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Miller K.S., Ross B. — An Introduction to the Fractional Calculus and Fractional Differential Equations |
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49 300
48 300
49 300
(n, q) 127
* 143
Abel's integral equation 3 255
Abel's tautochrone problem 3 255
Abel, N.H. 3 4 6 255
Asymptotic expansions, gamma function 40 298 299 331
Bagley, R. 16
Bernoulli's theorem 270
Bernoulli, J. 1 256
Bessel equation 126 207 301 302
Bessel function 301
Bessel function, fractional 308
Bessel operator, fractional 207
beta function 54 299 300
Brachistochrone 256
Bromwich, T.J. 14 261
Brychkov, Y.A. 16
Camko see "Samko"
Campos, L.M.B.C. 16
Carson, J.R. 261
Cauchy integral formula 22
Cayley, A. 8
Center, W. 6 7 12
Complementary polynomials 290
Complete elliptic integrals 306
Complex variables 28
Convolution 143
Convolution of fractional Green's functions 165
D 35
Davis, H.T. 8 15 22
De Morgan, A. 7
Derivatives of fractional integrals 59 62 65
Design of a weir notch 269
Differential equations see also "Fractional differential equations"
Differential equations, adjoint operator 33
Differential equations, Bessel 126 207 302
Differential equations, indicial polynomial 127
Differential equations, Kummer 251 305
Differential equations, Laguerre 307
Differential equations, Legendre 307
Differential equations, linear 126
Differential equations, one-sided Green's function 26 154
Differential equations, Wronskian 26 154
Digamma function 51 299
Dirichlet's formula 57
Double loop 32
e 240
Elliptic integrals 306
Erdelyi, A. 15
Error function 49 301
Euler's constant 51 297
Euler, L. 2 3
Exponential order, function of 67
Fluid flow, weir notch 269
Fourier, J.B.J. 3
Fractional Bessel function 208
Fractional Bessel operator 207
Fractional calculus see also "Fractional derivative" "Fractional "Fractional
Fractional calculus, notation 22
Fractional calculus, origin 1 6 9
Fractional Cauchy equation 200
Fractional derivative 35
Fractional derivative of a constant 7
Fractional derivative, applications 99 100 101
Fractional derivative, definition 82
Fractional derivative, examples 83 84 85 97
Fractional derivative, Gruenwald's definition 38
Fractional derivative, Marchaud's definition 42
Fractional derivative, Riemann — Liouville 3
Fractional differential equation 6 127
Fractional differential equations 127
Fractional differential equations of order (n, q) 127
Fractional differential equations with nonconstant coefficients 194
Fractional differential equations with nonconstant coefficients, examples 196 198
Fractional differential equations, Bessel operator 207
Fractional differential equations, Cauchy type 200
Fractional differential equations, comparison with ordinary differential equations 229
Fractional differential equations, equations of order (2, q) 182
Fractional differential equations, examples 130 134 137 149 160 162
Fractional differential equations, explicit representation of solutions 145
Fractional differential equations, fractional Green's function 159
Fractional differential equations, Frobenius approach 204
Fractional differential equations, homogeneous 139
Fractional differential equations, indicial polynomial 127
Fractional differential equations, initial value theorem 140
Fractional differential equations, linearly independent solutions 141
Fractional differential equations, nonhomogeneous 160
Fractional differential equations, reduction to ordinary differential equations 171
Fractional differential equations, semidifferential equations 174
Fractional differential equations, semidifferential equations, example 177
Fractional differential equations, sequential 209
Fractional differential equations, solution of homogeneous equation 139
Fractional differential equations, solution of nonhomogeneous equation 157
Fractional differential equations, vector 217
Fractional Green's function 159
Fractional Green's function, convolution 165
Fractional integral in terms of ordinary derivatives 55
Fractional integral of derivatives 59 62 66
Fractional integral, applications 99 100 101
Fractional integral, derivative of 99
Fractional integral, equations 186
Fractional integral, law of exponents 57
Fractional integral, Weyl 13 22 33 236
Fresnel integrals 49 300
Frobenius-type series 204
Fuchsian class 254
Functions of exponential order 67
Functions, 49 300
Functions, 48 300
Functions, 49 300
Functions, 337
Functions, 330
Functions, 337
Functions, Bessel 301
Functions, beta 299
Functions, complete elliptic integrals 306
Functions, digamma 51 299
Functions, error 49 301
Functions, fractional Bessel 208
