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Adams C.C. — The Knot Book: An Elementary Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Knots |
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A-split 156
Achiral 15
Alexander polynomial 32 148 165 229
Alexander polynomial, of a splittable link 167
Alexander, J. 148
Algebraic link 48
Algebraic tangle 48
Almost alternating link 139
Almost alternating projection 139
Alternating knots and links 7 68 69 100 105 156
Alternative links 105
Ambient isotopy 12
Amphicheiral knot 15 176
Amphicheirality and alternating knots 178
And torus knots 142
Annulus 93
Appel, Kenneth 4 234 258
Arborescent link 48
Arf invariant 213 223 228
Aumann, Robert 143
B-split 156
Bleiler, Steve 61
Boltzmann constant 207
Bonahon, Francis 106
Borromean rings 17 22
Boundary components 87
Bracket polynomial 149
Bracket polynomial, and Reidemeister moves 149
Braid 127
Braid index 132 175
Braid index and crossing number 132
Braid index and Seifert circles 132
Braids, multiplication of 134
Bridge number 64
Brunnian link 22
Cable knot 118
Calugareanu, Georges 187
Capping off a surface with boundary 88
Catenane 198
Caudron, Alain 33
Chemically achiral 202
Chemically chiral 202
Closed braid representation 128
Closure of the braid 128
Codimension two 265
Color dimension 270
Compact 83 249
Companion knot 115
Complement of a knot 84 243 249
Complete graph 215
components 17
Composite knot 8 93
Composition of knots 7
Composition of knots, and genus 100
Compressible surface 86
Compression 86
Conjugation 137
Connected sum 81
Continued fractions 44
Conway sphere 94
Conway's notation 46
Conway, John R 33 41 141 166 217
Core curve 112
Cozzarelli, Nicholas 189
Crossing number 30 67
Crossings 3
Cube-with-holes 78
Culler, Marc 60
Cyclic DNA 183
Cyclic duplex DNA 184
Dehn surgery 259
Dehn, Max 177
Depth of a link 169
Dichromatic polynomial 231
Dietrich — Buchecker, Christina 199
Direct repeats 191
DNA 181
Double helix 182
Double of a manifold 242
Dowker notation 35
Dowker, Hugh 33
Embedding 78
Embedding, of a graph 216
Energy of interaction 207
Ernst, Claus 34 66 193
Euclidean metric 120
Euler characteristic 79
Euler characteristic, invariance of 79—81
Euler characteristic, of connected sum 82
Expansion of a graph 221
Factor knots 8
Figure-eight knot 3 25 176
Five-space 273
Flat metric 120
Flype 164
Four-color theorem 4 234
Franks, John 175
Fuller, Brock 187
Gabai, David 106 261
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 31
General position 102
Genus 78 93
Genus, of a knot 99
Geodesic 121
Gordon, Cameron 60 217 261
Graph 51 215
Group 135
Haken, Wolfgang 4 113 234 258
Hamiltonian cycle 222
Haseman, Mary G. 32
Hass, Joel 277
Hayashi, Chuichiro 146
Heegard splitting 255
Homeomorphic 76
Homeomorphism type 78
Homfly polynomial 148 165 169
Hopflink 18
Hopflink, bracket polynomial of 151
Human knot number 278
Hyperbolic geometry 121
Hyperbolic knot 119 120 123 127
Hyperbolic metric 121
Hyperbolic three-space 121
Hyperbolic volume 123
Incompressible 86
Int enzyme 193
Intrinsically knotted 231
Intrinsically linked 220
Invariant 21 174 160
Inverted repeats 191
Invertible 11
Ising model 205 213
Ising, E. 205
Isomorphic graphs 215
Isotopic surfaces 73
Isotopy 12 73
Jones polynomial 148 213
Jones polynomial, and X polynomial 154
Jones polynomial, of a torus knot 155
Jones, Vaughan 148 155 169 205
k-equivalent 63
k-move 62
Kanenobu, Taizo 60
