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Korevaar J. — Tauberian Theory: A Century of Developments |
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Abel sum 1 4
Abel summability 1 4 25 67 268
Abel summability of Fourier series 7
Abel summability of integral 26 61
Abel summability, comparison with Borel summability 60
Abel summability, gap Tauberian theorem 2 269 see
Abel summability, Tauber's theorems for 10
Abel summability, Tauberian theorem 14 15
Abel summability, Tauberian theorem, remainder in 17 348
Abel summability, Wiener form 380
Abel transform 117 268
Abel's continuity theorem 1 4 117
Abelian theorem 2
Abelian theorem for Borel summability 5
Abelian theorem for Cesaro summability 3
Abelian theorem for Cesaro to Abel summability 4
Abelian theorem for Euler to Borel summability 328
Abelian theorem for Lambert summability 5
Abelian theorem in Wiener — Pitt problem 68
Abelian theorem involving, Mellin transform (complex) 123
Abelian theorem involving, Mellin — Stieltjes convolution 195
Abelian theorem involving, power series 16
Abelian theorem involving, two-sided Laplace transform 233
Abelian theorem, continuity theorem 2
Abelian theorem, the name 5
Abelian — Tauberian combination involving, general circle method 306
Abelian — Tauberian combination involving, Laplace transform 193 194 197
Abelian — Tauberian combination involving, Stieltjes transform 194 196
Abelian — Tauberian combination involving, two-sided Laplace transform 234
Acceleration of convergence 325
Admissible kernel in Wiener problem 73 82
Admissible kernel in Wiener — Pitt problem 69 70 72 82
Admissible kernel testing equation 70
Algebraic form of Wiener theorem 237
Amalgam norm 195
Analytic continuation 288 see
Analytic continuation by Borel summability 7 279 284—286
Analytic continuation by Euler summability 325
Analytic continuation of zeta function 62 94 325
Analytic continuation, Borel — Okada principle 288
Analytic continuation, Taylor method 329
Application of Tauberian theory to see also "Next item"
Application of Tauberian theory to Fourier series 13
Application of Tauberian theory to operator theory 163
Application of Tauberian theory to partitions 228
Application of Tauberian theory to prime number theory 134 310 402
Application of Wiener theory to Borel Tauberian 305
Application of Wiener theory to general circle method 305 307
Application of Wiener theory to Hardy — Littlewood theorem 77 95 101
Application of Wiener theory to harmonic functions 111 114
Application of Wiener theory to Ingham summability 110
Application of Wiener theory to Lambert summability 92 101
Application of Wiener theory to Landau — Ingham asymptotics 107
Application of Wiener theory to Littlewood's theorem 77
Application of Wiener theory to prime number theorem 93 110 111
Application of Wiener theory to renewal theory 272
Application of Wiener theory to strong asymptotics 214 216 218
Application of Wiener theory to Tauberian theorem for power series 103
Approximate identity 80 125 239
Approximation theorem of Beurling 241
Approximation theorem of Weierstrass 21 77
Approximation theorem of Wiener 83
Approximation theorem, Muentz — Szasz formula 318
Approximation theorem, one-sided approximation 352
Area condition of conformal mapping 12
Arzela theorem 71
Asymptotic averages, comparison 65 72 77 78 82
Asymptotics see also "Abelian..." "Tauberian..."
