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Brekhovskikh L.M., Lysanov Y.P. — Fundamentals of Ocean Acoustics |
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Absorption by air bubbles 253
Absorption in sea water 10
Absorption in sediments 28
Absorption, cross section of bubble 255
Acoustic pressure 36 47 61 80 101 129 167
Adiabatic approximation 151
Adiabatic approximation, conditions for validity 157
Adiabatic approximation, equation 251
Air bubble under sea surface 24
Air bubble under sea surface, resonant frequency of 24 252 254 261 263
Airy function 46 99 133 169
ambient noise 30
Angular distribution of sea wave energy 22 193
Anomaly of sound intensity 121 122
Antiwaveguide 9 169
Antiwaveguide, symmetric 172 179
Approximation of Kirchhoff (tangent plane) 201
Approximation of small slope 221
Approximation of Wentzel — Kramers — Brillouin 79 137
Approximation, adiabatic 151 157
Attenuation coefficient by bubbles 257
Attenuation coefficient in water 10
Attenuation coefficient of normal modes 171
Attenuation coefficient of quasi-modes 178
Attenuation coefficient, along ray 216
Averaged decay law 113
Averaged decay law for coherent field 216
Axial ray 125 245
Biological noise 31
Bragg’slaw 186 189
Brunt — Vaisala frequency 243
Caustic 46 86 97
Caustic, equation of 97
Characteristic function (rough surface) 204 206
Coherence parameter 22
Coherent reflection coefficient 22 199 204
Collective bubble behavior 262
Convergence zone 4 125
Coriolis parameter 244
Correlation function for amplitude fluctuation 233
Correlation function for Cartesian (quadratic) components of sound field 247
Correlation function for phase fluctuation 228
Correlation function for refractive index fluctuations 228 238
Correlation function, spatial, for rough surface 187
Correlation function, spatial, for scattered field 189
Correlation function, temporal, for scattered field 196
Critical (cutoff) frequency 106 112
Cross section for absorption 256
Cross section for extinction 255
Cross section for scattering 252 255
Currents 12
Currents, effect on sound propagation 19
Cutoff (critical) frequency 106 112
Damping parameters 255
Decay law, averaged 113
Decay law, for a coherent field 217
Diffraction rays 171
Dipole effect 83 108
dispersion 257
Dispersion in bubbly water 258
Dispersion relation for internal waves 244
Dispersion relation for normal waves 105 111 129 131 134 138 152 170 175
Dispersion relation for surface waves 192
Dispersion, waveguide (geometric) 107
Displacement of frequency 198 211
Displacement of ray at reflection 91 95
Distribution of bubble radii 25
Distribution of sea surface displacement 20 205
Distribution of sea surface slopes 20 207 213
Eddies, synoptic 13
Eikonal 47
Eikonal, equation of 47 228
Excitation function of modes 108 129
Extinction cross section of bubble 255
Far zone for scattered field 187 209 237
Fine structure of water 17
Fluctuations in multipath propagation 247
Fluctuations of amplitude level 231
Fluctuations of arrival angle of ray 231
Fluctuations of phase 228 247
Focusing factor 45 96
Focusing factor in convergence zone 128
Focusing factor, near caustic 46
Fore-reverberation 218
Fraunhofer zone 82
Frequency spectrum of rough sea surface 21 193
Frequency spectrum of scattered sound field 24 196 198 210
Frontal zone 12
Garrett — Munk spectrum 244
Green’s formula 202
Green’s function 235
Group velocity 107 135
Half-wave layer 71
Helmholtz equation 37 47 80 101 128 150 185 234
Hydrostatic pressure, effect on resonant frequency of air bubble 251 254
Hydrostatic pressure, effect on sound attenuation 10
Hydrostatic pressure, effect on sound velocity 1
Images sources 81 101
Images sources and normal modes 109
Impedance for solid halfspace 75
Impedance, input 70
Impedance, of layer 71
Inertial frequency 244
Inhomogeneities, anisotropic 239
Inhomogeneities, effect of transmission 228
Inhomogeneities, isotropic 238
Integral representation of field in layer 103
Integral representation of field in underwater sound channel 130
Integral scale of inhomogeneities 230
Intensity, acoustic 43
Intensity, anomaly of 126 128
Intensity, average, of scattered field 186 188 206 235
Intensity, relation between incident and transmission waves 62
Interference, constructive 141
Interference, of modes in waveguide 108 143
Interference, pattern 81 143
Interference, pattern invariant 146
Internal waves 15
Internal waves, effect on sound propagation 242
Internal waves, spectrum of 243
Intrathermocline lenses, effect on sound field 33
Kirchhoff approximation 201
Kolmogorov — Obukhov law 19 238
Lambert’s law 29
Lame parameters 72
Layers, deep scattering 26
Layers, for ray tracing 42
Layers, half wave 71
Layers, in microstructure 17
Layers, reflection at 71
Leakages 8
Length of ray cycle 108 114 120 124
Long-range sound propagation 4 118
Method, of parabolic equation 163
Method, ray-mode 142
Method, reference waveguide 150
Method, small perturbation 184 234
Method, small slope 221
Method, stationary phase 89
Method, tangent plane 201
noise, ambient 30
Noise, biological 31
Normal modes, coupled 159
Normal modes, in almost-stratified medium 149
Normal modes, in the ocean with perfectly rigid bottom 105
Normal modes, in two-layered liquid 110
