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Fulling S. — Aspects of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime |
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, 21—23
see “null infinity”
Abel summation 110
Abramowitz & Stegun (1968) 16
Absolute derivative 173—175 179 196
action 1 68 116—120 126
Acyclic graph 183
Adiabatic construction of states 153—158 208
Adler & Lieberman (1978) 204
Adler et al. (1977) 204
Aharonov — Bohm effect 159
Airy function 42
Allen et al. (1988) 185
Allendoerfer (1940) 214
Ambjorn & Wolfram (1983) 221
Anderson & Parker (1987) 213
Angular velocity 269
Anisotropic expansion see “Bianchi Type I space-time”
Annihilation operator see “Creation/annihilation operators”
Anti-de Sitter space 122—123 176
Anticommutator 80 125—126 148—149 279
Antiparticle(s) 230 235—238 247—248 256 267—268 274
Approximate eigenvalue 28
Arbuzov & Rochev (1972) 252
Arc length 175—183 201 208
Ashtekar & Magnon (1975a) 128 226
Ashtekar & Magnon (1975b) 128
Asymptotics for ODEs 140 151—156
Asymptotics for PDEs 158
Asymptotics of heat kernel 193—202
Asymptotics of quantum gravity 218
Asymptotics, spectral 106 108 113
Atiyah, M. 202
Atiyah, M. et al. (1973) 108
Atom(s) 28 109 258
Avis et al. (1978) 122
Axioms 53 126
Axioms, Wald 185—188 213
Axioms, Wightman 91 127
Bag model 114
Balian & Bloch (1970, 1972, 1974) 108
Banks (1985) 218
Barth & Christensen (1983) 195
Beals (1967) 32
Bekenstein (1973) 258
Bekenstein (1973) & Meisels (1977) 148
Bell & Leinass (1983) 131
Bender & Hays (1976) 114
Berezansky (1968) 32
Bergmann, P. 126
Bernoulli numbers 100
Bessel function 55 85 90 98 208
Bianchi identity 171
Bianchi Type I space-time 135 137 150—151
Bilodeau (1977) 221
Birrell (1978) 153
Birrell (1978) & Davies (1982) 128 185 212 214
Bisognano & Wichmann (1975) 131
Bjorken & Drell (1964) 223
Bjorken & Drell (1965) 85 149 223
Black hole 36 123 131 148 219 248 258—285
Bloch (coauthor) 287 288
Blum (1973) 226
Bogndr (1974) 229
Bogolubov & Shirkov (1959) 85 149
Bogolubov et al. (1975) 82 87 90 91 148
Bogolubov transformation 139—153 157 256 263 276—279
Bokobza-Haggiag (1969) 195
Bonazzola & Pacini (1966) 226
Bonic (1969) 200
Borel construction 205
Bosons see “Statistics”
Bott (coauthor) 287
Boulware (1975a) 131 285
Boulware (1975b) 131
Boulware (1979) 194
Bound state(s) 28 35 237—239 273
Boundary condition(s) 23—27 31—33 40 49—51 103 108 111—114 122 124 200—203 205 228 232 260
Boundary condition(s), regular 32 34 39 46
Boyer, R. & Lindquist (1967) 259
Boyer, T. (1970) 109 111
Brill et al. (1972) 259
Brown & Ottewill (1986) 185 205 212
Brown (1978) 216
Brown (1984) 185 205 213
Brownell (1955) 113
Bunch & Davies (1978) 212
Bunch (coauthor) 290
Bunch et al. (1978) 153 156 208 212 213
Bunch et al. (1980) 118
c-number 81
Callan et al. (1970) 94
Campbell (1972) 155
Candelas & Deutsch (1977, 1978) 131
Candelas & Howard (1984) 218
Candelas & Raine (1976) 285
Candelas (1980) 218
Candelas (1982) 111 200
Candelas (coauthor) 291 295
Canonical formalism 116—120 125—128 229 242 245 “Momentum canonical”)
Canonical formalism, not for fermions 148
Carter (1968) 259
Casimir (1948) 109
Casimir effect 96—115 122 184—185 199 208
Casimir effect in sphere 111—114
Casimir effect, two-dimensional 107
Castagnino & Harari (1984) 185 205 213
Cauchy problem 24 69 78—79 120—125 190—191 210 228 263
Cauchy surface 121—124 127—131 144 150 211
Causal curve 121
Causal domain 98
