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Anderson R.L., Ibragimov N.H. — Lie-Bäcklund transformations in applications
Anderson R.L., Ibragimov N.H. — Lie-Bäcklund transformations in applications

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Название: Lie-Bäcklund transformations in applications

Авторы: Anderson R.L., Ibragimov N.H.


This title presents an introduction to the classical treatment of Backlund and general surface transformations; and includes detailed and accessible techniques for constructing both groups of transformations which will be of great value to the scientist and engineer in the analysis of mathematical models of physical phenomena. Classical and recent examples of Backlund transformations as applied to geometry, nonlinear optics, turbulence models, nonlinear waves and quantum mechanics are given. The authors discuss applications of Lie-Backlund transformations in mechanics, quantum mechanics, gas dynamics, hydrodynamics, and relativity.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1979

Количество страниц: 124

Добавлена в каталог: 28.03.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Anharmonic oscillator      93—94
Burger's equations      36
Conservation law      68 115
Conserved vector      68
Constant of the motion      114
Defining equation      62
Dirac equations      74—77
Equivalence of Lie and Lie — Baecklund operators      56
Equivalence, classes of Lie — Baecklund operators      56
Euler equations      68
Example of Clairin      36
Group equivalence of ordinary differential equations      57—59 84—97
Group equivalence of partial differential equations      97—106
Heat equation      55 104
Higher-order variational problems      81—82
Ideal polytropic gas flow      77—79
Infinite set of conservation laws      116
Invariance of functionals      69
Invariance of systems of differential equations      62
Invariance of tangent structure      3 6 9 38 39 42 47
Invariance, relatively G-invariant      83
Korteweg — de Vries equation      25—29 33—35 111—114
Lie tangent operator      41 58
Lie-Baecklund equations      52
Lie-Baecklund operator      50
Liouville's equation      31—33
Miura transformation      35
Modified Korteweg — de Vries equation      29—30 33—35
Motion of a free particle in De Sitter space      70—73
Newtonian free particle, maximal space-time invariance algebra      91
Newtonian free particle, maximal space-time invariance group      90
O(4) invariance algebra of Fock, angular momentum operator      65
O(4) invariance algebra of Fock, Runge — Lenz operator      65
One-body Keplerian problem      95—97
Perfect incompressible fluid flow      79—80
Quantal free particle      102—103 105
Quantal particle in a uniform external field      103 105—106
Realizations of integrable Lie — Baecklund equations      53—55
Schroedinger equation, time-dependent      100—106
Schroedinger equation, time-independent      64—66
Shallow-water flow      80—81
Sine-Gordon      16 20—25 108—111 115
Surfaces of constant negative curvature      17
Transformation groups, higher-order tangent      41
Transformation groups, Lie point      39
Transformation groups, Lie tangent      38
Transformation groups, Lie — Baecklund tangent      47
Transformations, Baecklund      15—19 19—36
Transformations, Bianchi      12
Transformations, Bianchi — Lie      13
Transformations, kth order      6
Transformations, Lie tangent      3
Transformations, Lie — Baecklund      2
Transformations, Lie — Baecklund tangent      9
Transformations, osculating      7
Transformations, prolongation      3
Unsteady transonic gas motion      73—74
Weak Lagrangian      82
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