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Avery J. — Creation and Annihilation Operators
Avery J. — Creation and Annihilation Operators

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Название: Creation and Annihilation Operators

Автор: Avery J.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1976

Количество страниц: 221

Добавлена в каталог: 18.03.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Absorption of a photon      110—115 120 121
Acoustic modes      11 14
Addition theorem for spherical harmonics      90 91
Adiabatic hypothesis      132 133
Adjoint      30 31 45 72 94 116 139 151
Akhiezer, A. I.      159
Anderson, C. D.      151
Anharmonic oscillator      4 172
Anticommutation relations      30 32 34 35 36 49 79 128 185
Antisymmetric many-electron wave functions      30
Antisymmetry      31
Atomic orbital      112 157—161 40—212
Ballhausen, C. J.      xii
Band index      9
Berestetskii, V. B.      159
Bessel function      113 180
Bethe, H. A.      159
Bogoliubov — Tyablikov transformation      45 48 139—143
Bogoliubov, N. N      xi 45 48 139
Bohr magniton      68
Bohr’s correspondence principle      146 151
Boson commutation relations      41 139 142
Boson Hamiltonian      139—143
Boson normal modes      116
Boson operators      1—25 42 97—103 139-143
Bouman, T.      xii
boundary conditions      17 18 19 22 157 180 181
Box-normalized functions      102
Brillouin zone      10 14 15 24
Brillouin’s theorem      39 88
Canonical conjugate      17
Canonically conjugate momenta      20 98
Central field wave functions      156—161 210—212
Charge density      57 100
Charge distribution      57 58
Chemical forces      22
Chronological products      123 126 129—132
Circular dichroism      120 121
circular polarization      106 107 110 111 120 121
Classical equations of motion      17
Classical field      20
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients      58 155 210
Closed shell      55 60 83 94 95 189
Commutation relations      5 20 37 38 41 51 52 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 97 98 175 192—195
Commutation relations for Kramers pair creation operators      92 93
Commutation rules for one- and two-electron operators      37
Commutation rules for spin      51 52
Commutation rules for the orbital angular momentum operator      54 55 60 61 62
Commutation rules for the Spin-orbit coupling operator      56 193—195
Commutator      21 37 46
Complete orthonormal set      36
Completeness relation      19 20 36 185
Composition property      202
Condon — Shortley coefficients      58 59
Condon, E. U.      29 30
Configuration interaction      50 88—92
Conjugate momentum density      20
Conjugate state      6 108
Conservation law      106
Continuous systems      15—22 97—103
Continuum      111 112 119 159
Contractions      129—132 136 137
Cooper pairs      91
Core hamiltonian      29 40 105
Correlated ground state      49
Correlation coefficients      47 50
Correlation energy      88
Cotton — Mouton effect      120
Coulomb potential      157—161
Cross-section      111 112 115 119 120 121
Cross-section for absorption of circularly polarized light      111 120 121
Crystal lattice      8
Crystal-field theory      51—67 163
Cubic crystal      9
Current density      99 100 151 152
Cusachs, L. C.      141
Cut-off frequency      22 25
Cyclic boundary conditions      13 100 109
D-shell      59 78 86 87 193—195
Dahl, J. P.      xii
Daughter states      93—95
Degeneracy      78 94
Degrees of freedom      25 97
Density of final states      109 110 112 119
Determinant      28
Differential cross-section      112
Differential cross-section for elastic scattering of a photon      119
Dipole approximation      119 120 154
Dipole moment      46
Dirac equation in a central field      154—157
Dirac Hamiltonian operator      152—154 204- 206 208 209
Dirac velocity operator      100 148 151—154
Dirac, P. A. M., xi      145 151
Dirac’s relativistic wave equation      145—167
Direct lattice vectors      8 9 14
dispersion      25 115—120
Dispersion curve      10 14 24
Double commutator      43
Doubly-excited configurations      35 43 47 50 88—92
d’Alembertian      164 165
Electric dipole radiation      154
Electric quadrupole radiation      154
electromagnetic field      16 25 57 97 106 145 147 148 163—167
Electromagnetic potentials      57 97—103 106 145 147 148
Electron annihilation operators      30
Electron configuration      36
Electron creation operators      30
Electron gas      91
Electron-hole pair      151
Electron-photon interaction      108 115 145
Elementary excitation creation operator      43 46
Emission of a photon      108—111 120
Equations of motion      16
Evolution operator      125
Exchange      28 90 136 165—167
Exchange operator      165—167
Excitation creation and annihilation operators      41 43 47
Excitations from the Hartree-Fock ground state      41
Excited states of many-fermion systems      42 46
expectation value      38
Expectation value of the evolution operator      137
Expectation values of chronological products      134
Faraday effect      120
Fermi energy      41 46
Fermion operators      27—49 71—95
fermions      116 136
Feynman diagrams      115—117 133—137
Feynman, R. F.      116
Feynman-Dyson form of perturbation theory      123—126
Field      17 18 21 98 99
Filled orbital      40
Finite induction      30 132
Fock operator      40
Fourier coefficients      17 102
Fourier transform      112 113 114
Free-electron Dirac equation      149—151 154 204
Free-electron wave functions      91 105 146 149—153
Gauge      106
Gell — Mann, M.      132
Generalized polarizability tensor      119
Green’s function      164