Asymptotics for derivatives 34 35
Asymptotics, involving counting 194 225 228 310
Asymptotics, involving Laplace transform 192 197
Asymptotics, involving partitions 228
Asymptotics, involving Stieltjes transform 194
Asymptotics, Landau — Ingham 107
Asymptotics, large Laplace transforms 207
Asymptotics, large Laplace transforms, boundedness result 209
Asymptotics, large Laplace transforms, complex theory 222
Asymptotics, large Laplace transforms, logarithmic theory 208 219
Asymptotics, large Laplace transforms, strong 208 212 214 218
Bad approximability and high-indices theorems 54
Banach algebra 85 236
Banach algebra, 244
Banach algebra, , maximal ideal 247
Banach algebra, under convolution 85 236
Banach algebra, adjoining unit element 244
Banach algebra, Beurling algebra 240
Banach algebra, coset algebra 241
Banach algebra, Gelfand representation 243
Banach algebra, Gelfand theory 241
Banach algebra, Gelfand transform 243
Banach algebra, homomorphism 242
Banach algebra, ideal 237
Banach algebra, invertible element 237 242
Banach algebra, maximal ideal space 243
Banach algebra, normed field 241
Banach algebra, regular algebra 246
Banach algebra, unit element 236
Banach algebra, weighted space 240
Banach algebra, Wiener algebra 236
Banach coordinate space, B K-space 259 262
Banach space 85
Berry — Esseen inequality 232 384
Beurling algebra see "Convolution algebra "
Beurling approximation theorem 241 249
Beurling approximation theorem, open problem 241
Beurling slow variation 184 191 199
Beurling slow variation, open problem 200
Beurling slow variation, self-neglecting function 200
Beurling slow variation, Tauberian theorem 199
Bieberbach — de Branges inequality 274
Big -condition see "Tauberian condition"
Bingham et al., average-type Tauberian conditions 16 58 321 333
Bingham et al., book Regular Variation 178
Bingham et al., circle methods 281 309 333
Blaschke product 375 377
Borel analytic continuation 279
Borel density 310
Borel function 288 310
Borel polygon 285
Borel sum 5
Borel summability 2 5 279 282
Borel summability of power series 283 285
Borel summability, analytic continuation 7 284—286
Borel summability, boundedness theorem 296
Borel summability, comparison with (C,k) summability 333
Borel summability, comparison with Abel summability 60
Borel summability, Hardy — Littlewood theorem 18 302
Borel summability, high-indices theorem 280 312
Borel summability, Schmidt condition 279
Borel summability, Tauberian condition 279
Borel summability, Tenenbaum theorem 306
Bounded analytic function, Jensen theorem 377
Bounded analytic function, set of smallness 366
Boundedness theorem involving, Borel summability 296
Boundedness theorem involving, FK-space 257 260 262
Boundedness theorem involving, gap series 50 52
Boundedness theorem involving, general circle method 295
Boundedness theorem involving, general-kernel transform 43
Boundedness theorem involving, Laplace transform 143
Boundedness theorem involving, method 337
Boundedness theorem involving, monotone minorant 40 296
Boundedness theorem involving, power series 11 40
Boundedness theorem involving, power series, related series 12
Boundedness theorem involving, rapidly decreasing kernel 235 250 316
Calculus of finite differences 325
Calculus of finite differences, symbolic operators 325
Cauchy formula 136 226 273 286 405
Cauchy functional equation 185
Cauchy product, Cesaro summability 6
Cesaro (C,k) mean 39
| Cesaro (C,k) mean of integral 37
Cesaro sum 1 3
Cesaro summability 1 3 16 25 37 67 260 261 267
Cesaro summability of Cauchy product 6
Cesaro summability of Fourier series 6
Cesaro summability of gap series 14
Cesaro summability of integral 26 79
Cesaro summability of order k 17
Cesaro summability of order k of integral 38
Cesaro summability of order k of series 39
Cesaro summability, gap Tauberian theorem 269
Cesaro summability, remainder theorem for 14
Cesaro summability, Tauberian theorem 12
Characteristic function of set 182
Characteristic function, Fourier transform of distribution function 232
Chebyshev function 19 107 122 140
Chebyshev polynomial 358
Christoffel numbers 361
Circle methods of summability 280 328
Circle methods of summability as special cases of general circle method 331 332
Classical Dirichlet series see "Dirichlet series"
Closed (linear) span 259
Closed (linear) span of translates in 73 83 89
Closed (linear) span of translates in other spaces 83
Complex Fourier transform 240 379
Complex remainder theory 119 165
Complex remainder theory for Fatou theorem 167
Complex remainder theory for Stieltjes transform 173
Complex remainder theory, auxiliary results 165 166
Complex remainder theory, involving power series 170 172
Complex Tauberian 118
Complex Tauberian in operator theory 163—165
Complex Tauberian involving, Dirichlet series 120 122 133 138 149
Complex Tauberian involving, Laplace transform 124 135 141 142 154 161 222
