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Dijkstra H.A. — Nonlinear physical oceanography
Dijkstra H.A. — Nonlinear physical oceanography

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Название: Nonlinear physical oceanography

Автор: Dijkstra H.A.


In this book, the methodology of dynamical systems theory is applied to investigate the physics of the global ocean circulation. Topics include the dynamics of the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean, the stability of the thermohaline circulation and the El Niño/Southern Oscillation phenomenon in the Tropical Pacific. On the other hand, the book also deals with the numerical methods for applying bifurcation analysis on large dimensional dynamical systems, with thousands or more degrees of freedom, which arise through discretization of ocean models. The novel approach in understanding the phenomena of climate variability is through a systematic analysis within a hierarchy of models using these techniques. In this way, a nice overview is obtained of the relations between the results of the different models within the hierarchy. Mechanistic description of the physics of the results is provided and, where possible, links with results of state-of-the-art models and observations are sought. The reader is expected to have a background in basic incompressible fluid dynamics and applied mathematics, although the level of the text is mixed and sometimes quite introductory. Each chapter is rather self-contained and many details of derivations are provided. The book is aimed at graduate students and researchers in meteorology, oceanography, and related fields who are interested in tackling fundamental problems in dynamical oceanography and climate dynamics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Геофизика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 473

Добавлена в каталог: 17.08.2005

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Предметный указатель
$\beta$-plane approximation      165
Antarctic circumpolar current      15
Arnold’ tongue      95 414
Baroclinic instability      179
Barotropic instability      179
Barotropic potential vorticity equation      167
Bifurcation, Bogdanov - Takens      80
Bifurcation, co-dimension of      70
Bifurcation, cusp      78
Bifurcation, cyclic fold      89
Bifurcation, diagram      60
Bifurcation, general      70
Bifurcation, Hopf      74
Bifurcation, Hopf, physics of      103
Bifurcation, imperfection      75
Bifurcation, limit point      72
Bifurcation, Naimark - Sacker      90
Bifurcation, normal form      72
Bifurcation, period doubling      90
Bifurcation, pitchfork      73
Bifurcation, pitchfork, physics of      102
Bifurcation, reduced equation of      71
Bifurcation, Saddle node      72
Bifurcation, saddle node, physics of      100
Bifurcation, symmetry      97
Bifurcation, transcritical      73
Bifurcation, transcritical, physics of      101
Bifurcation, turning point      72
Bifurcation, unfolding      77
Biot number      112
Boundary layer, Ekman      163
Boundary layer, inertial      185
Boundary layer, Munk      185
Boundary layer, Stommel      185
Boussinesq approximation      35
box model      56 57
Cellular convection      108
Circle map      93
Climate cycles, Dansgaard - Oeschger      12
Climate cycles, Milankovitch      11
Climate data, AVHRR      153 219
Climate data, ECMWF      156
Climate data, ETOPO      5 157
Climate data, GEOSAT      155
Climate data, TOPEX      155 219
Climate drift, equatorial      422
Climate drift, thermohaline circulation      260
Climate episode, Eemian      3
Climate episode, Holocene      5
Climate episode, Last Glacial Maximum      6
Climate episode, Little Ice Age      8
Climate episode, Younger Dryas      5
Climate index, CET      25
Climate index, NINO      3 22 327
Climate index, SOI      22 327
Climate index, THC      315
Cold wall      154
Complex growth factor      62
Continuation, bifurcation detection      120
Continuation, branch switching      122
Continuation, method      117 145
Convective adjustment, classical      287
Convective adjustment, implicit mixing      287
Convective feedback      233
Dansgaard - Oeschger cycles      12
Deep decoupling oscillations      307
Delayed oscillator, BHSS      388
Delayed oscillator, coupled wave      390
Delayed oscillator, general      363
Delayed oscillator, recharge      391
Devil’s staircase      96
Devil’s terrace      416
