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Akhiezer N.I. — The classical moment problem: And some related questions in analysis |
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-matrix 2
-matrix bounded 7
Akhiezer 50 87 89 124 126 131 185
Analogue of Green's formula 9
Analogue of the Christoffel — Darboux equation 184
Analogue of the Liouville — Ostrogradskii formula 9
Analogue of Weyl's finite difference theorem 15
Artemenko 192
Banach's criterion 42
Bernstein 203 204 206 210
Bessel's inequality 38
Bochner 192
Caratheodory 90 91
Carleman vii 24 85
chebyshev v vi 24 64 113
Christoffel — Darboux formula 9
Class 200
Class C 91 94
Class N 92 94
Class of pseudo-positive functions 94
Class R 94
Cramer 226 227
Criterion of completeness 42
Criterion, Hamburger's 84
Defect, Parseval's 122
Dennis 25
Finite vector 35
Fourier coefficients, generalized 38
Fourier coefficients, series, generalized 38
Fraction, continued 23
Fraction, continued associated 113
Fraction, continued Stieltjes' 232
Function of class 218
Function of class 194
Function of class 191
Function of class 215
Function of class 210
Function of class 203
Function of class 161
Function of class T 208
Function of minimal exponential type 49 56 60
Function of minimal exponential type 62
Function of minimal exponential type 49 60
Function, absolutely monotonic 203
Function, absolutely monotonic of several variables 228
Function, exponentially convex 210
Function, exponentially convex of many variables 229
Function, hermitian positive 190 192
Function, hermitian positive, radial 198
Functional, directing 159
Functional, positive 2 60 153
Functional, positive integral representation for 153
Functional, positive integral representation for -positive 69
Functional, positive integral representation for 2
Functional, positive integral representation for 181
Gel'fand 47
Generating element 147
Geronimus 104 188
Glazman 131
Gnedenko 213
Gurarii 89
Hamburger vii 11 84 88 146 172
Hardy 87
Hausdorff 203
Hellinger vii 11 16
Herglotz 91
Hildebrandt 76 228
Interval of continuity 194
Jacobi matrix 2
Kats 129
Kernel polynomial of degree n 9
Khinchin 192 217
Kilpi 174
Kolmogorov 185
Koranyi 174
Krein 87 104 126 127 129 131—133 153 172 185 186 192 213 215 217 219 232 234 236
Levin 173
Levy (P.) 217
Livshits 153 156 192
Markov v vi 24 64 113
Mathias 192
Matrix of type C 19
Matrix of type D 19
Matrix, Nevanlinna 8 55
Matsaev 132
Measure 194
Method of directing functionals 153 159
Method of Riesz', M. 68
Moment, generalized, of order k v
Nagy 174
Naiman 131
Nevanlinna vii 11 16 90 92 101 104
Nevanlinna's formula 92
Normal property of an operator 174
Numerator, corresponding to a quasiorthogonal polynomial 11
Operator U 35 36 185
Operator, adjoint 139
Operator, hypermaximal 174
Operator, isometric 36
Operator, normal 174
Operator, symmetric 139 146
| Operator, symmetric, simple 152
Operator, unitary 39
Ostrovskii 132
p-th abbreviated matrix 28
Parseval's equality 38
Perron 124
Pick 104
Polya 86
Polynomial of first and second kinds 8
Polynomial R(u) 65
Polynomial R*(z) 183
Polynomial S(u) 66
Polynomial, Bernstein's 75
Polynomial, orthogonal on a circle 182
Polynomial, orthonormal relative to a sequence 3
Polynomial, quasi-orthogonal of degree n 10
Polynomials related to Jacobi matrices 8
Prawitz 80
Problem in theory of analytic functions 90
Problem of Caratheodory coefficients 178
Problem of moments v vi
Problem of moments associated with the operator A 141
Problem of moments of Nevanlinna — Pick in the Class N 104 109
Problem of moments of Schur's coefficients 101
Problem of moments on limiting values of integrals vi
Problem of moments, classical 70
Problem of moments, complex 174
Problem of moments, determinate vi 29
Problem of moments, extended vi
Problem of moments, general 154
Problem of moments, Hamburger's 29 240 241
Problem of moments, Hausdorff's 73
Problem of moments, Hausdorff's, solubility criterion 74
Problem of moments, Hausdorff's, two-dimensional 228
Problem of moments, indeterminate 29
Problem of moments, indeterminate, canonical solution 113
Problem of moments, Livshits' generalized 154
Problem of moments, power 29 95
Problem of moments, power, solubility criterion 29
Problem of moments, Stieltjes' 240
Problem of moments, Stieltjes', full 76
Problem of moments, Stieltjes', indeterminate 88
Problem of moments, trigonometric 178
Problem of moments, trigonometric, solubility criterion 180
Problem of moments, truncated 30
Problem, interpolation, condition of solubility 121
Problem, interpolation, of Nevanlinna, Pick 174
Quadrature formulae 21 49
Quasi-polynomial 181
Rekhtman 104
Resolution of unity 142
Resolution of unity, orthogonal 142
Riesz, F. 68 91
Riesz, M. vii 11 68 71 78
Schoenberg 76 203 207 208 228
schur 90 92 101
Schur, parameters 103
Sequence of masses 165
Sequence of polynomials 14 54
Sequence, canonical, of nodes 165
Sequence, non-negative with respect to circle 180
Sequence, non-negative with respect to interval 70
Sequence, positive 1 2
Shvetsov 297
Sierpinski 210
Solution extremal at a point 43
Solution, canonical, of order m 115
Solution, N-extremal 45 114
Solution, V-extremal 46
Sonin 201
Spectral function 142
Spectral function, orthogonal 142
Spectrum, simple 146
Stieltjes v vii 64 67 88 126
Stieltjes — Perron inversion formula 124
Szegoe 182 188 201
Theorem on extension of a positive functional 69
Theorem on zeros 184
Theorem, analyticity 19
Theorem, Berezanskii's 26
Theorem, Bochner's 195
Theorem, Caratheodory — Toeplitz 178
Theorem, Hausdorff's 74
Theorem, Hellinger's 11
Theorem, Invariance 16
Theorem, Naimark's 47
Theorem, Riesz (F.) — Herglotz 180
Theorem, Stieltjes' 237
Theorem, Stone's 149
Theorems, Bernstein's 204 210
Theorems, Hamburger's 30 95 240
Theorems, Krein's 127 160 219
Theorems, Livshits' 156 158
Theorems, Nevanlinna's 95 98
Theorems, Riesz' (M.) 43
Theorems, Schoenberg's 198 200 208
Theorems, Widder's 207 210
wall 25
Weyl 11 15 16
Widder 203 210
Wold 226 227
Wouk 25 26
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