Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Lagerstrom P.A. — Matched Asymptotic Expansions |
Предметный указатель |
Approximations, higher-order 44 98
Approximations, uniformly valid 22 23
Arresting power 230
Boa, private communication 71
Bond number 134
Cole — Hopf transformation 210
Coordinate system, role of 237
Coordinate, parabolic 192
Coordinate, transformation 18
Dimensional analysis of damped linear mass-spring system 14
Dimensional analysis of damped linear mass-spring system, viscous flow 217
Domain of overlap 21 23 35
Domain of validity 21
Domain, maximal 29
Equation, containing (richer than) 41
Equation, Falkner — Skan 21
Equation, neighboring 2
Equation, Oseen 110 113 224 228
Equation, Stokes 110 113 222
Error, estimate 2
expansion 37
Expansion of Poincare type 8 60 125
Expansion, asymptotic 7 8
Expansion, composite 44
Expansion, matched asymptotic 23 34
Expansion, numbering and grouping of terms 77
Expansion, parameter and coordinate, type 232
Expansion, parameters 8 36
Flat plate, semi-infinite 191 232
Function, commensurable 6
Function, difference 35
Function, gauge 4 7
Function, logarithmic-exponential 6
Function, principal gauge 47
Kaplun's correlation theorem 238
Kaplun's extension theorem 25 27
Kaplun's principle of matching 36 43
Kaplun's scaling 92
Kaplun's solution for low Reynolds numbers 225
Kaplun's theorem of optimal coordinates 230
Kaplun's, Ansatz about domain of validity 25 30 43 114
Layer with algebraic decay 98
Layer, boundary 17
| Layer, correction 36 45
Layer, derivative 92
Layer, initial 17
Layer, interior 17
Layer, width 17
Limit process 8 26
Limit process, -limit 24
Limit process, inner 19
Limit process, outer 18
Limit process, repeated application of 8
Limits of equations 36
Limits, principal 36
Matching 21 37 42 79
Matching, formal and intermediate 47
Matching, intermediate 24 35 46
Order, Bachmann — Landau notation 4
Order, Hardy notation 5
Order, relations 4 5
Ordering of functions 11
Ordering of real numbers 11
Paradox, Filon 234
Paradox, iterated Prandtl solution 233
Paradox, Stokes 110 224
Paradox, Whitehead 110 117 224
Parameters, artificial 194
Parameters, compared to variables 3
Parameters, scaling 33 85
Perturbation, different aspects of 235
Perturbation, methods 2
Perturbation, regular 12
Perturbation, singular 12
Problem, layer-type 12 13 17
Problem, modulation (or secular) 12 13 15 17
Problem, regular 13
Problem, singular 13
Relevant solution 176
Subcharacteristics 175 176 160
Subcharacteristics, closed 185
Subcharacteristics, time-like 205
Switchback 98 118
Switchback, logarithmic 120
Trancendentally small 7 9 10
Variable, inner 34
Variable, outer 34
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