Discretization method      111
Dynamical system      68
Eccentricity      11
Eemian      3
Eigenvalue solvers, general      123
Eigenvalue solvers, Jacobi - Davidson QZ-method      127
Eigenvalue solvers, simultaneous iteration method      124
Ekman number      158
ENS O-modes, eastward propagating SST      377
ENS O-modes, mixed SST/ocean dynamics modes      383
ENS O-modes, scatter modes      381
ENS O-modes, stationary SST      377
ENS O-modes, unstable Kelvin wave      367
ENS O-modes, westward propagating SST      377
Equation of state      36
Equatorial heat content      326
Equatorial mixed layer      352
Equatorial ocean ‘memory      351
Equatorial radius of deformation      347
Equatorial strip approximation      368
Equatorial thermocline      321
Equatorial thermocline feedback      355
Equatorial upwelling feedback      356
Equatorial warm pool/cold tongue      321
Equatorial wave, inertia-gravity      335
Equatorial wave, Kelvin      333
Equatorial wave, Rossby      333
Equatorial wave, trapping      333
Equatorial wave, travel time      336
Equatorial wave, Yanai      335
Fast SST limit      369
Fast wave limit      369 374
Feedback, ENSO, thermocline      355
Feedback, ENSO, upwelling      356
Feedback, thermohaline circulation, convective      231
Feedback, thermohaline circulation, salt advection      230
Feedback, wind-driven circulation, horizontal shear      176 181 185
Feedback, wind-driven circulation, vertical shear      176 181
Fixed point, general      68
Fixed point, hyperbolic      69
Floquet exponents      88
Floquet multipliers      85 86
Flushes      305
Flux correction, thermohaline circulation      262
Flux-correction, equatorial      394
Flux-correction, procedures      257
Flux-correction, thermohaline circulation      256
Frequency locking      92 413
Freshwater flux, ocean transport      18
Freshwater flux, surface      14
Froude number      158
Fundamental solution      85
Geopotential      34
Great Salinity Anomaly      26
Gulf Stream      16 150
Gulf Stream, cold wall      152 213
Gulf Stream, lateral shifts      153
Gulf Stream, meanders      151
Gulf Stream, recirculation regions      150
Gulf Stream, rings      153
Gulf Stream, separation point      151
Gulf Stream, separation, imperfect pitchfork      202 204
Gulf Stream, separation, ‘deflected’ pattern      202
Gulf Stream, separation, ‘separated’ pattern      202
Gyre, general      150
Gyre, subpolar      16
Gyre, subtropical      16
Heat flux, ocean transport      18
Heat flux, surface      14
Hermite polynomials      333
High resolution ocean models, general      208
High resolution ocean models, MOM      210
High resolution ocean models, POCM      212 214
High resolution ocean models, POP      210
Holocene      5
Homoclinic orbit      91
Hysteresis      98
Imperfection, pitchfork      76
Imperfection, thermohaline flows, air-sea interaction      272
Imperfection, thermohaline flows, flux-correction      256
Imperfection, thermohaline flows, freshwater flux      273
Imperfection, thermohaline flows, lateral fluxes      270
Imperfection, transcritical      76
Incommensurate      89
Instability mechanism, baroclinic      177 181
Instability mechanism, barotropic      179 183
Integral balance, heat      42
Integral balance, mechanical energy      43 181
Integral balance, salt      42
Inverse iteration      123
Isolated branch      66
Isotope ratio, $\sigma^{18}O$      2
Jacobian matrix      63 146
Krylov subspace      139
Kuroshio      16
Last Glacial Maximum      6
Linear system solvers, direct frontal methods      135
Linear system solvers, direct Gaussian elimination      133
Linear system solvers, iterative methods, BICGSTAB      141
Linear system solvers, iterative methods, Gauss - Seidel      137
Linear system solvers, iterative methods, general      136
Linear system solvers, iterative methods, GMRES      139
Linear system solvers, iterative methods, ILU      143
Linear system solvers, iterative methods, Jacobi      137
Linear system solvers, iterative methods, MRILU      144
Linear system solvers, iterative methods, NGILU      143
Linear system solvers, iterative methods, preconditioning      142
Linear system solvers, iterative methods, projection method      138
Linear system solvers, iterative methods, Successive OverRelaxation      137
Little Ice Age      8
Loop oscillation      239 306
Lorenz equations      91
Low resolution ocean models, FGM      299
