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Fulling S. — Aspects of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime |
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Number operator or observable 14—15 59—60 62 72 92 140—141 145
Observable(s) 3 5—6 10 31 54 63 92 95 115 124 127 139 150 158 218 238
Observable(s), algebra of 6
Observable(s), complete set 5
Observable(s), local 127 152
Occupation number 61
Olver (1961) 140 155
One-dimensional operator 38 (see also “Scattering” “Weyl
Optical metric 130
Order (mass dimension) 183 193
Ordering ambiguity 10
Osborn & Fujiwara (1983) 202
Osborn (coauthor) 297
Osborn et al. (1987) 191
Ottewill (coauthor) 211 287 289 297
Out-basis, etc. see “In- and outbases” etc.
O’Connor (coauthor) 295
O’Neill (1966) 114
O’Neill (1983) 121
Pac (coauthor) 296
Pacini (coauthor) 226
Padmanabhan (1989) 218
Pairing 166
Pais (1982) 148
Panangaden (coauthor) 289
Panangaden, (1979) 127
Papiez (coauthor) 297
Papiez et al. (1988) 191
Parabolic cylinder function 16
Parabolic equation or operator 188—189 206
Parallel transport 173—175 179 199—200
Parametrix 203—208
Parity 255
Parker & Fulling (1974) 136 153 155 156
Parker & Tiomno (1972) 260
Parker (1966) 134 153
Parker (1968) 134
Parker (1969) 134 149 153
Parker (1971) 134 149
Parker (1976) 140
Parker (1979) 177 194
Parker (coauthor) 278 287 289 290 293
Parseval equation 30 32 35 56
Partial derivative, notation 21
Particle(s) 1 9 15 33 48—49 55 57—58 63 92 114—115 128 134 137—141 147—153 157—158 166 185—186 198 201 209 217—218 223—224 230—231 236 247 252 256—261 267 279 281—284
Particle(s) in box 6 237
Particle(s), density 70—73 141 146 185
Particle(s), free 2 7 12—13 19 245
Particle(s), number see “Number operator”
Particle(s), runaway see “Repulsive oscillator”
Path-ordered exponential 174
Patodi (coauthor) 287
Pauli & Weisskopf (1934) 225
Pauli — Villars regularization 212—213
Peierls (1952) 125
Penrose (1969) 258
Penrose (1969) & Floyd (1971) 258
Pereira (coauthor) 259
Periodic boundary condition 25 39 42 98 103 106—108 135 257
Perry (coauthor) 293
Petersen (1983) 10
Phase of section 225
Phase of wave function 159—161
Phase space 2 18
Phonons 218
Planck’s constant 4 10 18—19 162
Pleijel (coauthor) 296
Point spectrum see “Eigenvector”
Point-splitting 96 98 105 110 188 213 216
Poisson bracket 125—126
Polarization 109 239 283
Popov (coauthor) 237
POSITION 4 28 54—55 126
Positive frequency 50 53 127—128 137 144 153
Positive frequency, instantaneous 150
Potential 1 16 26 32—33 47 188 191 193 202 210—211 223—225 231—232 252
Potential and scalar curvature 133
Poulsen (coauthor) 296
Powers (1967) 67
Press & Teukolsky (1972) 258
Principal symbol 192 195 200
Principal value 76 78—79 81 86 90 206—207
Product manifold 198—199
Projection, spectral 45 77 84
Proper time 201
Pseudodifferential operator 10 21 53 194—195 200 204
Pure state 3
Putnam (1967) 6
Quantization see “Commutation relations” “Field
Quantization of space and time 219
Quantization, literal 104 (see also “Finite-size effect”)
Quantum chromodynamics 215
Quantum gravity 218—219 268 284
quantum mechanics 1 3 6 50 159—162 217 260
Quasi-orthogonality 226
Rafelski (coauthor) 224 294
Rafelski et al. (1978) 221
Raine (coauthor) 285
