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Bellman R., Kalaba R. — Quasilinearization and nonlinear boundary-value problems |
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Abel, N. 60
Adjoint equation 33
Adorno, D. 108
Approximation in policy space 19 124 154
Averbukh, A.I. 74
Azen, S. 124
Back and forth integration 85
Bateman — Burgers equation 122
Beckenbach, E.F. 2 24 54 72 108 124 162
Beckwith, R. 108
Bellman, R. 23 24 53 54 55 72 73 105 106 107 108 109 123 124 150 151 161 162
Bentley, D.L. 162
Bihari, I. 24
Bing, R.H. 72
Blood, J. 6
Bonsall, F.F. 2 72
Brown, T.A. 6 105
Buell, J. 6 106
Calculus of variations 44 54
Calogero, F. 24
Caplygin, S.A. 2 22 24 71 72
Characteristic values 66
Chemotherapy 106 107
Cherry, I. 73
Coddington, E. 54
Cohen, E.R. 107
Collatz, L. 2 53 72 74
Collier, C. 151
Control 125
Control processes 54 73
Control theory 54
Convergence 38
Convexity 34
Convolution equations 107
Conway, E.D. 124
Cooke, K.L. 106 162
Culver, J.W. 107
Curtis, P.C. 72
Dewan, E.M. 150
Difference approximations 73 124
Differential approximation 75 106 158
Differential inequalities 57 71 74
Differential-difference equations 106
Dini's theorem 70 74
Dini, U. 21
Dreyfus, S. 55 162
Duality 20
Dynamic programming 2 19 23 51 53 54 71 79 103 124 153
Electroencepholography 150
Elliptic equation 116
Euler equation 44
Existence and boundedness 37
Existence and uniqueness 53
Factorization 60
Fenchel, W. 2
Fermat's principle 45
Finite difference methods 72
First-order linear equation 15
Fleming, W.H. 124
Forsythe, G.E. 72
Freimer, M. 108
Friedrichs, K.O. 2 54
Functional differential equations 87
Fundamental lemma 22
Gauss — Seidel method 118
Glicksberg, I. 54 73 108
Gluss, B. 106 151 162
Gradient techniques 114
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization 98
Green's function 34 54 69
Gross, O. 6 54 73 108
Hammer, P.C. 13 23
Hanson, M.A. 54
Hardy, G.H. 23
Hartman, P. 72 108
Heron of Alexandria 12
Hopf — Lax equation 122
Hopf, E. 124
Identification of systems 106 159
Ikebe, T. 54
Ill-conditioned linear systems 109
Ill-conditioning 100
Inequalities 54 72
inhomogeneous equation 29
Integro-differential equation 93
Invariant imbedding 52 55 71 104 108 109 123
Inverse problem 130 146
Jacobian matrix 77
Jones, G.S. 74
Juncosa, M. 6 123
Kagiwada, H. 6 55 105 109 150 151 162
Kalaba, R. 23 24 25 54 55 73 105 106 107 108 109 123 124 150 151 162
Kalman, R.E. 108
Kantorovich, L.V. 22 23
Kardashov, A.A. 106
Karlin, S. 74
Kato, T. 54
Koepcke, R.W. 108
Kolmogorov, A. 107
Kotkin, B. 6 73 105 106 107 123
Krasnoselskii, M.A. 72
Krylov, V.I. 23
Kuhn, H. 2
Kumar, K.S.P. 25
Lagrange multipliers 126
Lagrange, J. 30
Lanczos, C. 107
Langenhop, C.E. 24
Laplace transform 109
Lavi, A. 151
Lax, P. 124
Levinson, N. 54
Levitt, L.C. 107
Liberman, L.Kh. 107
Linear closure 107
| Linearization 25
Liouville, J. 23
Lockett, J. 109
Magnethohydrodynamics 41
Markovian decision processes 108
Matrix analysis 53
Maximum operation 15
Mean-value theorem 72 108
Memory 95
Mesarovic, M.D. 55 107
Method of steepest descent 123
Minkowski, A. 2
Mlak, W. 74
Monotone behavior 57
Monotonicity 20 21 95 97 121
Moser, J. 24
Motzkin, T. 72 73
Multiple-point linear boundary problems 105
Multipoint boundary-value problems 80
Nemytski, V.V. 25
Neurophysiology 106
Neustadt, L. 54
Neutron transport theory 162
Newton — Raphson method 7 22
Newton — Raphson — Kantorovich approximation 19
Nonlinear oscillations 150
Nonlinear problems 25
Nonlinear summability 116 123
Numerical integration 73
Numerical treatment 72
Optimal design 125
Orbit determination 105 137
Ostrowski, A. 23
Parabolic equations 112
Parabolic partial differential equation 63
Partial differential equations 111
Peixoto, M. 2 72
Periodogram analysis 139
Perturbation techniques 106 107
Peterson, R. 151
Picard algorithm 40
Picard iteration 117
Pollack, M. 162
Positivity 34 62 108 121
Prager, W. 43
Prestrud, M. 55 108 109
Property W 98
Quadratic convergence 9 11 21
Quasilinearization 2 13 36
Radbill, J.R. 25
Radiative transfer 130 150
Random walk 64
Rayleigh, J.W.S. 134
Redheffer, R.M. 2 72 74
Reid, W.T. 72
Renewal equation 91
Renormalization techniques 107
Riccati differential equation 104
Riccati equation 7 14 24
Richardson, J.M. 5 107 124
Ritt, J.F. 23
Rosenbloom, P. 123
Roth, R. 106 151 162
Savenko, S.S. 23
Scattering theory 24
Scher, A. 145
Schlesinger, L. 72 108
Schrodinger equation 7
Schwimmer, H.S. 25
Selvester, R. 151
Shortest-route problem 162
Simultaneous calculation 81
Smith, M.C. 25
Square roots 12
Sridhar, R. 6 25
Stepanov, V.V. 25
Storage 75 80 95
Strauss, J.C. 151
Sturm — Liouville equation 29 69
Sturm — Liouville expansion 66
Successive approximations 19 54 105
Sylvester, J.J. 13 23
systems 76
Temple, G. 25
Thomas — Fermi equation 54
Tikhomirov, V.M. 107
Titchmarsh, E.C. 72
Tornheim, L. 72
Total positivity 74
Tucker, A.W. 2
Tukey, J. 23
Turbulence 124
Two-point boundary-value problem 27 105
Ueno, S. 132 150
Vainberg, M.M. 23
Vala, K. 74
Valiron, G. 72
van der Pol equation 134
Van der Pol, B. 134
Variation of parameters 30
Variation-diminishing 73
Vashakmadze, T.S. 105
von Karman, T. 25
Walter, W. 162
Wasow, W. 72 73
Watson, G.N. 23
Weibenson, N. 162
Wengert's numerical method 151
Whiteside, D.T. 22
Wilkins, J.E. 72
Wing, G.M. 55 73 109
Wintner, A. 108
wronskian 30 60 97
Wu, C.S. 25
Zaidenberg, E.D. 107
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