Complex Tauberian involving, Mellin transform 124
Complex Tauberian, (Laplace) finite form 138
Complex Tauberian, Fatou theorem 118 148
Complex Tauberian, Fatou theorem, extensions 149—151 153 157 159
Complex Tauberian, Ingham theorem 133
Complex Tauberian, Landau theorem 120
Complex Tauberian, strong Ingham theorem 222
Complex Tauberian, Wiener — Ikehara theorem 119 122 124
Concentration function 232
Conformal mapping 367 376
Conformal mapping, area condition 12
Conformal mapping, Bieberbach — de Branges inequality 274
Conformal mapping, Hayman regularity theorem 274
Conjugate convex function 233
Conservative summability method 258
Consistent methods 3
Continuity theorem see "Abelian theorem"
Continuity Theorem (the), for Laplace — Stieltjes transform 192
Continuous linear functional on 155
Continuous linear functional on 74
Continuous linear functional on 240 249
Continuous linear functional on FK-space 259
Continuous linear functional on Schwartz space 91
Contour integration method of Newman 119 133
Contour integration method of Newman, extension 135 136 151
Convexity theorem, involving derivatives 37
Convexity theorem, involving sequences 14
Convolution 80
Convolution algebra 236 237
Convolution algebra , form of closed maximal ideal 237 239
Convolution algebra , minimal ideal at 238
Convolution algebra , translation invariant subspace 238
Convolution algebra , Wiener approximation theorem 239
Convolution algebra 240
Convolution algebra , Beurling theorem 241
Convolution algebra , closed maximal ideal 248 250
Convolution algebra , different classes of 250
Convolution algebra , regularity condition 246
Convolution of sequences 400
Convolution of sequences, Erdos problem 400 401
Convolution of sequences, Erdos theorem, application to prime number theory 402
Convolution of sequences, open problems 409 412
Convolution of sequences, square-root problem 401
Convolution of sequences, third problem 402
Convolution, Fourier transform 80
Convolution, Mellin — Stieltjes 195
Counting (special) prime factors, Halasz relation 310
Counting (special) prime factors, Mangoldt (von) theorem 310
Counting (special) prime factors, Tenenbaum theorem 310
Counting function 177
Counting function for eigenvalues 175
Counting function for zeros 175
Critical rate, in remainder theory 350 393
Critical strip, zeta function 64
Darboux property of derivative 36
de Haan theory 189 190 200
de Haan theory, class 189
de Haan theory, class 189 221
de Haan theory, class , characterization 221
Differences and derivatives 35
Differentiation of asymptotic relation 34 35 37 121
Dirichlet series, classical Dirichlet series 8 17
Dirichlet series, complex Tauberian 120 122 133 138 149
Dirichlet series, Fatou — Riesz theorem 118 149
Dirichlet series, gap theorem of Ingham 150
Dirichlet series, high-indices theorem 50
Dirichlet series, remainder estimate 373
Dirichlet series, representation by 8
Dirichlet series, Tauberian theorem 17 48 49
Dirichlet series, Wiener — Ikehara theorem 122
Dirichlet series, zeta function 8 62
Discrete Taylor formula 13
Distribution function 232
Distribution function, estimate using Fourier transform 232
Distribution function, estimate using Laplace transform 232
Distribution theory (generalized functions) 90
Distribution theory (generalized functions), Fourier transformation 91
Distribution theory (generalized functions), periodic distribution 155
Distribution theory (generalized functions), periodic testing function 155
Distribution theory (generalized functions), Schwartz space 91
Distribution theory (generalized functions), tempered distribution 91
Distribution theory (generalized functions), testing function 91
Distributional convergence 155 161
Distributional proof of Wiener theorem 92
Divergent series involving zeta function 59 135
Division theorem of Wiener 81 88
Division theorem of Wiener, proof 88
Division theorem of Wiener, refinement 251
Division theorem of Wiener, special cases 86 87
Divisor function 9
Drasin — Shea theorem 204
Effective domain 258
Effective domain, gap-perfect part 267
Effective domain, seminorms 258
End game 417
Equivalent summability methods 4
Erdos, (and Feller and Pollard) renewal theory 271 272
Erdos, (and Selberg) PNT 63 118
Erdos, convolution problem 400
Erdos, Erdos — Hua problem 403
Erdos, nonlinear Tauberian 402
Erdos, nonlinear Tauberian, open problem 412
Euler constant 9 62 107 140 200
Euler product 8
Euler summability 260 325 326
Euler summability to Borel summability 328
Euler summability, gap Tauberian theorem 270
Euler summability, methods (E,q), 328
Euler transformation 325 326
Exponentiation of power series 274
Extremal kernel 146
Extremal majorant of type 129
Fabry gaps 323
Fabry theorem 294 335
Fatou theorem for harmonic function 112
Fatou theorem for harmonic function, analog 113
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