 72
Small signal suppression, in holography 367
Smectic liquid crystal 186
Smectic-A phase, of liquid crystal 188n
Smectic-C* phase, of liquid crystal 186 187 188n
Smith, H.M. 295
Snell's law 32 403
Sommerfeld radiation condition 44
Sommerfeld, A. 33 35
Space invariance 21
Space-bandwidth product 27 229
Space-integrating correlator 278—279
Space-variant impulse response 113
Sparrow resolution criterion 170
| Spatial coherence 133
Spatial frequency 5
Spatial frequency, local 17
Spatial light modulator (SLM) 101 184—209
Spatial light modulator (SLM), acousto-optic 205—209
Spatial light modulator (SLM), and liquid crystals 194—198
Spatial light modulator (SLM), and multiple quantum wells 202—205
Spatially coherent illumination 131 133
Spatially incoherent illumination 131 134
Speckle effect 159—160 224
Speckle size 159
Speckle, effects in holography 369
Sprague, R.A. 279
Stanford matrix-vector multiplier 284—286
Stationary phase, principle of 71
Stereo effect 323 328
Stetson, K.A. 376
Strehl definition 168
Stroke, G.W. 369
Strontium barium nitrate 348
Super-resolution 160—165
Superposition 20
Superposition integral 20 52
Superposition integral, for imaging system 129
Superposition property 20
Symmetric SEED (S-SEED) 204
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) 264—275
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR), data processing for 268—275
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR), data recording format 265—268
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR), image from 275
Synthetic discriminant functions 256—257
system 19
Systolic processor 287
Talbot image 87—90
Talbot subimage 89
Tanning bleach 183—184
Telescopic system, imaging properties of 273
Television display, and liquid crystals 197
Thick amplitude reflection grating 344
Thick amplitude transmission grating 341
Thick hologram 329—346
Thick phase reflection grating 343
Thick phase transmission grating 339
Thin lens 96—101
Thin lens, as phase transformation 99—101
Thin lens, definition 96
Thompson, B.J. 372
Three-dimensional imaging, with holography 309—312
Three-dimensional interference pattern 330
Three-dimensional optical storage 383
Tichenor, D.A. 111
Tilt angle, of ferroelectric liquid crystal 192
Tilted plane processor 272—275
Time constant, for liquid crystals 190
Time in variance 21
Time-bandwidth product 281
Time-integrating correlator 279—281
Toe, of H&D curve 176
Training of neural network 385
Transfer function 22
Transfer function, of wave propagation 59—61
Transmission hologram 321—322
Transverse magnification 273
Transverse magnification, in holography 317
Triangle function 13
Triangular interferometer 370
Twin image problem 303—304
Twisted nematic liquid crystal 186 191
Two-point resolution 157
Two-pupil OTF synthesis 230—231
Ultrasound imaging 159
Ultraviolet holography 319
Upatnieks, J. 296 313 381
Van Ligten, R.F. 366
VanderLugt filter 237—243
VanderLugt filter, advantages of 242—243
VanderLugt filter, and synthesis of frequency-plane mask 238—240
VanderLugt filter, impulse response of 250
VanderLugt, A.B. 114
Vectorial diffraction theory 35 36—38
Velocity of propagation 37
Vertical parallax 328
Vest, CM. 373
Vibration analysis, with holography 376—378
Virtual image 108
Virtual image, in holography 301
Volume grating see “Thick hologram”
Volume imagery, with holography 372
Ward, J.H. 372
Wave equation, scalar 37 39
Wave equation, vector 36
wave number 39
Wave retarder 417—418
Wave vector diagram 208
Wavefront 402
Wavefront reconstruction 295 296—302
Wavelength conversion, with SLM 185
Wavelength mismatch, for thick hologram 339
Wavelength multiplexing, in holography 383
Weaver, C.S. 243
White light illumination, in holography 32
Whittaker — Shannon sampling theorem 23—26
Whittaker, E.T. 23
Wiener filter 259—260
Wiener filter, optical realization 261—264
Wigner distribution function 30
Windowing 151
Wolf, E. 51
X-ray crystallography 295
X-ray holography 319 372
Young, N.O. 369
Young, T 34 54
Zelenka, J.S. 367
Zernike phase contrast microscope 220
Zernike, E 2 220
Zero-spread nonlinearity 181
Zinky, W.R. 372
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