Functions, Fresnel 49 300
Functions, gamma 297
Functions, good 238
Functions, hypergeometric 303
Functions, incomplete, beta 54 300
Functions, incomplete, gamma 48 300
Functions, Kummer 305
Functions, Laguerre 307
Functions, Legendre 307
Functions, Mittag-Leffler 132 143 144 206
Functions, psi 51 299
Galileo, G. 256
Gamma function 48 51 297 299 300
Good functions 238
Gorenflo, R. 16
| Greatheed, S.S. 6
Green's function 153
Greer, H.R. 9
Gregory, D.F. 14
Hadamard, J. 13
Hardy, G.H. 15
Hargreave, C.J. 9
Heaviside operational calculus 13 261
Heaviside solution of differential equations 262 264
Heaviside, O. 8 13 15 261
Heywood, P. 15
Hill, G.W. 261
Holmgren, H. 9
Homogeneous fractional differential equation 139
Huygens, C. 260
Hypergeometric function 77 303
Incomplete beta function 55 300
Incomplete gamma function 48 300
Incomplete gamma function, functions related to 314
Incomplete gamma function, functions related to, Laplace transforms of 321
Incomplete gamma function, functions related to, properties of 315 316 318 319 320
Incomplete gamma function, properties of 309
Indicial polynomial 127
Initial value theorem 140
Integral equation, Abel's 3 255
Integral of the fractional integral 58
Integral relations 118
Integral representations 111
Interchange of sign of the order 87 91 248
Iterated integrals 23
j 45
J' 45
Jordan normal form 219
Joshi, J.M.C. 16
Kalla, S. 15 16
Kelland, P. 4 6 9 14
Kernel 23
Kilbas, A. 16
Kober, H. 15
Krug, A. 13
Kummer differential equation 251 305
Kummer function 305
L'Hopital, G.F.A. xi 1
Lacroix, S.F. 2 3 6 7 8 12
Lagrange, J.L. 2
Laguerre differential equation 307
Laguerre function 307
Lamb, W. 15
Laplace transform 28 321
Laplace transform of fractional derivative 121
Laplace transform of fractional integral 69
Laplace transform of fractional integral, examples 70
Laplace transform, initial value theorem 140
Laplace, P.S. 2 3
Laurent's formula 77
Laurent, H. 10
Law of exponents for fractional integrals 57
Law of exponents for fractional operators 104 108 110
Law of exponents for Weyl transform 239 244
Legendre differential equation 307
Legendre function 307
Legendre, A.M. 2
Leibniz's rule 9
Leibniz's rule for fractional derivatives 95 97
Leibniz's rule for fractional integrals 75
Leibniz's rule for fractional integrals, applications 76 77
Leibniz's rule for Weyl fractional integral 247
Leibniz, G.W. xi 1 3
Letnikov, A.V. 10
Linear differential equations 126
Linear operators 22
Liouville class 11
Liouville first definition 5
Liouville fractional differential equations 6
Liouville fractional integral 21
Liouville second definition 5
Liouville, J. 4 6 7 8 9
Littlewood, J.E. 15
Loop integral 29
Love, E.R. 15 16 97
Lowndes, J.S. 15
Marichev, O. 16
Matrix, canonical form xiii 219
McBride, A.C. 15 16
Mikolas, M. 9 15 16
Mittag-Leffler function 132 143 144 206
Nekrassov, P.A. 13
Nishimoto, K 15 16
Nonhomogeneous fractional differential equations 160
Numerical tables 332—335 340—347
O'Shaughnessy, L. 195
Oldham, K.B. 4 15 97
One-sided Green's function 26 154
Operational calculus 13 261
Ordinary differential equations 126
Ordinary differential equations, Green's function 154
Ordinary differential equations, Wronskian 154
Osier, T.J. 15 97
Owa, S. 15 16
Peacock, G. 6 8 9
Phillips, P.C. 16
Pochhammer contour 32
Poincare, H. 261
Poisson's formula 302
Polynomial, complementary 290
Potential theory, Liouville's problem 265
Prudnikov, A P. 16
Psi function 51 299
Raina, R.K. 16
Representations of functions 116
Riemann class 11
Riemann fractional integral 21
Riemann — Liouville definition 9 45
Riemann — Liouville fractional calculus 80
Riemann — Liouville fractional derivative 3
Riemann — Liouville fractional integral 9 21
Riemann — Liouville fractional integral, examples 46 47 48 50 52
Riemann, G.F.B. 7 8 10
Riesz, M. 15
Roach, G.F. 15
Rodrigues' formula 115 307
Rooney, P.G. 15
Ross, B. 4 9 15 16 190
Sachdeva, B.K. 190
Saigo, M. 16
Samko, S. 15 16 39 43
Saxena, R.K 16
Semidifferential equations 174
Sequential fractional differential equations 209
Sneddon, I.N. 15
Sonin's formula 302
Sonin, N.Ya. 9 10
Spanier, J. 4 15 97
Spitzer, S. 9
Srivastava, H.M. 15 16
Stirling numbers 41
Stirling's formula 298 299
Table of formulas 352
Tables, numerical 332—335 340—347
Tautochrone problem 3 255
Torvik, P.J. 16
V 127
Vandermonde convolution formula 96
Vandermonde determinant 156
Vandermonde matrix 225
Vector fractional differential equations 217
Wallis, J. 1
Weir notch 269
Weyl fractional derivative 241
Weyl fractional integral 13 22 33 236
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