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Hayman W.K. — Meromorphic functions |
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, 19
, , h 126
, 12
xii 32
ix 12 13 144
= x 42
x xiv 44
A(r) 11
a(z), , Ch.3 55
Admissible 42
Ahlfors ix xiii xiv 1 9 10 12 13 43 125 135 144 145 148 150 152 156 170
Analytic arc 126
Arakeljan 7 124
Assigned deficiencies 80
B 170
Baker xi 50 52
Base domain 130
Blaschke 152 172 173 174 179 182
Blaschke product 173
Bloch xiv 150 156 169 170 172
Bloch's constant 170
Bohr xiv 50 169 170
Borel 38 157
C 16
Cantor 180
Cartan 8
Cartan's Identity 8
Cauchy 2 63 81 130
Characteristic function, Ahlfors and Shimizu ix 10 13
Characteristic function, Nevanlinna ix 4 8
Characteristic, bounded xiv 172 176
Characteristic, Euler and Poincare 136 137
Chordal metric 157
Chuang 48
Closed surface 135
Clunie xi 54 67
Convergence class 17
Convergence, locally uniform 157
Convex cover 153
Counting function 25
Covering number 133
Covering surface 130 131
Crosscut 136
Csillag 67
D(S) 86
Deficiency x 43
Deficiency relation xi
Deficient function 47
Deficient value x
density 86
Diameter 126
Differential polynomial 68
Disk, functions meromorphic in 143
Domain of the first type 139
Domain of the second type 139
Domain of the third type 139
Dufresnoy xiv 151 152
e 125
E(z, q) 21
Edrei 124
Edrei and Fuchs xii 80 101 103 105 109 110 115 119 124
Egoroff 178
Error term 66
Euler — Poincare characteristic 136
Exact order of fix-point 50
Exceptional set 34 et
Exceptional values 59
Excess of island 147
Fatou 175 176
Finite Blaschke product 173
Fix-point 49
Fix-point of exact order 50
Flett 10
Frontier 135
Frontier sides of triangle 135
Frostman 9
Fuchs xii 80 90 91
Fundamental theorem, Ahlfors 1 xiii 131 133
Fundamental theorem, Ahlfors 2 xiii xiv 148 156 164 169;
Fundamental theorem, Nevanlinna 1 ix 5 6 133 150;
Fundamental theorem, Nevanlinna 2 ix 31 34 43 150
Genus 29
Genus zero, functions of 109
Gol'dberg xii 7 79 80 81 89 98 100 106 108 110 115 119
Green 10
Growth see "Orders of growth"
Grunsky 170
hadamard 1 21
Hayman xii 10 14 20 59 66 67 80 163 171
Hellerstein 124
i 91
I(D), 133
| Index of multiplicity 43
Integral part 29
Integral representation formula 179
Invariant family 162 163
Island xiii 145
Isoperimetric inequality 152
Jenkins 169 170
Jensen 1
Jensen formula 1 3 4
JORDAN 125 126
K 16
k(w, a), , 12
l(R) 143 144
L, 131
Lai 170
Landau xiv 151 156 165 169 170
Le-Van Thiem 79
Lebesgue 181
Lehto and Virtanen 163
Locally uniform convergence 157
Lower order 16
M(r, a), ix 6
m(r, f) 4
Marty 158
Maximal type see "Type class"
Mean covering number 133
Mean type see "Type class"
Means 106
Meromorphic function ix
Milloux xi 55 57
Minimal type see "Type class"
Montel 151 157
Multiplicity of 45
Multiplicity of arc 130
N 131
n(r) 14
n(r, a), ix 6
n(r, f) 4
N(T) 4
Nevanlinna, F. 105
Nevanlinna, R. v vi ix x xi xii xiii xiv 1 3 4 5 8 9 13 21 31 42 43 47 48 55 79 80 100 101 105 125 131 133 150 172 178
Non-closed set 135
Non-integral order, functions of 100
Normal family (or class) xiv 157
Normal function 163
Normal invariant family 162 165
Orders of growth integral function 18
Orders of growth meromorphic function 18
Orders of growth real-valued function 16
Orders of growth sequence 25
Ostrovskii 124
Pfluger xii 105
Phragmen and Lindeloef 121
Picard x 31 125 150
poisson 1
Poisson — Jensen formula 1
Poisson's formula 1
Pole at the origin 3
Polya 53 62 66 67 81 101
Polya peaks 101
Regularly exhaustible 145
Relative boundary 131
Representation 21 179
Riemann xiii 13
Riemann sphere 13
Riesz and Fischer 177
Riesz, F. and Riesz, M. 178
Rosenbloom 50
S 133
S(D) 133
S(R) 143 144
S(r) = S(r, f) x 32 55
s.a. 126
s.a. domain 126
Sario 135
Saxer 67
Schottky xiv 151 156 165 169 170
Schwarz 45 114
Sectionally analytic 126
Seidel 182
Shah 101 103
Shimizu ix 1 10 12 13 20 144 152
Side of triangle 135
Signed multiplicity of arc 130
Spencer 10
Stewart 14 20
Szegoe 81
T(r) = T(r, f) ix 4 6 8
Teichmueller xii 115 119 120
Titchmarsh 175 177 178 181
Tongue 145
translate 163
triangle 135
Triangulated surface 135
Tumura xi 67
Type class integral function 18
Type class meromorphic function 18
Type class real-valued function 17
Type class sequence 25
v(I) 91
Valiron vi 79 104 110 115 125 152
Vertex of triangle 135
Weierstrass x xiv 1 21 24 29 44 153
Weierstrass product 24
Weierstrass's elliptic function 44
Whittaker 104
Wiman 115 119
Wittich vi 79 104
Zero at the origin 3
zeros 62
[ ] 29
[x] 29
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