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Apostol T.M. — Calculus (Volume 2): Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with Applications |
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Relative maximum 304
Relative minimum 304
Repeated experiments 492
Repeated integrals 359 406
Repeated trials 495
Ricatti's differential equation 142
Ricatti, Vincenzo 142
Riemann zeta function 619 Exercise
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard 539 619
Rodrigues' formula 176
Rodrigues, Olinde 176
Rotation 129
Roulette 558
Saddle point 304
Sample 476
Sample space 473
Sampling 483 484
Saturn 571
scalar 4
Scalar field 243
Scalar field, total derivative of 258
Schmidt, Erhard 22
Schwarz, Hermann Amandus 16
Second-derivative test for extrema 311 312
Self-adjoint matrix 122
Seminorm 574
Seminorm, interpolation 575
Seminorm, Taylor 574
Sequential counting, principle of 483
Series of matrices 194
Series solutions of homogeneous linear systems 220
Series solutions of linear differential equations 169
Set function 470
Similar matrices 111
Simple closed curve 379
Simple parametric surface 420
Simply connected set 384
Simpson's rule 608 609
Singleton (one-element set) 475
Singular point of a differential equation 146 181
Singular point of a mapping 396
Singular point of a surface 421
Skew-Hermitian matrix 122
Skew-Hermitian operator 115
Skew-symmetric matrix 124
Skew-symmetric operator 115
Smooth path 323
Smooth surface 421
Solenoidal vector field 450
Solid angle 463 Exercise
Sphere, area of 427
Sphere, volume of (in n-space) 411
Spherical coordinates 293 410 414
Standard deviation 557
Standardized normal distribution 537
Standardized normal distribution, table of values of 536
Standardized random variable 567
Stationary point 304
Step function 354 406
Step function, integral of 355 406
Stirling formula for n factorial 616
Stirling numbers of first kind 593 Exercise
Stirling numbers of second kind 594 Exercise
Stochastic 512
Stochastic independence 488
Stochastic variable 512
Stokes' theorem 438 455
Stokes, George Gabriel 438
Strong Law of Large Numbers 566
Sturm — Liouville operator 116
subspace 8
Summation formula of Euler 613 615
Surface integrals 430
Surface integrals, applications of 431
Surface integrals, independence of parametrization 434
Surface integrals, notations for 434
Surface of revolution 428
| Surface, area of 424
Surface, closed 456
Surface, equipotential 335
Surface, nonorientable 456
Surface, orientable 456
Surface, parametric 420
Surface, smooth 421
Symmetric difference 473 Exercise
Symmetric matrix 124
Symmetric operator 115
Systems of differential equations 197
Systems of linear algebraic equations 58
Tangent plane to a surface 268 424
Taylor polynomials 571
Taylor's formula for scalar fields 258 308
Taylor's formula for vector fields 270
Taylor, Brook 571
Torus 376
Total derivative of a scalar field 258
Total derivative of a vector field 270
Trace of a matrix 106
Trajectory, orthogonal 267
Transformations of double integrals 394
Transformations of n-fold integrals 408
Transformations, linear 31
Trapezoidal rule 604
Triangle inequality 17
Trigonometric polynomial 29
Triple integrals in cylindrical coordinates 410
Triple integrals in spherical coordinates 411
Triple integrals, applications of 414
Uncountable set 502
Uniform continuity 321
Uniform distribution over a plane region 549 Exercise
Uniform distribution over a square 547
Uniform distribution over an interval 526
Uniqueness theorem for determinants 79
Uniqueness theorems for differential equations, first-order linear systems 226
Uniqueness theorems for differential equations, first-order nonlinear systems 229
Uniqueness theorems for differential equations, linear equations of order n 147
Uniqueness theorems for differential equations, matrix differential equations 198
Unit sphere in n-space 135
Unit sphere in n-space, volume of 411
Unitary matrix 123
Unitary operator 138
Unitary space 15
Upper integral 358
Uranus 571
Variance 556
Variance, binomial distribution 557
Variance, Cauchy distribution 561 Exercise
Variance, exponential distribution 561 Exercise
Variance, normal distribution 558
Variance, Poisson distribution 561 Exercise
Variance, uniform distribution 557
Variation of parameters 157
Veblen, Oswald 380
Vector equation of a surface 418
Vector field 243
Vector field, total derivative of 270
Vector space 4
Volume of an n-dimensional sphere 411
Volume of an ordinate set 360 369
Wallis' inequality 616
Wallis, John 616
Wave equation 288
Weak law of large numbers 565
Winding number 389
Work and energy principle 329
Work as a line integral 328
Wronski, J.M. Hoeene 95 159 Exercise
Wronskian determinant 161
Wronskian matrix 95 159 Exercise
Young, W.H. 258
Zeros of Bessel functions 188 Exercise
Zeros of Chebyshev polynomials 597
Zeros of Legendre polynomials 177
Zeta function of Riemann 619 Exercise
Zuckerman, Herbert S. 559
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