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Gambini R., Pullin J. — Loops, Knots, Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity |
Предметный указатель |
2+1 gravity 230
Abelian group of loops (see group of loops Abelian)
Acceleration terms 203 204
ADM 164
Aether 240
Alexander 245 262
Algebraic constraint 31 37 262 286
Ambient isotopy 240
Annihilation operator 94 99
Anomaly 298
Area, derivative 2
Area, operator 225
Arf invariant 262
Ashtekar variables (see New variables)
Bargmann quantization, harmonic oscillator 103
Bargmann quantization, Maxwell theory 105
Bianchi identities 13
biology 248
Borromean rings 239
Bracket polynomial 247
Braid group 243
Braid group, intersecting braids 251
Braid group, representations 249
Brillouin zone 158
Casson 262
Cauchy, completion 78
Cauchy, surface 165
Characteristic function 197
Chen integral 5
Chern — Simons 185 254 292
Cluster approximation 150
Coherent states 95
confinement 124
Connection derivative (see Derivative connection)
Connection representation 179
Constraint algebra 177
Conway 245 262
Covariant lattice theory 133
Creation operator 94 99
Cylindrical measure 79
Deficit angle 232
Degeneracy problem 185
Derivative, connection 17
Derivative, contact 21
Derivative, loop 8
DeSitter 186
Diffeomorphism 22 46 47 79 169
Differential constraint 31
Dirac, quantization 61
Dirac, theory 54
Disorder parameter 126
Einstein equations 164
Einstein — Maxwell theory 215
Extended loop representation, Maxwell 109
Extended loop representation, quantum gravity 275
Extended loop representation, quantum gravity, constraints 280
Extended loop representation, quantum gravity, physical states 289
Extended loop representation, quantum gravity, regularization 291
Extended loop representation, quantum gravity, wavefunctions 277
Extended loops, generators 36
Extended loops, group of 32
Extended loops, holonomy 68
Extended loops, loop coordinates 38
Extended loops, special extended group 33
Extrinsic curvature 166
Factor ordering 180
Fermion doubling 158
Fierz identity 257
Fock representation 92
Gauge theories, lattice SU(2) 144
Gauge theories, lattice Z(2) 133
Gauge theories, Maxwell 88
Gauge theories, Yang — Mills 58 113
Gauge transformations 26 60
Gauge transformations, large 58
Gauss, law 60 91 216
Gauss, linking number 49 128 239 248 272
General relativity, Lagrangian formulation 164
Group of loops 2
Group of loops, Abelian 89
Group of loops, infinitesimal generators 7
Group of loops, representations 25
Hamiltonian constraint 169 176 179
| Hamiltonian constraint, action on Wilson loop 182
Hamiltonian constraint, extended representation 282
Hamiltonian constraint, loop representation 190 195 197
Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory 138
Hamiltonian, Yang — Mills theory 59 119
Higgs 126
Hilbert space 57
Holomorphic 103
Holonomy 1 6
Homfly polynomial 247
Homotopy group 233
Hoops 6
Inequalities 86
Intersecting loops 117 183
Isotopy 240
Jones polynomial 246 254 263 265
Kalb — Ramond fields 218
Kauffman bracket 247 264
Knot 47
Knot, class 196
Knot, intersecting 251
Knot, polynomials 242
Knot, theory 239
Lattice 131
Loop representation 72
Loop representation, Maxwell theory 96
Loop representation, quantum gravity 188
Loop representation, quantum gravity constraints 189 192
Loop representation, SU(2) Yang — Mills theory 118
Loop representation, SU(N) Yang — Mills theory 121
Loop representation, wavefunctions 84
Loop, average in QCD (see Makeenko — Migdal equation)
Loop, definition 2
Loop, transform 74 76
Makeenko — Migdal equation 115
Mandelstam, covariant derivative 13
Mandelstam, identities 63
Markov moves 244
Maxwell theory (see gauge Theories Maxwell)
Measures on non linear spaces 77
Metropolis 132
Moduli space 233
Multiloops 85 123
Multitangents 30
New variables 171 175
Non-canonical algebra 80
Normal ordering 94
Palatini action 173
Path ordered 4
Paths 7
plaquette 134
Propagator, Chern — Simons theory 261
Propagator, Maxwell symmetric 100
Quaxk 125
Reality conditions 178
Reconstruction property 67
Regular isotopy 240
Regularization 196
Reidemeister moves 240
Ricci identity 15
Schwarz space 77
Self-dual action 174
Sigma models 114
Skein relations 245
Spinors 210
Staggered Fermion 159
Stokes theorem, non — Abelian 16
Surface representation 220
T algebra 80
Tetradic general relativity 172
Thin loop 5
Topological field theories 253
Transfer matrix 136
Transverse Dirac delta 91
t’Hooft operator 126
Unification 215
Weaves 221
Weyl fermions 209
Wheeler — DeWitt equation 171
Wilson loops 63
Winding number 127
Writhe 247
Yang-Mills theories (see Gauge theories Yang-Mills)
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