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Greenberg M.D. — Advanced engineering mathematics |
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Предметный указатель |
Linear differential operator 85 945
Linear first-order ODE 19
Linear independence 444
Linear linearization 361
Linear programming 670
Linear system 38
Linear system of first-order ODE's 156
Linearly dependent (LD) 76
Linearly independent (LI) 76
Liouville's formula 80 82
Liouville, J. 80 887
Local maximum 658
Local minimum 659
Logarithmic decrement 115
Logistic equation 42
Long, R.L. 416
Lorentz transformation 605
Lorenz equations 386
Lorenz, E.N. 338 386
Lottka — Volterra model 367
Low (frequency) mode 166 559
Lower triangular matrix 490
LU-factorization 520
Luke, Y.L. 983
Lumped-parameter model 1034
Maak, W. 648
Mach number 59 505 799
Mahoney, J. 499
Main diagonal 472
Mandelbrot, B. 338
Manifold 356
Maple commands, ?lib 31
Maple commands, array 406
Maple commands, contourplot 760
Maple commands, convert 1266
Maple commands, det 492
Maple commands, diff 30
Maple commands, dsolve 30 60 108 168 190 210 241 310 321
Maple commands, eigenvals 550
Maple commands, eigenveets 550
Maple commands, eonformal 1123
Maple commands, evaif 228 973
Maple commands, evalni 478
Maple commands, exponential 588
Maple commands, fourier 931
Maple commands, fsolve 107 902
Maple commands, implicitplot 387 1042
Maple commands, int 59 228 730
Maple commands, inverse 522
Maple commands, invfourier 931
Maple commands, invlaplace 253
Maple commands, laplace 253
Maple commands, linsolve 406
Maple commands, mtaylor 640
Maple commands, phaseportrait 31 345 370
Maple commands, plot3d 760
Maple commands, rank 506
Maple commands, readlib(fourier) 931
Maple commands, readlib(laplace) 253
Maple commands, readlib(taylor) 640
Maple commands, rsolve 332
Maple commands, spacecurve 720
Maple commands, subs 671
Maple commands, sum 973
Maple commands, taylor 190
Maple commands, transpose 485
Maple commands, with(DEtools) 31 310 321 345
Maple commands, with(linalg) 406
Maple commands, with(orthopoly) 216
Maple commands, with(plots) 387
Maple names, Dirac(t) for 279
Maple names, Heaviside(t) for H(t) 274
Maple names, I for i 609
Maple names, P(n,x) for 216
Mapping 331 530 614 1114
Mapping, table of conformal maps Appendix F
Markov (stochastic) matrix 481 549
Markov process 546
Marsden, J.E. 725 759 822
Mathematical induction 90
Matrix 402 465
Matrix, block 475
Matrix, block diagonal 493
Matrix, coefficient 472
Matrix, complex 603
Matrix, conformable 467 469
Matrix, diagonal 473
Matrix, exponential 586
Matrix, hermitian 604
Matrix, identity 473
Matrix, involutory 480
Matrix, lower triangular 490
Matrix, Markov 481
Matrix, modal 571
Matrix, negative definite 592
Matrix, nilpotent 480
Matrix, nullity of 502
Matrix, order of 472
Matrix, orthogonal 575
Matrix, partitioning of 475
Matrix, positive definite 592
Matrix, rank of 495
Matrix, square 472
Matrix, stochastic 549
Matrix, symmetric 554
Matrix, transpose 481
Matrix, triangular 480
Matrix, tridiagonal 552 566 1006
Matrix, unitary 608
Matrix, upper triangular 490
Matrix, zero 468
Maximum 656 658
Maximum principle 1062 1076
Maxwell reciprocity 517
Maxwell's equations 776 1022
Maxwell, J.C. 810
McGregor, J.L. 1038
Mean value theorem 626 638 724 728
Mechanical oscillator in phase plane 338
Mechanical oscillator with cubic damping 362
Mechanical oscillator, forced oscillation 2 149 562
Mechanical oscillator, free oscillation 110 115 575
Mechanical oscillator, modeling the ODE 10
Mechanical oscillator, solution by Laplace transform 261
Mechanical oscillator, two-mass system 159 165 557 562
Method of Frobenius 195
Midpoint rule 299
Minimum 656 659
Minimum principle 1077 1107
Minkowski space 603
Minor 487
Minorsky, N. 337
Mixed boundary conditions 893
Mixing problems 42
ML bound 1186
Modal matrix 571
Modes 1026
Modified Bessel equation 236
Modified Bessel function 237 1078
Modified Elder method 304
Modulus 1126
Moebius (bilinear) transformation 1158
Moment of force 686
Moment of inertia 731 732 747
Moon beam experiment 383
Moon, F.C. 383
Moore — Penrose generalized inverse 513
Morse, P.M. 986
Multi-step method 301 308
Multiply connected region 826
| Myers, Yisraela N. xix
n-Space 420