Low resolution ocean models, LSG      299
Low resolution ocean models, MOM      299
Matrix pensil      125
Maunder minimum      12
Milankovitch cycles      11
Mixed boundary conditions      232 289
Mixing, biharmonic      39
Mixing, coefficients      38
Mixing, isopycnal      39
Mixing, Laplacian      39
Monodromy matrix      85
Neutral curve      181
Newton - Raphson method      118
Noise      28
Numerical bifurcation software, ODEsoftware, AUTO      106
Numerical bifurcation software, ODEsoftware, CONTENT      106
Numerical bifurcation software, ODEsoftware, DSTOOL      106
Numerical bifurcation software, PDEsoftware, BOOM      106
Numerical bifurcation software, PDEsoftware, PDECONT      106
Numerical method, backward Euler      132
Numerical method, BICGSTAB      141
Numerical method, Crank - Nicholson      132
Numerical method, Euler - Newton      118
Numerical method, Gaussian elimination      133
Numerical method, GMRES      139
Numerical method, ILU decomposition      143
Numerical method, inverse iteration      123
Numerical method, Jacobi - Davidson QZ      129
Numerical method, MRILU decomposition      144
Numerical method, Newton - Raphson      118
Numerical method, NGILU decomposition      143
Numerical method, QZ      126
Numerical method, simultaneous iteration      127
Nusselt number      109
Obliquity      9
Ocean circulation, thermohaline-driven      16
Ocean circulation, wind-driven      15
Ocean circulation, ‘Ocean Conveyor      18
Ocean model, ENSO, Gill atmosphere model      346
Ocean model, ENSO, reduced gravity ocean model      332
Ocean model, ENSO, two-strip      386
Ocean model, ENSO, Zebiak - Cane      359
Ocean model, thermohaline, Bousinesq model      240
Ocean model, thermohaline, zonally averaged model      285
Ocean model, wind-driven, homogeneous      157
Ocean model, wind-driven, quasi-geostrophic model      167
Ocean model, wind-driven, shallow water model      164
Orbital parameters, eccentricity      11
Orbital parameters, obliquity      9
Orbital parameters, precession      10
Oscillatory modes, thermohaline circulation, deep decoupling      307
Oscillatory modes, thermohaline circulation, flushes      307
Oscillatory modes, thermohaline circulation, loop      306
Oscillatory modes, thermohaline circulation, overturning      257
Oscillatory modes, wind-driven ocean circulation, basin mode      188
Oscillatory modes, wind-driven ocean circulation, gyre mode      189
Parabolic cylinder functions      347
Poincar$\acute{e]$ map      82
Poincar$\acute{e}$ section      81
Polar halocline catastrophe      307
Prandtl number      110
Precession      10
Proxy, foraminifera      2
Proxy, ice core      2
Proxy, quasi-geostrophic approximation      168
Proxy, tree ring      8
Rayleigh - Benard convection      106
Rayleigh number      110
Regime diagram      61
Rossby basin modes      174
Rossby equatorial radius of deformation      347
Rossby external radius of deformation      166
Rossby internal radius of deformation      184
Rossby number      157 158 165
Rossby waves      173
Rotation number      93
Salt advection feedback      230
Shallow water approximation      161
Spectral radius      135
Stability, asymptotic      51
Stability, boundary      52
Stability, complex growth factor      62
Stability, linear stability      62 69 143
Stability, neutral curve      179
State space      68
Stokes theorem      44
Stommel - Sverdrup - Munk theory      168
Stress tensor      39
Sunspots      12
Symmetry breaking, wind-driven ocean circulation      183 184
Tensor product, diadic      40
Tensor product, direct      43
Thermal wind balance      177
Thermohaline flow regimes, convective      266
Thermohaline flow regimes, diffusive      241
Thermohaline flow states, ATH      275
Thermohaline flow states, NPP      66 242
Thermohaline flow states, NPP/TH      264 275
Thermohaline flow states, SA      66 242
Thermohaline flow states, SPP      66 242
Thermohaline flow states, SPP/SA      264
Thermohaline flow states, SPP/TH      264 275
Thermohaline flow states, TH      66 242
Time integration, explicit      130
Time integration, implicit      130
Trade Winds      321
Trajectory      59 68 297
Vector field      68
Vortex line      43
Vortex stretching      46
Vortex tilting      46
Vortex tube      43
Vorticity equation      45
Vorticity potential      47 178
Vorticity production, baroclinic      46 168
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