Causal propagator 76 78—79 81 147 204 206—207
Causality 186
Chain rule 89
Chakraborty (1973) 155
Charge 93 109—110 228 230—231 238—239 241—243 245—247 250 256—257 260 268 279 281—283
Charge conjugation 232 251 267
Charge, unit 162
Charge-current density 93 157 186 218 224 239 279 281—282
Charged field 228 267
Charged field as section 167
Chern (1944, 1945, 1962) 214
Chernoff (1973) 132 226
Choquet — Bruhat (1968) 50 98 121 124
Choquet — Bruhat (1968) et al. (1977) 130
Christensen & Fulling (1977) 131
Christensen & Parker (1989) 180
Christensen (1976) 174 194 207 208
Christensen (1978) 194 207
Christensen (coauthor) 288 289 290
Christensen series 207—208 211—212 215
Christoffel symbols 117 162 165—166 168 188 “Covariant
Chrzanowski & Misner (1974) 274
Chrzanowski (coauthor) 259
Clark (1967) 108
Classical mechanics 1 3 9 17—18 33
Classical solutions as eigenfunctions 30
Closed causal curve 122
Closed classical paths 108
Coincidence limit 178 180
Coleman & Weinberg (1973) 215
Coleman (coauthor) 289
Commutation relations 6 10 15 67—68 119—120 122—127 137 145 148 242 245
Commutation relations of Newton — Wigner field 72—73
Commutation relations, covariant 125
Commutator 4 60 77—80 85 91 102 124—125 149 170—171 186
Compact manifold 131 147
Completeness, geodesic 122 130—131
Completeness, geodesic, in vector space 30 32 35 56 228—229 231 273
Complex conjugate 3 65
| Complex frequency 226 228 231 233 235—236 239—243 246—247 250—255 273
Complex structures 128 192
Computers 180 182
Condensed-matter physics 218
Conductors see “Casimir effect”
Configuration space 1
Conformal coupling 118 133 137 198 266
Conformal invariance 118 133 135 137 198 213
Conformally flat space 134 216
Conformally related metrics 122—123 130 133
Conjugate momentum see “Momentum canonical”
Connected graph 183
Connection (form) 23 27 47 161 165 174 191—192
Connection (form) on dual space 166—167
Connection (form) on tensors see “Tensors differentiation
Connection (form), Levi-Civita see “Christoffel symbols”
Connection (form), metric-compatible 172—173
Conservation law 93—94 185—188 212—213 216 228 230 238 246 259 268
Consistency axiom 187
Constraints 126
Constructive field theory 219
Continuous spectrum 5—6 11 27—33 41 46 52 62 98 228 230—231 243 245 247 255—256
Continuous spectrum, absolutely 32
Contractions 183
Coordinate basis 163 170
Corns (coauthor) 297
Cosmological constant 214—215
Coulomb potential 189
Counterterms 118—119
Coupling constant 118 185 188 214—215 243
Covariance 161 166 215
Covariant derivative 117 159—167 173 188 194—195 “Connection” “Gauge “Synge “Taylor’s covariant”)
Covariant derivative and parallel transport 174—175
Creation/annihilation operators 8—9 13—14 59—61 64—66 70—71 82 128 136—137 140 186—187 229—231 247 261 267 278 280 283
Critchley (coauthor) 295
Current see “Charge-current density” “Flux”
Curvature 117 166—173 193—195
Curvature, constant 135—136
Curvature, principal 112
Curvature, scalar 117 132—133 198 266
Cyclic identity 171
d 63—64
Davies, B. (1972) 111
Davies, P. (1974) 282
Davies, P. (1974) (coauthor) 285 288 289
Davies, P. (1974) et al. (1977) 208 212
Davies, P. (1974), (1975) 285
Davies, P. (1974), (1977) 185
De Sitter space 131
De Witt-Morette (coauthor) 290
Dean & Fulling (1982) 47
Delta function 28—29 40 45—46 62 87—88 90 99 120 125 190 206 230 272 275
Density on hypersurface 120 (see also “Charge-current density” “Energy “Measure”)
Destruction of particles 148
Detector, model 92 283