Rapid decrease, function of 64
Reconstruction 82 91
Recursion relation 196—197
Reed & Simon (1972) 64
Reed (1970) 241
Reed (1975) 26 33
Reed, (1978) 33
Reflection 36 232 255 258 274—278 283
Reflection, space 262
Regularization 96 105 110 114
Reissner — Nordstrom black hole 260—261
Relativity 48 96 125 149 217 260
Renormalization 90 96 102—104 114—115 118—119 147 155—156 184—216 218—219
Renormalization, wave-function 67
Representation(s), (in) equivalent 6 19 69—70 124 127—128 138 141 153 156—157 241 278—279
Repulsive oscillator 2 15—16 242 245
Resolvent 33 39 41 189 191 199 202—203
Ricci identity 169—171 182
Ricci tensor 117 183 198
Richtmyer (1978) 38
Riemann normal coordinates 177 179 “World
Riemann tensor 168—173 182 197—198 208 214
Rindler space 124 131 144
Robertson — Walker space-time 134—158 213
Robin condition 25 32 128
Rochev (coauthor) 252
Rodionov & Taranov (1987) 180
Rohrlich (coauthor) 284
Rotation 261—262 268
Rotation group 6 126 148
Rotations 243
Ruffini, R. 260
Ruijsenaars (coauthor) 293
Ruijsenaars, (1981) 54
Rumpf & Urbantke (1978) 80
Rumpf, (1976, 1980, 1981, 1983) 80 147
S-matrix 146—147
Sakai (1971) 194
Scalar principal symbol 192
Scalar product see “Inner product”
Scattering 28 34—38 139 255 260 270—279
Schiff et al. (1940) 223 237
Schiff — Snyder — Weinberg effect 221 223—257 265 269
Schimming (1981) 180
Schrader & Taylor (1984) 204
Schroedinger (1939) 134
Schroedinger picture 10—12 16—17 19—20 219
Schroedinger representation 7 10
Schroedinger-type equation or operator 189 201 204
Schroer (1971) 224 225
Schroer (1971) & Swieca (1970) 224 225 245
| Schutz (1985) 163
Schwartz (coauthor) 291
Schwartz kernel theorem 90
Schwarz (coauthor) 294
Schwarzschild space 124 131 144 218
Schweber (coauthor) 301
Schwinger function see “Hadamard function”
Schwinger — DeWitt equation see “Schrodinger-type equation”
Schwinger — DeWitt series 200—208 (see also “HaMiDeW theory” “Heat
Schwinger, J. 126 147
Schwinger, J. (1951) 188 189 223 260
Second derivative, covariant 168—169
Second fundamental form 112—113
Second quantization 48—49 63 224
Section (s) 163—165 192
Seeley (1967) 194 210
Segal & Goodman (1965) 54
Segal (1967) 6
Segal (1974) 128
Self-adjointness 23—29 123 203 228 231 252
Self-adjointness and unitary group 64
Self-adjointness, essential 23—24 32—33 132
Self-adjointness, formal 23 132
Self-dual operator 66 69 85
Semibounded operator 26 132
Sewell (1980, 1982) 131
Shell in Casimir effect 114
Shift vector field 129
Shilov (coauthor) 293
Shin (coauthor) 296
Shirkov (coauthor) 288
Simon (coauthor) 298
Singer (coauthor) 296
Singular mode 239—240 243—252 257 268—269
Singular spectrum 32
Sixth-order terms 215—216
Slope, determining norm 235 240—241
Snyder & Weinberg (1940) 225
Snyder (coauthor) 223
Sobolev spaces 57
Soffel et al (1982) 221
Sommerfield (1974) 285
Space-time, notation 74
Spacelike separation see “Commutation relations” “Light
Spectral decomposition or representation see “Eigenfunctions” “Normal “Spectral
Spectral theorem 11 28—32 50—51 70 203 228
Spectral theorem for indefinite metric 229 269 273
Spectrum 28 32 41 “Eigenvector”)
speed of light 162
Spheroidal harmonic 268—269
Spin 4—6 125—126 148—150 283
Spinor field 125 127 163 167 192 224
