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Goodman J.W. — Introduction to Fourier Optics
Goodman  J.W. — Introduction to Fourier Optics

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Íàçâàíèå: Introduction to Fourier Optics

Àâòîð: Goodman J.W.


The second edition of this respected text considerably expands the original and reflects the tremendous advances made in the field. All the material has been update and several new sections explore the recent progress made in the areas of wavelength modulation, analog information processing, and holography. The book also explores Fourier analysis applications and emphasizes those applications to diffraction, imaging, optical data processing, and holography.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: second edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1996

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 441

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 07.09.2005

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Fresnel — Kirchhoff diffraction formula      45—46
Fresnel, A.J.      34
Friesem, A.A.      367
Fringe orientation, in thick holograms      332—334
Fringe period, in holography      321
Gabor hologram      302—304
Gabor, D.      295 368 372 373 384
Gamma, photographic      176
Gaussian reference sphere      145—146
Geometrical optics      19 32
Geometrical theory of diffraction      55
Gerchberg, R.W.      164
Goldberg, E.      225
Goodman, J.W.      5 111 243 263 368
Grain size, in photographic emulsions      368
Grating vector      331
Grating vector cloud      335
Grating vector spectrum      335
Gray, D.S.      223
Gray, R.M.      5
Green's function      35 40—41 47—49
Green's theorem      39
Gross fog      176
Guilfoyle, P.      287
H&D curve      see “Hurter-Driffield curve”
Haimes, R.      256
Haines, K.A.      348 375
Half-wave plate      418
Halftone process      223
Hankel transform      10—12
Hard-clipped filter      237n
Hariharan, P.      295
Helmholtz equation      38—39 41 57
Heurtley, J.C.      51
Hidden layer, in a neural network      386
High-contrast film      176
High-Definition Television      202
High-gamma film      see “High-contrast film”
High-order images, in holography      367
Hildebrand, B.P.      375
HOE      see “Holographic optical element”
Holographic art      388
Holographic data storage      382—384
Holographic display      388
Holographic interferometry      373—378
Holographic interferometry, contour generation      375—376
Holographic interferometry, multiple exposure      373—375
Holographic interferometry, real-time      375
Holographic memory      see “Holographic data storage”
Holographic optical element (HOE)      387—388
Holographic stereograms      322—324
Holographic weights, for neural networks      386—387
Holography, applications of      372—388
Holography, history of      295—296
Holography, linearity of imaging process      299—300
Holography, practical problems in      313—314
Holography, with incoherent light      369—371
Homogeneous medium      36
Hopfield neural network      286 387
Hopkins, H.H.      126 130n
Hughes liquid crystal light valve      194—196
Hurler, F      175
Hurter — Driffield curve      175
Huygens envelope construction      34
Huygens — Fresnel Principle      35 52—53 65
Huygens — Fresnel principle, as convolution integral      53
Huygens, C.      33
Hybrid-field-effect mode, of liquid crystal cell      195
Hydrogenated amorphous silicon      197
Hyperplane decision surface      385
Ideal image, definition      130
Ilford, Ltd., holographic emulsions from      347
Image amplification, with SLM      185
Image casting      225
Image deblurring      222—223
Image formation, by holography      301—302
Image formation, in monochromatic light      108—114
Image formation, with polychromatic illumination      130—134
Image hologram      319
Image location, in holography      314—317
Image magnification, in holography      317—319
Image restoration, fundamentals      257—260
Imaging system, generalized model      127—128
Impedance, of liquid crystal cell      195
Impulse response      20
Impulse response, of imaging system      112
Impulse response, of positive lens      108—112
Incoherent imaging, conditions for      134
Incoherent imaging, vs.coherent imaging      154—160
Incoherent optical processing      224—231
Incoherent optical processing, and geometrical optics      225—229
Incoherent optical processing, limitations of      229
Incoherent-to-coherent converter, with SLM      185
Integral theorem, of Helmholtz and Kirchhoff      40—42
Intensity impulse response      134
Intensity mapping, by photographic emulsion      177—178
Intensity modulator, and liquid crystals      192—193
Intensity transmittance, definition      175
Intensity, definition      63—65
Intensity, instantaneous      65
Interference gain      160
Interferometry, holography as      297
Interferometry, with holography      373—378
Intermodulation effects, in holography      367
Invariant pattern recognition, optical approaches      252—257
Invariant system      21
Inverse filter      258—259
Inverse filter, realization of      261
Inverse Fourier transform      5 12
Inverse Hankel transform      12
Isoplanatic patch      21
Isoplanatic system      21
Isotropic medium      36
Jinc function      16
Joint transform correlator      243—246
Jones calculus      190
Jones matrix, definition      190 415—416
k vector diagram      see “Wave vector diagram”
Keller, J.      55
Kelley model      181
Kelley, D.H.      181
Kinoform      360—361
Kirchhoff boundary conditions      44—45 49
Kirchhoff diffraction theory      42—46
Kirchhoff, G.      35
Knox, C      372
Kodak 649F spectroscopic plate      183 313 346
Kogelnik, H.      336
Koliopoulis, C.L.      279
Kottler, F.      35
Kozma, A.      179 367 368
laser ablation      214
latent image      174