n-tuple 420
Natural frequency 110 559
Nearest-neighbor coupling 566 1006
Negative definite matrix 592
Neighborhood 615 1114
Nerve impulse 375
Neumann boundary condition 952 1104
Newton's law of cooling 45 949 950 978
Newton's law of gravitation 53 752
Noble, B. 499
Nodal line 1039
Nodal points 999
Node 355
Nonbomogeneous algebraic equation 393
Nonbomogeneous differential equation 7
Nonbomogeneous problem 56
Nondimensional parameters 503 508
Nondimensionalization 56
Nonelenientary singularities 357
Nonlinear differential equation 7
Nonuniqueness for boundary-value problems 88
Norm 413 421 601 718 723 882
Norm axioms 434
Norm properties 425
Norm, Euclidean 422
Normal distribution 984
Normal probability distribution 130
Normal to surface 734 797
Normalization 427
Nth-order pole 1235
nth-order temi 90
Null space 502
Nullity 502
Nullspace (kernel) 531
Numerical integration 3120
O'Neil, P.V. 931
Odd function 846
Ohm's law 35
Open interval 49 422
Open region (domain) 616 1114
Open surface 814
Operations research (OR) 670
Operator 530
Operator, projection 538
Operator, translation 538
Order of differential equation 4
Order of magnitude 225
Order of magnitude symbol 226
Order of PDE 944
Order-p method 297
Ordered pair 1110
Ordinary convergence 176 1038
Ordinary differential equation 2
Ordinary differential equation and determinism 387
Ordinary differential equation, autonomous 344
Ordinary differential equation, Bernoulli 32 840
Ordinary differential equation, Bessel 230 908
Ordinary differential equation, Cauchy — Euler 118
Ordinary differential equation, change-of-type equation 948
Ordinary differential equation, Clairaut 34
Ordinary differential equation, complementary solution 28 134
Ordinary differential equation, dynamical systems 33
Ordinary differential equation, exact 62
Ordinary differential equation, first order 18
Ordinary differential equation, general solution 83 86 134
Ordinary differential equation, homogeneous 7 61 117 134
Ordinary differential equation, limit cycle 374
Ordinary differential equation, linear 7
Ordinary differential equation, linear first-order 19
Ordinary differential equation, nonhomogeneous 7
Ordinary differential equation, order 4
Ordinary differential equation, reducible to Bessel 238
Ordinary differential equation, Riccati 33 129
Ordinary differential equation, separable 46
Ordinary differential equation, solution 4
Ordinary point 193
Orientable surface 758
Oriented curve 810
Orthogonal 426 684 882
Orthogonal basis 453 557 607
Orthogonal coordinates 788
Orthogonal Legendre polynomials 214
Orthogonal matrix 528 575
Orthogonal modes 559 1026
Orthogonal projection 458 460 882
Orthogonal separation 695
Orthogonal set 426 684
Orthogonality relations 859
Orthonormal (ON) set 427
Oscillator with cubic damping 362
Osculating plane 72
Output 38
P-series 219 856 875
Parabolic PDE 947
Parametrization 714
Parseval equality 886
Partial derivative 620
Partial differential equation (PDE) 3
Partial fraction expansion 49 56 256 264 Appendix
Partial sums 176
Particular solution 83
Particular solution of linear algebraic equation 501
Particular solution of ODE 134
Particular solution of PDE 1032
Particular solution, complex function method 156
Partition 718 723
Partitioning 475
Pauli spin matrix 599
Pederson, R.N. 1199
Pendulum in phase plane 363
Pendulum, governing ODE 3
Pendulum, grandfather clock 115
Pendulum, tilted 117
Period 286
Period-k oscillation 384
Periodic boundary conditions 905 906 907
Periodic function 286 848
Phase angle 44 111
Phase plane 339
Phase portrait 339
Phase trajectory 339
phase velocity 342
Pick's law 801
Piecewise continuity 249
Piecewise smooth curve 715
Piecewise smooth surface 727
Pivoting 405
Plane 692
Plane polar coordinates 700
Poincare, H.L. 337 387
Poisson equation 1058 1068
Poisson equation, existence of solution 1069
Poisson integral formula for circular disk 1076
Poisson integral formula for half plane 1090
Poisson kernel 1087 1090
Poisson, S.-D. 266
Polar coordinates 1070
Pole 1235
Pollution in a river 45 933
Population dynamics 41
Population exchange 546
Population model 55
Position vector 699
Positive definite 592
Positive definite matrix 592
Post-clot 897
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