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Bratteli O., Robinson D.W. — Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics (vol. 1) |
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Предметный указатель |
Representations, direct sum of 81
Representations, disjoint 370
Representations, equivalent 48 370
Representations, inequivalent 9
Representations, measurable family of 447
Representative 43
Resolvent 25 27 91 165 168 169 170 184 274 306 311
Resolvent convergence 184 186 188
Rickart 305
Rieffel 155
Riemann approximant (sum) 167 243
Riemann approximant (sum), integral 33 215 243
Riesz and Nagy 152 304
Roberts 304
Robertson 305
Robinson 304—307
Root mean square deviation 349
Rudin 152
Ruelle 9
Russo and Dye 305
Sakai 76 152 155 306 307 309 311 312 459 460
Saturation problem 304
Sch winger 13
Schrodinger 3 6
Schrodinger equation 4
Schultz 8
Schur's lemma 153
Schwartz 152
Schwartz reflection principle 275
Sector of an operator 292
Segal 7 8 9 16 152 153 461
Semigroup 161 164 165 166 167 168 203
Semigroup, - 164 169—178 187—194 202 235 304
Semigroup, - 164 170 171 183 193—196 202 205 303 304
Semigroup, dual 303
Semigroups, convergence of 184—192
Seminorm 65 66 163 168 174
Seminorm, - 204
Seminorm, C*- 138
Separability condition S, 352 353 367 372 377 378 426 427 428 432 436 440 447 449 450 454 455 460
Separating subset 85
Separating vector 80 86 88 109 226—230 277—289 311—444
Set metrizable 132 133 318 331 333 339 458
Set, - 322 357 372 373
Set, - 322 331 332 333 338 357 458
Set, -measurable 356 357 452 454
Set, -negligible 356 357 440
Set, analytic 295 357 458 460
Set, Baire see "Baire set"
Set, Borel see "Borel set"
Set, convex 53 59 66 317—359
Set, directed 39 46 121 123 324 331 345
Set, pseudo supporting 322 331
Set, resolvent 25
Set, stable 331 342
Set, supporting 322 357 426
Sherman 460
Simon 152 304
simplex 334 335 367 368 385 386 387 405 406 458 464
Simplex, Bauer 464
Simplex, Poulsen 464
Skau 458 460
Sommerfeld 3
Space analytic Borel 295
Space configuration 120
Space quotient 23
Space, conjugate 70
Space, direct integral 439—442 449
Space, direct sum 439
Space, measurable family of 441 442 444 447 449
Space, Polish 295 440 456
Spectral concentration 253
Spectral projector (projection) 58 71 87 104 132 135
Spectral radius 25 26 29 31 37 44 59 241 312
Spectral subspace 251 252 257 259 410
Spectral theory 7 249 281 298 308
Spectral values 252
Spectrum 25 26 28 32 35 51 61 62 142 149 165 220 240 245 248 251 252 256 257 263 294 306 309 407 419 420 434 464
Spectrum of an abelian C*-algebra 61
Spectrum point 407 412—415 419—421 424 436 455 457 464
Spectrum, 310
Spectrum, Arveson 310
Spectrum, semi-bounded 261
Spin system 311
Square root 32 34 36 152 235 236 306
Stability 13 160 184 202
Standard form 83 155 226 228 305
State 42 48 51 153 344 345 346 350 352 353 358 361 363 439 452
State equilibrium 11 12 268
State factor 81 128 317 356 358 372 401 402 403 452 460
State, (G-) ergodic 374 377 378 393—398 401 405 407 408 410 413 418 420 423 424 428 440 452 459—464
State, (G-) invariant 13 117 240 268 272 311 374—387 390 393 398 400 402—407 414 415 423 427 431 432 434 459 461 462
State, almost periodic 414 424 430—433
State, centrally ergodic 395 396
State, extremal G-invariant 318
State, faithful 13 83 85 96 299 403
State, ground 9 273 277 289 309
State, KMS- 285
State, locally normal 118 124 125 129 133 219 317 352 356 373 460
State, mixed 6
State, normal 7 9 75 76 78 79 80 83 96 129 131 210 219 220 238 299 355 370 371 383 390 398 452 460 462
State, periodic 414
State, physical 7 122
State, primary 81
State, pure 6 53 57 58 62 153 343 350 351 352 356 358 359 367 368 372 405 452 461
State, regular 8 9
State, trace 84
State, vector 49 131 356 395
States, disjoint 9 370 395
States, neighbouring 219
States, orthogonal 339 340
States, set of 7 53 59 61
Statistics, Bose 121
Statistics, Fermi 121 156