Least-mean-square-error filter      see “Wiener filter”
Lee, W.H.      360 361
Leith — Upatnieks hologram      304—314
Leith — Upatnieks hologram, for three-dimensional scenes      309—312
Leith — Upatnieks hologram, minimum reference angle      308—309
Leith — Upatnieks hologram, obtaining images from      306—307
Leith — Upatnieks hologram, recording      305—306
Leith — Upatnieks hologram, with diffused illumination      313
Leith, E.N., 237n      296
Lens law      110
Lens, thin      96—101
Lensless Fourier transform hologram      320 365
Light emitting diode      283
Light-mod      see “Magneto-optic spatial light modulator”
Lighthill, M.J.      6
Lin, L.H.      295
Line-spread function      166
Linear system      4
Linear system, definition      7
Linearity      4
Linearity theorem      9
Linearity theorem, proof      395
Lippmann, G.      296
Liquid crystals      185—198
Liquid crystals, electrical properties      188—190
Liquid crystals, mechanical properties      186—188
Liquid crystals, optical properties      190
Liquid gate      178—179
Lithium niobate      348
LMS algorithm      386
Local spatial frequency      17
Local spatial frequency, relation to ray optics      402—403
Lohmann, A.W.      256 296 355 367 369
Low contrast film      176
Mach — Zehnder interferometer      239 240
Maggi, G.A.      55
Magneto-optic spatial light modulator (MOSLM)      198—200
Magnification, definition      112
Marchand, E.W.      51
Marechal, A.      179 222 236
Matched filters      246—251
Matched filters, bank of      250
Matrix-matrix multiplier      see “Outer product processor”
Matrix-vector multiplier, parallel      284—286
Matrix-vector multiplier, serial      283—284
Matrix-vector product      282—283
Maxwell's equations      36
Maxwell, J.C.      35
Meier, R.W.      363
Mellin transform      252
Mellin transform, insensitivity to scale size      253
Meridional ray      404
Mersereau, R.M.      26
Mertz, L.      369
Metal master hologram      329
Micromachining, in fabrication of binary optics      210
Microscopy, with holography      372
Microwave holography      315 317—319
Middleton, D.      26
Minimum reference angle, for Leith — Upatnieks hologram      308—309
Modulation transfer function (MTF)      139
Modulation transfer function (MTF), definition      182
Modulation transfer function (MTF), measurement      183
Modulation transfer function (MTF), of photographic emulsion      180—183
Molecular beam epitaxy      202 204
Montgomery, R.M.      279
MOSLM      see “Magneto-optic spatial light modulator”
MTF      see “Modulation transfer function”
Multilayer neural network      385—386
Multiple exposure holographic interferometry      373—375
Multiple quantum well structure      203
Multiplex hologram      326—328
Multiplexing, in holography      383
Museum of Holography      388
Mutual intensity      133
Mylar-base film      173
Narrowband light      131
Nazarathy, M.      114
Near field      67
Negative lens      99—101
Nematic liquid crystal      186—187 190—194
Networks of neurons      385—386
Neural network      384
neuron      384—385
Newton, L      34
Nonlocalization of data, in Fourier hologram      383
Nonmagnetic medium      36
Nonmonochromatic wave      53
Nontanning bleach      183—184 262
Numerical aperture      157
Nyquist sampling      281
O'Neill, E.L.      223
Obliquity factor      51
Offset reference hologram      see “Leith-Upatnieks hologram”
Operator notation      114—120
Operator notation, applications of      116—120
Operator notation, operator relations, table of      117
Optical transfer function      138—145
Optical transfer function, and apodization, effects of      151—154
Optical transfer function, and geometrical calculation      141
Optical transfer function, as autocorrelation function      139
Optical transfer function, examples of      142—144 148—150
Optical transfer function, of aberration-free system      140
Ordinary refractive index      190
Orthoscopic image      311
Outer product processor      286—287
Palermo, C      231n
Papoulis, A.      5 164
Paraxial      62
Paraxial approximation      403
Paraxial diffraction      72 73
Paraxial geometrical optics      401—413
Paris, D.P.      355
Parseval's theorem      9
Parseval's theorem, proof      396
Partial coherence      131
Penumbra effect      33
Permeability      36
Permittivity      36 37
Peterson, D.R      26
Phase contour interferogram      361—363
Phase matching      360
Phase modulation, by photographic emulsion      183—184
Phase shift, by photographic emulsion      178
Phase-coded reference beams      383
Phase-contrast microscope      220
Phase-only filter      237n
Phase-shifting plate      222
Phasor      39
Phasor, time-varying      131
Photo-elastic effect      206
Photographic density, definition      175
Photographic film      173—184
Photolithography, in fabrication of binary optics      210
Photopolymer films      347—349
Photorefractive crystal      386
Photorefractive effect      349
Photorefractive materials      348—351
Photoresist, for recording hologram      329
Pinhole camera      168
Planck's constant      64
Plane wave      56
Plus-X film      183
Point-spread function      20
Poisson's spot      35
Poisson, S.      34
Polarization analyzer      418
Polarization rotator      191—193 199 417
Polarization transformations      417—418
Polarization vector      190 415
Polymerization      347
Porter, A.B.      218
Positive lens      99—101
Potassium tantalum niobate      348
Potential function      46
Powell, R.L.      376
Power spectral densities      259
Power spectrum      103
Principal plane      409—411
prism      120
Psaltis, D.      253
Pseudoscopic image      311
Pupil function      102
Pupil function, generalized      145
Q factor, for acousto-optic diffraction      208
Q factor, for holograms      329—330
q parameter      see “Q factor”
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