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Vincenti W.G., Kruger C.H. — Introduction to Physical Gas Dynamics |
Предметный указатель |
Gas constant, ordinary 8
Gas constant, universal 7 524
Gas mixture, equations of state for 169 170
Gas mixture, kinetic theory of 368 406
Gas mixture, pressure at equilibrium 4
Gas mixtures, thermochemical data for 171
Generalized rate equation 235
Gibbs equation 74
Gibbs equation for symmetrical diatomic gas 233
Gibbs free energy 70
Gibbs’s theorem 80
Grey absorption coefficient 470
Grey-gas approximation 470 478
Ground state 129
Groups of quantum energy states 98
Harmonic oscillator, equilibrium 134 137
Harmonic oscillator, nonequilLbrium 198
Harmonic wave, in radiative flow 499
Harmonic wave, in reactive flow 261
Heat bath 198
Heat flux, one-sided radiant 441 449
Heat flux, radiant 440 449
Heat of reaction 83
Heat-flux vector 345 369
Heat-flux vector, given by Chapman-Enskog solution of Boltzmann equation 391
Heat-flux vector, given by Chapman-Enskog solution of Krook equation 384
Heat-flux vector, in gas mixture 406
Heat-flux vector, radiant 437 440 449 464
Heat-flux vector, translationaJ 325 326
Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation 89
Helmholtz free energy 75 118
Helmholtz free energy of reacting system 146
Heteronuclear molecule 134
High-frequency speed of sound 266 502
Hohlraum 446
Homonuclear molecule 134
Hot-gas limit 498
Hydrogen bromide 211
Hydrogen iodide 55 63 211
Ideal dissociating gas, equilibrium properties 157
Ideal dissociating gas, rate equation for 233
Impact parameter 331 351 355
Imperfect gas 119
Impulsively moving wall, acoustic response to 267 503
Index of refraction 445
Indistinguishability of particles 95
Induced emission 455 461 462
Integrated intensity 470
Integro-exponential function 482
Intensive property 70
Intermolecular forces 2 21 333 348 408
Intermolecular potential 403
Intermolecular potential energy 348
Internal energy 65 88 95 128 141 326
Internal energy of complex gas mixture 170
Internal energy of electronic excitation 131
Internal energy of rotation 133
Internal energy of translation 124
Internal energy of vibration 135
Internal energy, subdivision of 127
Internal molccular energy 126 326
Internal molecular structure, contribution to thermodynamic properties 11 126
Inverse collision 38 331 351
Inverse replenishing collision 39
Inverse-power molecules 356
Ionization characteristic temperature for 163 524
Ionization characteristic temperature, degree of 163
Ionization characteristic temperature, equilibrium relations 162
Ionization nonequilibrium 520
Ionization nonequilibrium, flow with 251
Ionization rates, in air 230
Irreversibility 68 341
Irreversible process 61
Irreversible statement of second law 68 69
Isentropic exponent 194
Isentropic speed of sound 488
Isolated system 60
Isothermal speed of sound 488
Isotropic radiation field 442
Kirchhof’s law 450 452
Knudsen number 14 380 425
Krook equation 377 422 432
Lagrange’s method 103
Landau and Teller, theory of 204
Law of mass action, for asymmetrical diatomic gas 139
Law of mass action, for ideal dissociating gas 158
Law of mass action, for symmetrical diatomic gas 148 153
Law of mass action, from chemical thermodynamics 82
Law of mass action, from kinetic theory 55
Law of mass action, from statistical mechanics 139 148
Law of mass action, general forms of 82 167
Lees solution 429
Lennard — Jones potential 357
Line of centers 36
line width 453
Line-shape factor 460
Linearized rate equation 239
Liouville equation 332
Liouville’s theorem 41
Local characteristic time of rate process 236
Local equilibrium 178 197 245
Local equilibrium condition 237 241 530
Local equilibrium, translational 344
Local relaxation time 204 236 239 241
Local thermodynamic equilibrium, assumption in radiative transfer 459
Loschmidt’s number 25 524
Low-frequency speed of sound 265 502
Mach angle 187
Mach angle, frozen and equilibrium 273
Mach line 187
Mach line, frozen and equilibrium 273
Mach number 190
Mach number, frozen and equilibrium 271
Mach number, isentropic and isothermal 506
Macroscopic gas dynamics, equations of 345 372 392
Macroscopic system 88
Macrostate 98
Mass action, law of (see Law of mass action)
mass density 8 318 368
Mass flux 320 369
Mass fraction 153
Mass transport 18 372 406
Mass velocity 369
Maxwellian 362 364 405 419 430
Maxwellian distribution 35 44 125 334 386
Maxwellian molecules 362 364 405 419 430
Maxwellian, rigid-sphere model 3
Maxwellian, Sutherland model 3
Mean free path, magnitude of 25
Mean free path, molecular 12 54 360 414
Mean free path, Planck 466
Mean free path, radiative 445
Mean free path, Rosseland 469
Mean value 31 318 369
Mean velocity 1 319 368
Mechanical equilibrium 60
Mechanism of chemical reaction 211 213
microcanonical ensemble 120
Microstate 94
Microstates, enumeration of 93
Milne — Eddington approximation 492 494
Mixing of two gases by diffusion 112
Mixture of gases, chemical rate equation for 229
Mixture of gases, equilibrium properties of 165
Mixture of gases, frequency of collisions in 43
Mixture of thermally perfect gases 77
Model equation 377
Modified classical wave 502
Mole fraction 77
