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Campbell J.E. — Introductory Treatise on Lie's Theory of Finite Continuous Transformation Groups |
Предметный указатель |
Standard form of a group, definition of 147
Standard form of a homogeneous function system 198
Stationary functions, construction of 187
Stationary functions, definition of 144
Stationary group, all such groups imprimitive 142
Stationary group, definition of 141
Stationary group, operators permutable with 156 157
Structure constants, a set resulting from a change of fundamental operators 177
Structure constants, construction of group, when structure constants given 187
Structure constants, definition of a set of 68
Structure constants, examples on 189—192
Structure constants, normal structure constants 72
Structure constants, structure constants of contact group 292
Structure constants, vary with choice of fundamental operators 70
Structure functions of a complete system of functions 215
Structure functions of a complete system of operators, definition of 144
Structure, when two groups are said to be of the same 70
Sub-group, definition of 17
Sub-group, equations defining a 181
Sub-group, examples on method 189—192
Sub-group, index of 183
Sub-group, maximum 101
| Sub-group, method of finding all types of 186
Surface coordinates 313 314
Surfaces on which a net can move 311—318
Surfaces, group of movements of the net 317
Surfaces, when the surface is a developable 318
Tetrahedral complex, definition of 269
Tetrahedral complex, Mongian equation satisfied by linear elements of 282
Transformation group, general definition of 2
Transformations which transform surfaces but leave unaltered length of arcs 308—311
Transitive group, construction of, when the structure constants and stationary functions are given 170—173
Transitive group, extension to the case of intransitive groups 174
Transitive group, simply transitive group, definitions of 45 113
Transitive group, when two transitive groups are similar 167
Translation group 18
Trivial, when infinitesimal transformations admitted by an equation are said to be 95
Type, number of types of groups 22
Type, when groups are said to be of the same 16
Type, when subgroups are said to be of the same 17
Unconnected, functions 81
Unconnected, infinitesimal transformations 82
Unconnected, invariants of a complete system 83
Unconnected, operators, defined 7
United elements, definition of 194
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