Kauffman, Louis 68 148 223
Kinoshita — Terasaka mutants 49 106 174
Kirby calculus 263
Kirby, Robion 263
Kirkman, Thomas R 31
Klein bottle 91
Knot 2
| Knot exterior 258
Knot in 253
Kronecker delta function 212 239
Kronheimer, Peter 113
Lattice 205
Laurent polynomial 147
Lens space 254
Lickorish, Raymond 260
Link 17
Linking number 18 187
Little, C N. 5 32
longitude 108
Lord Kelvin (William Thomson) 5 31
Luecke, John 60 261
m-almost alternating knot 144
Markov equivalent 137
Markov's theorem 137
Markov, A. A. 137
Maximal overpass 64
Menasco, William 163 165
Meridian 108
Meridional disk 112
Mobius band 90 94 184 278
Morton, Hugh 105 175
Mrowka, Tom 113
Murakami, Hitoshi 60
Murasugi, Kunio 68 111
Mutants 49 174
Mutation 49
n-embeddable knot 114
Nakanishi, Y 61 63
Negami, Seiya 30
Nonorientable 90
Ohyama, Yoshiyuki 132
One-skeleton 255
Orientable 90
Orientation 10
Overpass 64
Paquette, Leo 204
Partition function 208
Pass equivalent 223
Pass-move 223
Perko pair 32
Perko, Kenneth A. 32
Petersen graphs 221
Planar graphs 51
Planar isotopy 12
Poincare model 121
Poincare's conjecture 258
PoincarЈ, Henri 121 257
Potts model 213 239
Pretzel knot 48
Prime knot 9
Projection 3
Projections on the sphere 38
Property P 262
Rational link 46
Rational tangle 44
Reduced 68 159
Reduced alternating projection 159
Reidemeister move 13 55 149
Reidemeister, Kurt 14 31
Reshetikhin, Nikolai 263
Resolving tree 168
ribbon 184
Riley, Robert 119
Robertson, Neil 221
Satellite knot 115 126
Satellites, and composites 117
Sauvage, Jean-Pierre 199
Scharlemann, Martin 60 169 276
Seif ert, Herbert 95
Seifert circles 96 98 132
Seifert surfaces 95 99 224
Seifert surfaces, and incompressibility 100
Seifert surfaces, and orientability 97
Seymour, P. D. 221
Shalen, Peter 60
Shimabara, Miki 230
Siebenmann, Lawrence 106
Signed crossover number 185
Signed planar graph 52
Simmons, Howard III. 204
Simon, Jonathan 202
Simply connected 257
Site-specific recombination 190
Six-space 274
Skein relation 148 156
Smooth manifolds 272
Solid torus 112
span 160
Spin vector 206
Split union 171
Splittable link 17 84
Square bracket polynomial 235
Stabilization 137
Standardly embedded surface 114
Standardly embedded torus 113
Star-triangle relation 208
State 157
Stick number 29
Sticks 27
Substrate 191
Sumners, Dewitt 34 66 193
Supercoiling 188
surface 72
Surface, with boundary 87
Surfaces constructed from paper 89
Surgery 103
Swallow-follow torus 87
Synthesis of knotted molecules 195
Tait Flyping Conjecture 164
Tait, Peter Guthrie 5 32 164 178
Tangle 41
Tangles, equivalence of 41
Tetrahedralization 248
Thistlethwaite, Morwen 33 40 68 165 178
Thomas, Robin 221
Thompson, Abigail 169
Three-manifold 244
Three-sphere 246
Thurston, William 119 125
Tietze, H. 261
Time as the fourth dimension 267
Tn3 resolvase 193
Topoisomerase 182
Topological stereoisomer 197
Topologically achiral 201
Topologically chiral 201
topology 6
Toroidally alternating knot 145
Torus 71
Torus knots and unknotting number 113
Torus link 105 126
Torus with one boundary component 95
Trefoil knot 2 25 26 28 94 95 176 278
Triangulation 75
Triangulation, of a three-manifold 248
Tricolorability 23
Trivial knot 2
Trivial link 18
Trivial link, of two components 26
Tunnel number 114
Turaev, V. G. 263
Twist of a ribbon 185
Two-bridge knots 65
Two-embeddable knots 114
Two-manifold 73
Two-strand cable 116
Unknot 2 7 9 25
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