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 278
Square of a Field 95—104
Square-integrability at a point 39
Standard deviation 92
Starobinsky (1973) 258
Starobinsky (coauthor) 296 301
State 7 10 17 53 57 98 124 147 185 187 207—209 211 218 246 282—283
Static field theory 48—115 189 207 285
Static space-time 123—124 127—133 208 210 226
Static space-time, asymptotically 138—147 157 186 208
Static space-time, conformally 134—135
Static space-time, uniformly 129—130
Stationary phase 271—272
Stationary space-time 129—130 259 263—265 283—284
Stationary space-time, locally 265
Statistics 58—59 146 148
Stegun (coauthor) 287
Stein (coauthor) 294
Stieltjes measure 13 29
Stimulated emission 147—148
Stone — Von Neumann theorem 6—7
Stone’s theorem 63—64
Storey (coauthor) 287
Streater & Wightman (1964) 82 90 91 148
Stress tensor 93—96 104—108 118—119 152 158 184—216 218 279—283
Stress tensor of gas 105
Strictly positive operator 49 64 132—133 209
String theory 219
Strocchi & Wightman (1974) 268
Sturm — Liouville operator 252 (see also “Boundary condition regular”)
SU(2) see “Rotation group”
Suen (1987) 153
Sunder (coauthor) 294
Superradiance 258—259 263 269 275 277—278 285
Superselection rule 268
Surjective operator 28
Sweeny (coauthor) 293
Swieca (coauthor) 224
Symbol (of operator) 210 212 etc.)
Symplectic form 149
Symplectic transformation 144
Synge (1960) 176
Synge — DeWitt tensors 180—183
Synge’s theorem 178
Tabor & Winterton (1969) 110
Tangent vector, coordinate 119 129 263
Tangent vector, coordinate, geodesic 104—105 176—183 208
Taranov (coauthor) 298
Taylor (1981) 10
Taylor (coauthor) 299
Taylor’s theorem, covariant 178—180
Temperature 283
Tensor product 57—58 61 247
Tensor product of operators 63—64
Tensor product, infinite 241
Tensors, differentiation of 162—163 167—170
Test functions 31 64 127 144—145 195
Teukolsky (coauthor) 258
Thermal spectrum 140
Time 19 119 201 217 266
Time in heat equation 191
Time independence 263—266 (see also “Static field theory” “Static “Stationary
Time reversal 120 148 261—262 278
Time translation 68—69 123—124
Time, conformal 135 153
Time-ordered product 81
Timelike coordinate 119
Tiomno (coauthor) 260
Titchmarsh, (1937) 28
Titchmarsh, (1962) 15 38 47
Todorov (coauthor) 288
topology 107—108 159 200 205 211 214
Torsion 168—172 175 181—182
Torus 135 140—141
Totally antisymmetric 172 175 180
Trace and dimension 198
Trace and dimension, of fundamental form 113
Trace anomaly 104 213 216
Transmission coefficient 36 274—278
Tree graph 183
Treves (1975) 50
Treves (1980) 10
Two-component formalism 227 244
Two-point functions 74—91 184 202 207 209—211
Two-point functions, summary of identities 82
Ultrastatic space-time 129 132 189 209—211
Uncertainty principle 18
Uniform error bound 155
Uniqueness of stress tensor 185 211—216
Universality Theorem 208—210
Unruh (1974a) 224 259 266 280
Unruh (1974b) 285
Unruh (1976) 131 285
Up- and down-modes 274—282
Urbantke (coauthor) 298
VACUUM 59 61 71 81 91 96—98 102 114—115 141—142 145—149 152 156—157 184 207—209 231 238 246—247 250 252—253 256 259—260 278—279 282—285
Vacuum, initial and final 81 186
Van der Waals force 109
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