Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Dorlas T.C. — Statistical mechanics, fundamentals and model solutions |
Предметный указатель |
Mass unit, atomic 4
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 153
Maxwell's equal-area construction 50 184
Maxwell, James Clerk 49—50
mean field 174 179
Mechanical work 7
Meissner effect 211
Metals 102 185
Metastable state 21
Microstate 104
Mie-Griineisen equation of state 70
Mixing entropy 224
Model 155
Model, BCS 215 223
Model, contour 170
Model, Huang — Yang — Luttinger 206
Model, ice 227
Model, Ising 163
Model, Potts 224 227
Model, Weiss — Ising 174
Molar volume 84
Mole 4
Momentum operator 241
Monatomic gases, heat capacity for 8
Morse potential 70
Negative temperatures 122 141
Nernst's law 20
Neutron stars 195
Non-expansive work 72
Normal distribution 234 235
Normal modes 196
Occupation numbers 197 247
Onsager solution 166
Order parameter 168
Otto cycle 24
Paramagnet, entropy of 122
Paramagnetism 51 108 120—122 229
Parameter, extensive 16
Parameter, intensive 16
Parsec (pc) 77
Partition function 125
Partition function, grand canonical 131 137
Paschen lines 99
Pauli exclusion principle 101 102 128
Pauli paramagnetism 229
Pauli spin matrices 148 244
Pearlite 66
Peierls argument 168 169
Periodic boundary conditions 163
Perron — Frobenius theorem 226
Perturbation theory 213
phase diagram 46 47
Phase transition 44 63 167
Phase transition, Bose—Einstein 132
Phase transition, first-order 47 172
Phase transition, second-order 45 172
Phonons 69 188 196
Photoelectric cell 93
Photon 93 99
Pig iron 66
Pirogov—Sinai theory 169
Planck's constant 75 93
Planck's radiation law 75
Planck, Max 20 75 93
Polytropic 80
Pomeranchuk cooling 87
Population inversion 122
Positive definite 38
Postulate of statistical mechanics 104
Potential, chemical 42 131
Potential, electrical 97
Potential, grand canonical 42
Potential, gravitational 80—83
Potential, interaction 139
Potential, Lennard—Jones 70
Potential, Morse 70
Potentials, thermodynamic 40
Potts model 224 227
Pressure 8 29
Probabilistic interpretation 95
Probability measure 233
Probability theory 231
Process, adiabatic 10 11
Process, Carnot 23
Process, isothermal 41
Process, quasi-static 10
Process, reversible 10
Proton 97 191
qed 101
Quanta 93
Quantum electrodynamics (QED) 101
Quantum gases 128—134
quantum mechanics 75 93 239
Quasi-static 10
Quenching 66
Queuing theory 109 152
Random variable 232
Rankine cycle 23
| Rate function 109
Rayleigh—Jeans law 75
Refrigerator 25 55—59
Refrigerator, dilution 60—62 68
Relativity, general theory of 76
Relaxation time 21
Renormalization group 46
Residual entropy 228
Response function 188
Reversible process 10
Riemann — Stieltjes integral 233
Rubber 157—159
Sample space 231
Sanov's theorem 151
Scaling laws 45
Schroedinger equation 239 241
Second-order phase transition 45 168 172
Self-adjoint operator 242
Shell 102 185
SI units 108
Sigma ( ) algebra 233
Simple system 1
Singlet state 246
Specific heat 17 30
Specific heat of helium 204
Specific heat of solids 198
Specific heat of superconductors 212
Specific heat of the BCS model 223
Specific volume 17
Spectral lines 99
Spectrum 94
Spin 100
Spin degeneracy 185
Standard thermometer 3 4
Stars, constitution of 80—83
State space 1
Statistical mechanics 91
Statistics 101 102 128
Steel, phase diagram of 65
Steepest descent, principle of 105
Stefan — Boltzmann law 73
Stirling's formula 106
Strong-coupling approximation 216
Superconductivity 210
susceptibility 51 108
Symmetry 241
Tangent 252
Temperature 3
Temperature, absolute 5 18
Temperature, absolute zero of 4
Temperature, critical 45 176
Temperature, Curie 52
Temperature, Debye 69 198
Temperature, empirical 3
Temperature, inversion 60
Temperature, negative 122 141
Tension, elastic 158
Thermal contact 31
Thermal engines 22
Thermal expansion coefficient 19
Thermal wavelength 133
Thermodynamic contact 31
Thermodynamic equilibrium 31
Thermodynamic limit 27 128 139
Thermodynamic potentials 40
Thermodynamics 1
Thermometer 3
Thermometer, gas 4 5
Thermometer, standard 3 4
Third law 20
Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin) 4
Throttle valve 56
Transfer matrix 164
Transition metal 102
Triple point 47
triplet state 246
Universality 45
van der Waals equation of state 49
Van der Waals interaction 70
Van der Waals J.D. 48 49
Van Hove, limit in the sense of 140
Varadhan's theorem 114
Virial expansion 229
Volume, specific 17
Water and ice, phase diagram of 63
Wave function 94 239
Wave mechanics 95
Wavenumber 196
Weak convergence 236
Weiss — Ising model 174
Wet steam 23
Wet vapour 55
White dwarf stars 190
Wien's displacement law 75
Work differential 9
Work, magnetic 53
Work, non-expansive 72
zero-point motion 95
Zeroth Law 3
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