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Van Dyke M. — Perturbation methods in fluid mechanics
Van Dyke M. — Perturbation methods in fluid mechanics

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Название: Perturbation methods in fluid mechanics

Автор: Van Dyke M.


Techniques for treating regular and singular perturbations are illustrated by application to problems of fluid motion. In particular, the method of matched asymptotic expansions is applied to the aerodynamics of airfoils and wings, and to viscous flow at high and low Reynolds numbers. Other topics include the methods of strained coordinates and of multiple scales, and the improvement of series.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1964

Количество страниц: 229

Добавлена в каталог: 07.12.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
"Impossible" inner problem      85 101 173
$M^{2}$—expansion method      see "Janzen — Rayleigh approximation"
Accuracy of asymptotic series      30—32
Accuracy, effect of logarithmic terms      202
Accuracy, improvement of      202—210
Additive composition      94 190
Airfoil integral      49 172
Airfoil theory, singular perturbation problems      45—76
Airfoil, supersonic      106—117
Analytic continuation      31—32 210
Angle of attack, effective      172 173
Angles, ratio of      83
Approximations, irrational      2
Approximations, rational      2
Approximations, role of in fluid mechanics      1—8
Artificial parameter      75 132
Asymptotic expansion      see "Asymptotic series"
Asymptotic form      26 90
Asymptotic matching principle      64 90 128 161 186
Asymptotic representation      26 90
Asymptotic sequence for thin-airfoil theory      47 73
Asymptotic sequence, alternative      28
Asymptotic sequence, choice of      29—30 35 125
Asymptotic sequence, definition      28
Asymptotic sequence, difference between inner and outer      84 104
Asymptotic sequence, logarithms in      5 29 30 33 35 47 57 59 69 200—202 207
Asymptotic series, accuracy of      30—32
Asymptotic series, convergence of      27 30—32
Asymptotic series, definition      26
Asymptotic series, error in      31
Asymptotic series, power series      27
Asymptotic series, properties of      32—34
Asymptotic series, uniqueness of      33—34
Asymptotic solution      3
Axisymmetric      see "Body of revolution" "Blunt-body "Paraboloid
Backward influence      38 39 42
Basic solution      4 93
Biconvex airfoil      56—59 68 74 97
Blasius series for boundary layer, inverse for parabola      41 211
Blasius series for boundary layer, on circle      18—19
Blasius series for boundary layer, on parabola      6 39 204 208
Blasius solution for flat plate      129—131
Blasius solution for flat plate, uniqueness      131—132
Block matching      74
Blunt-body problem      6 39 40 203 206 207 208—209
Blunted wedge in hypersonic flow      182—192
Body of revolution, nose-correction rules for incompressible flow      74
Body of revolution, paraboloid      75 165
Body of revolution, slender-body theory      74
Boundary conditions, discontinuities in      42
Boundary conditions, loss of      80 88 126
Boundary conditions, perturbation of      9 11 13
Boundary conditions, transfer of      36—37 43 47
Boundary layer in Oseen approximation      156
Boundary layer, change of coordinates      140—145
Boundary layer, coordinates      17
Boundary layer, first-order equation      128
Boundary layer, higher approximations      121
Boundary layer, on circle      17—19
Boundary layer, on flat plate      129—140 142—145 196—197
Boundary layer, on parabola      6 204 208 211—212
Boundary layer, theory      17 121—147
Boundary layer, thickness      127
Boundary layer, unsteady growth      38—39
Change of characteristics      42 43—44
Change of type      42 129
Characteristics, change of      42 43—44
Circular cylinder      9—20
Circular cylinder in parabolic shear      19 98
Circular cylinder in uniform shear flow      11—13
Circular cylinder, at low Reynolds number      161—164
Circular cylinder, boundary layer on      17—19
Circular cylinder, compressible flow      4 15—16 214
Circular cylinder, corrugated      19
Circular cylinder, distorted      13—14
Circular cylinder, drag at low Reynolds number      164
Circular cylinder, inviscid irrotational flow      10—11
Circular cylinder, Janzen — Rayleigh approximation      4 15—16
Circular cylinder, porous      19
Circular cylinder, pulsating      19
Circular cylinder, separation      19 121—122 150 214
Circular cylinder, skin friction      18
Circular cylinder, Stokes approximation      152—153
Circular cylinder, viscous flow      16—19
Complementary solution      12
Composite expansion      83—85 98 163 197—198 199
Composite expansion for blunted wedge      190—192
Composite expansion, construction of      94—97
Composite expansions, method of      197—198 213
Composition, additive      94 190
Composition, multiplicative      96 190