Determinant of fundamental form 113
Determinant of fundamental form, Van Vleck-Morette 199—200
Detweiler & Ipser (1973) 259 269
Deutsch & Candelas (1979) 111 200
Deutsch & Najmi (1983) 128 138
Deutsch (coauthor) 289
DeWitt, B. 147
DeWitt, B. & Brehme (1960) 199 204
DeWitt, B. (1965) 125 173 174 176 180 188 194 207
DeWitt, B. (1975) 36 104 128 207 214 224 258
DeWitt, B. (1984) 125
Diagonal set or value 104 178 210 211
Dieloctrirs 110
Dilations 243
Dillard-Bleick (coauthor) 290
DIMENSION 197—198 205
Dimensional analysis 155 193 232—233
Dimensional transmutation 215
Dimensionless parameters 18
Dimock, J. 219
Dimock, J. & Kay (1986, 1987) 131
Dimock, J. (1979) 146
Dimock, J. (1980) 50 79 91 124 127 138 139 219
Dimock, J. (1982) 127 219
Dirac distribution see “Delta function”
Dirac equation 48 149 161 223
Dirac field 221 237
Dirac notation 3—4
Direct integral 29
Direct sum 57—58 127
Directional derivative 170
Dirichlet condition 25 32 97 103 106—107 109 201 232
DiSessa (1974) 285
Disjoint union 57—58
Distributions 31 50 56—57 62 64—67 74 82 85—90 95—96 99—100 144 146—147 185
Distributions, integration of 83—84
Divergence of vector field 47 94
Domain 23 60
Dowker (1978) 131
Dowker (1978) (coauthor) 295
Drager (1978) 180 195
Drell (coauthor) 223 288
Dual space, connection on 166—167 169
Duff, M. 218
Duff, M. (1981) 214 219
Duistermaat & Guillemin (1975) 108 202
Dunford & Schwartz (1963) 38
d’Alembertian 117
Eguchi et al. (1980) 200
Eidel’man (1969) 188 191
Eigenfunctions 11—13 16 20 22—23 30—47 51 70 136 211 213 225
Eigenvector(s) 11 22 25 28 31 —34. 228
Einstein equation 118 166 185 214 218
Einstein tensor 214
Einstein, A. 148
Electromagnetism 48 92—93 106 109—114 159—162 166 169 174 186 189 219 221 223—257 260—261 265—268
Electron 111 148 186
Elliptic equation or operator 10 20—47 49 132—133 188—189 200—206
Elliptic regularity 22 31 206
Ellis (coauthor) 259 294
Energy 2 12 15 28 48 54 93—96 108—109 114 187 228 230—231 241—242 245—247 255—259 268 279—283
Energy density 39 104—108 141 152 156—157 209 279—284
Energy space 62
Energy, negative 16 48 224 231 238—239 241 247 250 252 256 258 284
Energy-momentum tensor see “Stress tensor”
Epstein (1975) 216
Equation of motion 1—2 6 93
Ergosphere 258—262
Euler — Lagrange equation 1 68 117—118
Exclusion principle 148
exercises 19 23 26 40 42 55 57 60 68 84 87 91 98 107 117 119 120 125 132 133 138 139 141 146 155 165 167 169 172 175 181 183 187 191
Exercises, solution 47
Expanding Universe 134 148
expectation value 3 7 92 96 103 127 149 185—188 207—208 211—212 241 280—282
Extensions of operator 24—27
External field or potential 21 188 191 197 210—211 284
Fackerell (coauthor) 259
Fedoriuk (coauthor) 296
Fermi coordinates 285
fermions 221 (see also “Statistics”)
Feshbach & Villars (1958) 226
Feynman diagrams 81
Feynman function see “Causal propagator”
Fiber 161 163 182 191—193 197 199
Field 9 15 19—20 48—49 55 73 92 158 163—164 217—219 224 283
Field algebra 6 19 69—70 91 124—127 150 219 241 247
Field operator 64—70 80 127 136 144 246 267 280
Fierz (1960) 107
Figari et al. (1975) 131
figures 14 16 17 36 37 38 44 75 76 77 79 89 97 102 108 109 112 121 122 123 124 131 138 163 177 186 201 204 209
Figures, appendix 232 237 249 251 254 262 264
Finite propagation speed 79 206
Finite-size effect 103—104 106—108
First-order formalism 226 (see also “Stationary space-time”)
Floyd (coauthor) 258
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