Sternfeld 464
Stinespring 305
Stone 5 16
Stone-von Neumann uniqueness theorem 6 8 9
Stormer 8 16 305 462 464
| Subalgebra 19
Subalgebra, central 124
Subalgebra, fixed point 137 149
Subspace, cyclic 46
Subspace, invariant 44
Subspace, measurable 441
Subspace, stable 44
Summable central sequence 309
Support of a measure 318 322 376 377 427 432 435 436 437 453
Support, finite 322—330 335 337 361 363 371 377 432
Symmetry 136 209 374 423 424
Symmetry, broken 374 413 423
Symmetry, Wigner 210 225 226 248 305 307
Takeda 460
Takesaki 13 83 155 310
Takesaki and Tomiyama 459
Taylor series 34
Tensor product 142 143 144 145
Theorem capacity 460
Theorem monotone convergence 327
Theorem uniform boundedness 100
Theorem, Alaoglu 98
Theorem, Alaoglu — Bourbaki 53 68 154 163 168 176 205
Theorem, bicommutant 72 445
Theorem, Bochner 103
Theorem, Borchers — Arveson 261 263 269 309 421
Theorem, Caretheodory — Minkowski 321
Theorem, Carlson's 91 155
Theorem, Cartier — Fell — Meyer 460
Theorem, closed graph 207 235
Theorem, Connes — Takesaki duality 149
Theorem, Connes' Radon — Nikodym 147
Theorem, derivation 262
Theorem, Effros' 450
Theorem, Fubini's 257 258
Theorem, Hahn — Banach 59 60 61 65 66 75 101 154 174 200 218 221 325 328 329 339 360 403
Theorem, Hille — Yosida 171 173 174 178 181
Theorem, Kadison's (transitivity) 154 402
Theorem, Kaplansky density 74 103 122 123 154 218 232 236 347
Theorem, Kovacs — Szucs mean ergodic 383
Theorem, Krein — Milman 53 59 61 153 217
Theorem, Krein — Smulian 98 155 341
Theorem, Lebesgue dominated convergence 100 185 186 412 428 437
Theorem, Liouville's 275
Theorem, Lumer — Phillips 177
Theorem, Mackey — Arens 223
Theorem, Mackey's 98
Theorem, Markov — Kakutani fixed point 415
Theorem, Mazur's 403 464
Theorem, mean ergodic 378 383 386 391 394 398—400 411 415 421 422 462
Theorem, Pontryagin's duality 139
Theorem, Radon — Nikodym 213
Theorem, Riesz representation 68 70 83 213 239 322 350
Theorem, Sakai's 76
Theorem, SNAG (Stone — Naimark — Ambrose — Godement) 250
Theorem, Spectral 5
Theorem, Spectral Mapping 31
Theorem, Stone — von Neumann uniqueness 6
Theorem, Stone — Weierstrass 24 63 64 325 346 347 376 387
Theorem, Stone's 251
Theorem, Tauberian 250 253
Theorem, Tomita — Takesaki 94 155 311
Theorem, Tomita's 341 450 452
Theorem, Trotter — Kato 304
Theorem, von Neumann density 72 73 74 154
Thermodynamic limit 10
Time development 160
Tomita 13 83 459 460
Tomita — Takesaki theory 13 83 84 91 146
Tomiyama 459
Tomiyama, property Ј of 150
Topology quotient 295
Topology uniform (norm) 20 25 53 70 108 127 131 163 169 194 289 355
Topology, -strong 66 70 74
Topology, -strong* 69 70 74
Topology, -weak 67 70 74 78 279 445
Topology, - 97 98 99 163 166 171
Topology, discrete 435
Topology, locally convex 59 65 97 163
Topology, locally uniform 132 133
Topology, Mackey ( -) 98 155 163 164 167 169 174 184
Topology, metric 20 132 133
Topology, strong 66 69 70 74 108 295
Topology, strong operator 127 309
Topology, strong* 69 70 74 108 295
Topology, weak 67 70 74 108 295 356
Topology, weak operator 3 341
Topology, weak* ( -) 14 53 68 131 132 176 181 206 317 329 335 337 346 355 377 406
Trace 145 280 281 287
Trace norm 68
Trace, faithful 148 149
Trace, normal 148 149
Trace, semifinite 148 149
Translations, space 13
Trotter 304
Trotter product formula 304
Twist 206 302
Urysohn's lemma 332
van Daele 155
Van der Waerden 16
Vaught 152
Vector, almost periodic 408
Vector, cyclic see "cyclic vector"
Vector, separating see "separating vector"
von Neumann 3 5 11 16 154 465
Weight 145 146
Weight, dual 311
Weight, faithful 146 147 149
Weight, normal 146 147 149
Weight, semifinite 146 147 148 149
Weyl 6
Weyl, criterion 253
Wightman 9 16 463
Wigner 7 see Wigner"
Wils 460
Winnink 13
Woronowicz 155 312
Yngvason 463
Yosida 152 303 464
Zorn's lemma 46 77 326 332 441 458
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