Ground state      41 42 47 88—92 128 129 132 134 136 137 174
Ground state expectation value      42 47
Ground state-excited state matrix elements      47
Ground-state level shift      137
Hamiltonian density      17 20 22 97—103 180
Hamiltonian of a collection of harmonic oscillators      5—11 97—103
Hamiltonian of a continuous system      17 20 21 97—103
Hamiltonian of an electron-phonon system      103—108
Hamiltonian of an harmonic oscillator      1—3 170
Hansen, Aa. E.      xii
Harmonic modes      17 18 19
harmonic oscillator      1 97
Harmonic oscillator Lagrangian      10 17 19 22 182
Hartree — Fock equations      38 39 40 41 88 105 163—167
Hartree — Fock ground state      42 44 47 48 50 88
Hartree — Fock parameter      44
Heisenberg representation      109
High frequencies      22 25
Higher random phase approximation      50
Hilbert space      40
Hole creation and annihilation operators      126—129 134—137
Hydrogenlike wave functions      157—161 211 212
Interaction Hamiltonian      103—106 110
Interaction representation      123 126 128 134
Interelectron interaction      29 40
Intermediate states      115—120
Invariance of Kramers pair creation operators      79 81 82
Inverse transformation      24
Inversion symmetry      59
Ionization      112
Irreducible representation of a group      72 74 81
Jordan, P.      xi
Jorgensen, P.      141
Jortner, J.      xii
Judd, B. R.      xi
Karplus, M.      50
Kerr effect      120
Klein, O.      xi
Koopmans’ theorem      38
Kramers pair annihilation operators      81 84 88—95 199
Kramers pairs      76 77 78
Kramers theorem      38 76
Lagrangian      7 19 21 23 97—103 180 182
Lagrangian density      15—21 97—103 179
Lagrangian of a collection of harmonic oscillators      10 19 22 182
Lagrangian of a continuous system      15—21 97—103
Lattice sum      9
Lattice vectors      115
Legendre polynomial      90
Level shifts      132—137 173
Linderberg, J.      xi 141
Line-width      111
Linear combination of Slater determinants      40
Linear independence      25 76 149
linear polarization      106 107 110
Linear response function      119
Linked cluster theorem      133—137
Longitudinal potentials      103—106
Lorentz condition      106
Lorentz invariance      145 147 165
Low, F. E.      132
Lowering operator      2 98 192 193
Magnetic dipole radiation      154
Magnetic field      68 148
Many-body perturbation theory      123—137
Many-electron wave functions      27 28 31 55 71—95 127
March, N. H.      137
Mass-weighted coordinates      6 7 10 12
Mass-weighted potential energy matrix      7 8
Matrix elements of one- and two-electron operators      29 54
Maxwell’s equations      106
McCurdy, C. W.      141
McKoy, V.      50
Molecular orbitals      113
Momentum density      17 19
Momentum operator      75 120
N-electron Hamiltonian      29
Negative-energy states      151
Non-relativistic limit      100 147—149 160—163 165—167
Normal coordinates      6 7 9 24 176
Normal mode      14 25 97—103 106 110 174
Normal products      129—132
Normalization      93 100 109 111 142 150 157 158
Normalization of daughter states      93
Normalized lowering operator      3
Number operator      184
Occupation numbers      28 32 127 128 164 184
Octahedral symmetry      59
Ohm, Y.      xi
One-electron operator      29 32 36 37 46 51 52 56 57
Optical activity      120 121
Optical modes      11 14
Optical rotatory dispersion      120
Orbital angular momentum      53
Orthonormality relations      19 38 90 102 113 182
Ostlund, N.      50
P-shell      62 78 83 84 94 95
Pair creation operator      79—95
Pair excitation operator      89—92
Pairing      35
Paldus, J.      xii
Parent state      82—95
Pauli approximation      160—163
Pauli exclusion principle      32 184
Pauli spin matrices      75
Periodic boundary conditions      9 100 109
Periodic potential      163
periodicity      10 14
Perturbation theory      57 100 109 110 116 118 173
Perturbation theory, Feynman-Dyson form      123—126
Perturbation theory, many-body      123—137
Perturbations of the ground state      133—137
Phase factor      76
Phonon creation and annihilation operators      3 11
Phonon wave number      9 10
Phonon wavelength      25
photoelectric effect      112—115
Photon      108—121
Photon absorption      110—115 116 120 121
Photon emission      108—110 116 120 121
Photon wave number      106 109
Plane wave      106 107 112 201
Poisson’s equation      103
Polarizability tensor      119 120
Polarization      106—109 111 119 201
Positron      151
Primative basis set      66
Projection operator      33 72—74
Quantum electrodynamics      97—121 136
Quasi-bosons      42
Racah parameters      86 87
Radial functions      157—161 211 212
Raimes, S.      xii
Raising operator      2 60 98
Random phase approximation      41—50
Reciprocal lattice vectors      9 10 14 115
Relativistic relation between energy and mass      146
Relativistic wave equation      145—167
Representation of a group      72
Rest energy      148
Rowe, D. J.      42
Russell — Saunders states      51 55 66 67 83—86
Salpeter, E. E.      159
Sampanthar, S. S.      137
Scalar potential      99 103 104 148 163
Scattering      115 118 119
Schiff, L. I.      xii 180
Schrodinger equation      145 147 148 162
Schrodinger representation      109 123 126
Second quantization      xi
Second-order effects in quantum electrodynamics      115—120 136
Second-order relativistic wave equation      147—149
Second-order terms in many-body perturbation theory      125 136 137
Second-order transition      118
Secular equation      9 23 25 64 67 91
Self-adjointness      45
Self-consistant random-phase approximation      50
Seniority      82—95 199
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