Mole-mass ratio 167
| Molecular collisions, energy involved in 216 (see also Collisions molecular)
Molecular collisions, nature of 35
Molecular collisions, number required for equilibration of vibrational energy 205
Molecular diameter 25
Molecular magnitudes 23
Molecular model 2
Molecular partition function 108
Molecular spacing 25
Molecular speeds, estimate of 9
Molecularity of chemical reactions 213
Molecules, billard-ball model 4
Molecules, elastic-sphere model 4 356
Molecules, force field of 3
Molecules, internal structure of 4
Molecules, inverse-power 356
Mollier diagram 161 185
Moment equations 346 364
Moment, of the distribution function 319
Momentum density 318
Momentum equation (see Conservation equations)
Momentum flux, molecular 320 324
Momentum flux, radiative 439
Momentum transport 17 324 391 406
Momentum-flux tensor 328
Monatomic gas 8 129
Most probable speed 47
Mott — Smith solution 418
Natural coordinates 301
Natural line width 453
Navier — Stokes equations 317 386 392
Nemst’s heat theorem 116 123
Nitric oxide 135 205 230 524
Nitrogen, atomic 132 230 524
Nitrogen, diatomic 135 205 230 524
Nonequibrium, chemical 61 210
Nonequibrium, radiative 436
Nonequibrium, rotational 408
Nonequibrium, translational 316
Nonequibrium, vibrational 198
Nonequilibrium effects, general discussion of 197
Nonequilibrium flow (see Flow)
Nonlinear effects in wave propagation 269
Normal shock wave (see Shock wave)
Normalization condition of distribution function 30 318
Normalization condition of wave function 91
Nozzle flow 183 293
Nozzle flow, experimental results with chemical non-equilibrium 299
Nozzle flow, singular point in 288 296
Number density, molecular 318 368
Number density, standard 25 524
Oblique shock wave (see Shock wave)
Opaque gas 498
Open system 60 71 72
Optical depth 463
Optical thickness 480
Optically thick gas 467
Optically thin gas 467
Ordinary gas constant 8
Oscillator strength 458
Oxygen, atomic 131 230 524
Oxygen, diatomic 135 205 230 524
Partial pressure 9 57 82
Particle in rectangular box 91
Partition function 108—110
Partition function for electron spin 164
Partition function, electronic 130
Partition function, internal 127
Partition function, rotational 133
Partition function, translational 122
Partition function, vibrational 135
Partly dispersed wave 283
Pauli exclusion principle 96
Peculiar velocity 319 369
Perfect gas, equation of state 4 31 122 324
Photodissociation 453
Photoionization 453
Photon 437
Photon, Distribution function 438
Photon, energy 437
Photon, momentum 437
Photon, Number density 437 439
Photon, velocity vector 439
Physical constants, values of 524
Planck function 448
Planck mean absorption coefficient 466
Planck’s constant 89 524
Plane of collision 37
Polyatomic molecules, effect of internal structure 20 126
Potential function 257 488
Prandtl number 20 404
Prandtl — Glauert equation 272
Prandtl — Meyer flow 187
Prandtl — Meyer flow, differential equation for 189
Pressure 4 31 324 369
Pressure in the interior of a gas 35
Pressure on a wall 34
Pressure tensor, molecular 328 410
Pressure tensor, radiative 441 449
Pressure, radiative 441 449
Products, chemical 63 210
Quantum energy states 89
Quantum energy states of harmonic oscillator 134
Quantum energy states of particle in rectangular box 92
Quantum energy states of rigid rotator 132
Quantum energy states, close spacing of 96 98
Quantum energy states, division into groups 98
quantum mechanics 88 89 343 359
Quantum number 92
Quasi-equilibrium in chemical kinetics 213 215
Quasi-equilibrium in radiative transfer 458
Radiation-induced wave 502
Radiative energy density 439 449
Radiative energy density in flow equations 476 498
Radiative equilibrium 446 456
Radiative nonequilibrium 473
Radiative pressure 441 449
Radiative pressure in flow equations 476 498
radiative recombination 453
Radiative transfer, equation of 443 460 463 470
Radiative transfer, interaction with gas motion 473
Radiative transfer, moments of equation of 491
Random motion 2
Rankine — Hugoniot equations 413
Rate constant 212
Rate constant for constituents of air 231
Rate constant for dissociation reaction 223
Rate constant for recombination reaction 225 532
Rate equation for complex gas mixtures 229
Rate equation for dissociation reaction 223
Rate equation for dissociation-recombination reaction 226
Rate equation for ideal dissociating gas 233
Rate equation for moving fluid 249
Rate equation for recombination reaction 225
Rate equation for small departures from an equilibrium reference state 239
Rate equation for symmetrical diatomic gas 232
Rate equation for vibration 202
Rate equation, generalized 235
Rate equation, linearized 239
Rate process, chemical 210
Rate process, coupled chemical and vibrational 228
Rate process, vibrational 198
Ratio of specific heats 8 11
Ratio of specific heats for frozen gas 194
Ratio of specific heats, relationship to isentropic exponent 194
Reactants, chemical 63 210
Reaction equilibrium, equation of 77
Recombination reaction, kinetics of 224
Reduced mass 50 350
Reference state of zero energy 156
Reflectivity, radiant 451
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