Normal modes, in underwater sound channel 128
Normal modes, transformation of integral representation into 131
Ocean acoustic tomography 52
| Ocean bottom 28
Ocean bottom, scattering at 30 192
Ocean bottom, two-scale model of 212
Parabolic equation 164
Parabolic equation, method of 163
Pattern function 44
Phase integral 138 152
Phase velocity of normal modes 107 135
Pierson — Moscovitz spectrum 193
Pierson — Neumann spectrum 193
Plane wave 38 61 74 86 103 185 203
Potential of velocity 37
Potential, scalar 37 73
Potential, vector 73
Power flux 66 84
Power of radiation 84
Propagation, across cyclonic ring 14
Propagation, across Gulf Stream 13
Propagation, antiwaveguide 9 169 172 179
Propagation, in coastal wedge 154 161
Propagation, in shallow water 9 101
Propagation, long-range 4 118
Propagation, multipath 4 120
Propagation, waveguide 3 118
Quadratic (Cartesian) components 15 247
Quasi-modes 172 178
Radiation power 84
Ray theory 35
Ray theory, condition for validity 91
Ray, axial 124 246
Ray, curvature 40 245
Ray, diagram 3 4 5—10 116 120 124 155 162 172 178 179
Ray, distance, travel time 41
Ray, equation of 41 48 120 140 142
Ray, for range-dependent ocean 148
Ray, in horizontal plane 161
Ray, invariant 146 148
Ray, refraction of 38
Rayleigh law 238 253
Rayleigh parameter 23 183 200 205 216
Rayleigh wave 76
Reference waveguide method 150
Reflection coefficient, at liquid-liquid interface 61
Reflection coefficient, at liquid-solid interface 75
Reflection coefficient, coherent 23 200 205
Reflection coefficient, for multiple layers 71
Reflection coefficient, for plane wave 61 174
Reflection coefficient, for rough sea surface 200 205
Refraction of rays 38
Refraction, three-dimensional 47
Relaxation frequency 9
Relaxation frequency, dependence on temperature 9
Resonant frequency for air bubble 25 252 254
Resonant frequency for swim bladders 27
Salinity, effect on sound attenuation 10
Salinity, effect on sound velocity 1
Scale of inhomogeneities, external 19 238
Scale of inhomogeneities, integral 230
Scale of inhomogeneities, internal 19 238
Scattered field, average 203
Scattering coefficient by random inhomogeneities 237
Scattering coefficient by rough surface 187
Scattering coefficient for ocean surface 24 193 205 213
Scattering coefficient of bubble 25 256
Scattering, by bubbles 25
Scattering, by fish 26
Scattering, by ocean bottom 28
Scattering, by random inhomogeneities 234
Scattering, by sea surface 22
Scattering, by surface with two scale of roughness 212
Scattering, combination 197
Scattering, pattern for rough surface 217
Scattering, resonance (selective) 189 237
Scattering, with fractal spectrum 239
Shadow zone 4 9 125
Small perturbation method 184 235
Small-slope approximation 221
Snell’s law 39 118 119 141 153
Snell’s law for range-dependent ocean 50
Sound field in shadow zone 99 171
Sound field in underwater sound channel 129
Sound field, zonal structure 4 125
Sound potential 37
Sound velocity 1
Sound velocity , gradient of 2
Sound velocity at channel’s axis 3
Sound velocity in bubbly water 258
Sound velocity in sea water 2
Sound velocity in sediments 28
Sound velocity,depth dependence of 3 4 6—9 18 124 126
Source, image 81 101
Source, impulsive 102
Source, point 80
Spectrum of Cartesian (quadratic) pressure component 15 247
Spectrum of Garrett — Munk 244
Spectrum of Picrson — Neumann 193
Spectrum of Pierson — Moscovitz 193
Spectrum of random inhomogeneities 237 239
Spectrum of refractive index fluctuations 244
Spectrum of scattered field 23 196 197 210
Spectrum, fractal 239
Spectrum, frequency, of rough sea surface 22
Spectrum, spatial, of rough surface 187 197 213
Spherical wave 38 90
Spherical wave, expansion into plane waves 85
Stationary phase method 89
Stonely wave 76
Structure constant 19 239
Structure function 19 231
Surface channel with rough boundary 215
Surface channel, underwater 6 158
Synoptic eddies 13
Tangent plane method (Kirchhoff approximation) 201
Temperature, effect on absorption 10
Temperature, effect on sound velocity 2
Temperature, fine structure of field of 17
Time, signal spreading 123
Time, travel over ray 41 121 124
Transmission coefficient for plane wave 62 174
Transmission coefficient for plane wave from water into air and vice versa 65
Transport equation 47 232
Trapping coefficient, for sound channel 118
Turbulence 18 238
Underwater sound channel 2 118
Underwater sound channel, canonical 123
Underwater sound channel, hydrostatic 3
Underwater sound channel, integral representation of field in 103 130
Underwater sound channel, linear model of 119
Underwater sound channel, surface 6 158
Underwater sound channel, thermal 3
Underwater sound channel, two-axial 8
Velocity, group, of modes 107 135
Velocity, particle 35
Velocity, phase, of modes 107 135
Velocity, volume 38
Wave, equation 35
Wave, in solid 72
Wave, internal 15
Wave, lateral 91 179
Wave, normal (mode) 105 110 128 131 149
Wave, plane 38 61 74 86 103 185 203
Wave, Rayleigh surface 76
Wave, spherical 38 88 90
Wave, Stonely surface 76
Waveguide, linear 119 132
Waveguide, range-dependent 150
Waveguide, reference 150
Weakly divergent bundles of rays 56
Whispering gallery 121
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