Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Anderson Daniel — Factorization in integral domains |
Предметный указатель |
ACCP 4 24
Algebra, finitely generated 335
Algebra, Rees 361
Algebra, symmetric 208
Arithmetical (order) formation 95 149
Associates 199 203
Binary n-tics 257
Bond product 287
bonds 285
Brandis's Theorem 160
Cash flow 285
Chebotarev density 95 345
Closure, -integral 406
Closure, complete integral 75 352 404
Closure, generalized integral 349
Closure, integral 376
Closure, pseudo-integral 352
Closure, root 75 417
Closure, stable 362
CP-property 191
Cross number 102
CZP-axioms 385
D M construction 5 306
Davenport constant 7 10 45 98 119 230 244
Degree, catenary 117
Degree, tame 123
Dickson's Finiteness Theorem 35
Dimension, Krull 425
Dimension, weak global 306
Divisor theory 76
Domain 1-split 322
Domain, almost Bezout 371
Domain, almost GCD 371
Domain, almost generalized GCD 372
Domain, almost Pr fer 371
Domain, analytically irreducible 20 68 302
Domain, atomic 1 9 172 194
Domain, Bezout 159 181
Domain, bounded factorization 4 173
Domain, Cohen — Kaplansky (CK) 17 165 229
Domain, coherent 311
Domain, Dedekind 3 13 76 81
Domain, divided 306 323
Domain, finite conductor 311
Domain, finite factorization (FFD) 36 173 235
Domain, GCD 189 371
Domain, generalized Cohen — Kaplansky 17 173 229
Domain, generalized GCD 371
Domain, going down 319
Domain, half-factorial (HFD) 1 11 16 173 291
Domain, Henselian 317
Domain, integrally closed 297
Domain, Krull 5 11 53 78 221 224— 294
Domain, locally divided 323
Domain, Mori 222
Domain, noetherian 169 293 417
Domain, one-dimensional Noetherian 20 37 44 59 61 67 81 150 166 176 302 422
Domain, Pr fer 295
Domain, Pr fer v-multiplication 380
Domain, pseudo-valuation (PVD) 300 305
Domain, rationally bounded factorization 4
Domain, strong finite factorization 36 235
Domain, valuation 317 355
Domain, weakly factorial 18 177
Domain, weakly Krull 18 50 54 113
Elasticity 1 3 33 64 127 228 244
Elasticity, accepted 33 40
Elasticity, realized by a factorization 3 6 18 230 247
Elasticity, regular 213 218
Extension, almost integral 401
Extension, bi-rational 384
Extension, CPI 306 317
Extension, Galois 344
Extension, going down 318
Extension, LCM-stable 377
Extension, ring 296
Extension, root 376
Extension, separable 334
Extension, t-linked 352
Field, cubically closed 252
Field, global 80 149 161
Field, quadratically closed 23 250
Frobenius Number 21 239 244
Function, 85 106
Function, bounded 8
Function, distance 116
Function, length 8 214
Function, norm 95 149
Function, price-discount 286
Function, price-yield 285
Function, semi-length 8 64 229 246
Function, Zaks — Skula 9 12
Fundamental theorem of elasticity for Krull domains 11
Gauss's lemma 189
GL-property 190
Group of divisibility 155 160 162 164
Group, abelian 99 1 19
Group, class 45 55
Group, divisor class 3 11 14 76 90 216 294
Group, genus class 333
Group, ideal class 80
Group, Picard 18 239 334
Group, projective special linear 257
Group, restricted genus class 336
Group, t-class 18 50 178 379
Homomorphism, block 49 92
Homomorphism, divisor 44 76
Homomorphism, factorization 33 83 115
Ideal, *-ideal 221 222
Ideal, *-invertible 221
Ideal, divided 308 318
Ideal, flat 305
| Ideal, k-th coefficient 360
Ideal, monomial 368
Ideal, prime 327
Ideal, Ratliff — Rush 359
Ideal, semi-regular 402
Ideal, t-invertible 221
Idealization 208 216
IP-property 190
Irreducible 199 205
Lattice point 35
Macaulay 361
Module, atomic 206 210
Module, bounded factorization 206
Module, factorable 211
Module, factorial 211
Module, flat 305
Module, half-factorial 206
Module, presimplifiable 203
Module, torsion-free 210 333
Module, unique factorization 206 211
Monoid of fractional ideals 157 179
Monoid, arithmetical Krull 95
Monoid, atomic 25 32 83
Monoid, block 14 48 82 91 118
Monoid, bounded factorization 46
Monoid, d-congruence half-factorial 88
Monoid, factorization 33 83 115
Monoid, finite factorization 85
Monoid, finitely primary 42 118
Monoid, half-factorial 34 84
Monoid, Hilbert 78 95
Monoid, k-half-factorial 86
Monoid, Krull 77 118 215
Monoid, locally tame 124
Monoid, nearly unique factorization 37
Monoid, primary 43
Monoid, reduced 32 124
Monoid, saturated 44
Monoid, tame 124
N-chain (of factorizations) 117
Numerical semigroup 21 65 244
Order 19 81 90 95 152
Order, ring 335
Polyhedra 35 40
Polynomial 286
Polynomial, binomial 273
Polynomial, Hilbert 360
Polynomial, integer-valued 271
Polynomial, primitive 189 205
Polynomial, superprimitive 189 205
Polynomial, with unit content 295
Prime Avoidance Theorem 327
Projective line 257 384
PSP-property 190
Pullback 164 178 312 317 335
R(X) 401
R-lattice 335
R-primitive 204
R-superprimitive 204
Realizable pair 14
Ring of finite fractions 402
Ring of integer-valued polynomials 24 272
Ring of invariants 259
Ring, A B 411
Ring, atomic 167 200
Ring, atomic idf 201
Ring, Bass 341
Ring, bounded factorization 201
Ring, coordinate 333
Ring, factorial 213 217
Ring, finite factorization 201
Ring, finite product 167
Ring, graded 419
Ring, half-factorial 201
Ring, holomorphy 81 95 149
Ring, Kronecker function 356
Ring, Krull 78 215
Ring, Marot 78 215 217
Ring, Noetherian 333 363 383
Ring, one-dimensional 295 333
Ring, polynomial 12 20 189 202 227 271 286 291 359 383 401
Ring, power series 20 202 227 243 286
Ring, presimplifiable 199
Ring, r-atomic 213
Ring, r-bounded factorization 213
Ring, r-finite factorization 213
Ring, r-half-factorial 213
Ring, reduced 405
Ring, seminormal 418
Ring, unique factorization 201
Ring, von — Neumann regular 408
Ring, weak finite factorization 201
Ring, zero-dimensional 328
Separable base change 333
Sequence, basis 130
Sequence, suitable 132
Sequence, zero 100
Set of distances of successive lengths 88
Set of lengths 33 62 84
Set, -finite 4 15 24
Set, CZP 385
Set, factorization 26
Spectrum 329 383
Star-operation 221 350 372
Star-operation, eab 356
Subset, almost arithmetical progression bounded 38 89 153
Subset, arithmetical progression 138
Subset, coefficient 387
Symbolic method 259 268
Symbolic method, Aronhold's 259
Symbolic method, Hazlett's 264
Transfer lemma 47
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