Compressible flow      see "Hypersonic flow" "Subsonic "Supersonic "Transonic
Cone in slightly supersonic flow      176—182
Cone, circular perturbation of solution for supersonic flow      9
Conservation principle, global      53
Convergence of asymptotic series      27 30—32
Convergence of Janzen — Rayleigh expansion      4
Convergence, improvement of      202—210
Convergence, radius of      32 206 207—208
Convergence, value of      30
Coordinate perturbation      3
Coordinate perturbation for elliptic equations      39—40
Coordinate perturbation, boundary layer on flat plate      123
Coordinate perturbation, convergence of      31
Coordinate perturbation, direct expansion      37—40
Coordinate perturbation, inverse expansion      41—42
Coordinate perturbation, joining of      210—212
Coordinate perturbation, nonuniformity of      81
Coordinate perturbation, replacement by parameter perturbation      82—83
Coordinate perturbation, singular      82
Coordinates, alternative for flat plate      142—144
Coordinates, change of in boundary layer      140—145
Coordinates, natural      203—204
Coordinates, optimal      141 144—146 200
Coordinates, parabolic      142 203 206 209 211
Coordinates, semicharacteristic      108
Coordinates, semioptimal      144 146
Coordinates, shrinking rectangular      143—144
Corner on supersonic airfoil      112—115
Correlation theorem      142 147
Corrugated quasi cylinder      19
Critical Mach number      4 214
Cumulative effect      106 107
Direct coordinate expansion      37—40
Disparate lengths      81 82 168 189 198
Displacement thickness flow due to      132—135 137 138 139
Displacement thickness for wake of finite flat plate      136—137
Displacement thickness of entropy layer      1 89
Distorted circle      13—14
Divortex      173
Double limit process      21 189
Drag of circle at low Reynolds number      164
Drag of sphere at low Reynolds number      5 149 161 206 209—210
Drag, leading-edge      54—56 138
Eddy, behind circle and sphere      150 156 159—160
Effective angle of attack      1 72 173
Eigensolutions in flat-plate boundary layer      131—132
Eigensolutions in inverse coordinate expansions      41 42
Eigensolutions in thin-airfoil theory      52—54 58 62—67 73 89
Ellipsoid of revolution      74 192
Elliptic airfoil, block matching      74
Elliptic airfoil, composite solution      96—97
Elliptic airfoil, incompressible thin-airfoil solution      50—52 72
Elliptic airfoil, inner and outer solutions      94
Elliptic airfoil, inviscid complex velocity      73
Elliptic airfoil, inviscid surface speed      52
Elliptic airfoil, local solution near edge      62
Elliptic airfoil, shifting correction      72—73
Elliptic airfoil, subsonic thin-airfoil expansion      5
Elliptic equations, direct coordinate expansion      39
Elliptic equations, initial-value problem      39
Elliptic equations, inverse coordinate expansion      41
Elliptic equations, method of strained coordinates      100 118—119 167
Elliptic wing      6 168 174—176 207 213
Entropy layer      182 186—189
Entropy layer, displacement effect      189
Euler transformation      32 33—34 207—210
Exponential decay of vorticity      131 139—140 201
Exponential terms in asymptotic sequence      29
Extension theorem      92
Finite flat plate, first-order boundary layer      123—124 129 130
Finite flat plate, inclined in potential flow      169—170
Finite flat plate, second-order boundary layer      136—137
Finite flat plate, skin friction      137 139
First approximation      4
First-order solution      4
Flat plate in viscous flow, alternative coordinates      142—144
Flat plate in viscous flow, alternative interpretations of Blasius solution      122—124
Flat plate in viscous flow, boundary-layer solution      129—140 142—145 196—197
Flat plate in viscous flow, finite      123—124 129 130 136—137
Flat plate in viscous flow, flow due to displacement thickness      132—134
Flat plate in viscous flow, leading edge      39 138—139
Flat plate in viscous flow, method of composite equations      196—197
Flat plate in viscous flow, optimal coordinates      144 145
Flat plate in viscous flow, Oseen approximation      165 198
Flat plate in viscous flow, second-order boundary layer      134—136
Flat plate in viscous flow, skin friction      137—139 140
Flat plate in viscous flow, third-order boundary layer      139—140
Flow due to displacement thickness      132—135 137 138 139
Free-streamline flow      42
Gauge Functions      23—28
Gauge functions, choice of      24—25
General particular integral      36 75
Generalized asymptotic expansion      see "Composite expansion"
Global conservation principle      53
Group property      129 131 146
Hyperbolic equations, change of characteristics      42
Hyperbolic equations, direct coordinate expansion      38
Hyperbolic equations, inverse coordinate expansion      41
Hyperbolic shock wave      183
Hypersonic flow, blunt body      6 40 208—209
Hypersonic flow, blunted wedge      182—192
Hypersonic flow, similarity rule      22 43
Hypersonic small-disturbance theory      22 35 185
Improvement of series      202—210
Impulsive motion, blunt body at hypersonic speed      40 206—207
Impulsive motion, circle in viscous flow      214
Impulsive motion, cylinder in viscous flow      214
Indeterminacy      see also "Eigensolutions"
Indeterminacy in boundary-layer solution      132
Indeterminacy in inverse coordinate expansions      41
Initial-value problem for elliptic equations      39
Inner and outer expansions      see "Matched asymptotic expansions method
Inner expansion      64 84
Inner expansion for boundary layer      127
Inner expansions for boundary layer on semi-infinite flat plate      140
Inner expansions for entropy layer      187—189
Inner expansions for lifting-line theory      172
Inner expansions, definition      85
Inner expansions, distinction from outer expansion      93
Inner limit      85
Inner variables      64 84
Inner variables for entropy layer      187
Inner variables for lifting wing of high aspect ratio      169
Inner variables, choice of      85—88
Inner variables, definition      85
Intermediate limit      91 161
Intermediate matching      91—93
Intermediate matching principle      92—93 161
Intermediate problem      91
Intermediate solution      92
Intermediate variable      91
Inverse Blasius series      41 211
Inverse coordinate expansion      41—42
Irrational approximation      2—4
Iteration      15 34—35
Janzen — Rayleigh approximation      4
Janzen — Rayleigh approximation for circle      4 15—16 35 36
Janzen — Rayleigh approximation for parabola      212
Joining of coordinate expansions      210—212
Joining of parameter expansions      212—213
Joukowski airfoil      54—56
Kutta — joukowski condition      42 169
Leading edge, round-nosed airfoil      52 53 54—56 59—68 71—73
Leading edge, sharp-nosed airfoil      56—57 68—70 74
Leading edge, square-nosed airfoil      57—59 73
Leading edge, viscous flow over flat plate      39 138—139
Leading-edge drag      54—56 138
Leading-edge thrust      56
Least degeneracy, principle of      86 127
Lifting-line theory      6 167—176 192
Lighthill's rule      61
Lighthill's technique      see "Strained coordinates method
Limit matching principle      90 161
Limit process      21—23
Limit process, double      21 189
Limit process, multiple      21 82
Log log      25 29 201
Logarithms      5 200—202
Logarithms as gauge functions      25
Logarithms in asymptotic expansions      5 29 30 33 35 47 57 59 68 69 73 140 160—161 162 200—202 207
Logarithms in inverse coordinate expansions      41 42
Logarithms in lifting-line theory      173 176
Logarithms in thin-airfoil theory      57 59 68 69 73
Logarithms in viscous-flow solutions      140 160—161 162
Logarithms, log log      25 29 201
Logarithms, relation to algebraic companion      201—202
Logarithms, source of      68 201
Mach lines, revised      110—111
Mach number, critical      4 214
Mass on spring      98
Matched asymptotic expansions, blunted wedge in hypersonic flow      183—192
Matched asymptotic expansions, circle at low Reynolds number      161—164
Matched asymptotic expansions, failure      213
Matched asymptotic expansions, lifting wing of high aspect ratio      167—176
Matched asymptotic expansions, method of      7 77—98
Matched asymptotic expansions, sphere at low Reynolds number      156—161
Matching      88—89 89—90 210
Matching and principle of minimum singularity      73 88
Matching condition for boundary layer      128 129
Matching in thin-airfoil theory      64—70
Matching of circulation in lifting-line theory      171
Matching order      93—94
Matching principle      89—90
Matching principle, asymptotic      64 90 128 161 186
Matching principle, intermediate      92—93 161
Matching principle, limit      90 161
Matching to determine eigensolutions      53
Method of matched asymptotic expansions      see "Matched asymptotic expansions method
Method of strained coordinates      82 97 183 186—191 see method
Middle expansion      82 97 183 186—191
Middle variable      186
Minimum singularity, principle of      53 64 65 73 88 132 158 163
Multiple limit process      21 82 189
Multiple scales, method of      198—200 213
Multiplicative composition      96 190
Multiplicative correction, round edges      59—61 74
Multiplicative correction, sharp edges      74
Natural coordinates      203—204
Navier — Stokes equations      124 153 165
Newton — Busemann theory      6 22 23
Newtonian approximation      43 208
Nonequilibrium flow over wavy wall      192—193
Nonuniformity      33 see
Nonuniformity at sharp stagnation edge      57
Nonuniformity at square edge      58
Nonuniformity for blunted wedge in hypersonic flow      185 187
Nonuniformity for elliptic airfoil      50
Nonuniformity in conical flow      83
Nonuniformity in direct coordinate expansions      39
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