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Folland G.B., Stein E.M. — Hardy Spaces on Homogeneous Groups |
Предметный указатель |
(p,q,a)—atom 71
Admissible 71
Area integral 217
Associated (to a ball) 72
atom 71
Atomic decomposition 76
Atomic Hardy space 75
Ball 8
Calderon — Zygmund decomposition 83
Campanato space 142
Campbell — Hausdorff formula 2
Chebyshev's inequality 13
Commutative approximate identity 116
Constants: 7
Constants: 72
Constants: 29
Constants: 12
Constants: 10
Constants: 31
Constants: 7
Constants: n 7
Convolution 15
Degree (of Calderon — Zygmund decomposition) 83
Derivatives and multiindices: 21
Derivatives and multiindices: 7
Derivatives and multiindices: 21
Derivatives and multiindices: 20
Derivatives and multiindices: d(I) 21
Derivatives and multiindices: |I| 21
Dilations 4
Dilations: 4
Dilations: rx 6
Dilations: x/r 6
Distribution function 13
Graded 5
Grand maximal function 70
Hardy space 75
Hardy — Littlewood maximal function 67
Heat kernel 58
Heat kernel: 57
Heat kernel: h 56
Heat semigroup 58
Height (of Calderon — Zygmund decomposition) 83
Heisenberg group 8
Homogeneous degree (of differential operator) 21
Homogeneous degree (of polynomial) 22
Homogeneous differential operator 10
Homogeneous dimension 10
Homogeneous distribution 10
Homogeneous function 10
Homogeneous group 5
Homogeneous norm 8
Isotropic degree 22
Kernel of type ( ,r) ( >0) 184
Kernel of type (0,r) 185
Littlewood — Paley function 217
Lover central series 2
Lusin and Littlewood — Paley functions: 241
Lusin and Littlewood — Paley functions: 218
Lusin and Littlewood — Paley functions: 218
Lusin and Littlewood — Paley functions: 241
Lusin and Littlewood — Paley functions: 217
Lusin and Littlewood — Paley functions: 217
Lusin function 217
Maximal functions: 70
Maximal functions: 70
Maximal functions: 67
Maximal functions: 62
Maximal functions: 62
Maximal functions: 115
Nilpotent 2
Nonincreasing rearrangement 13
| Nontangential maximal function 62
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: 13
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: 141
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: 157
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: 142
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: 76
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: 76
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: 280
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: 35
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: 146
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: 13
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: 212
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: 158
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: 158
Norms, quasinorms, seminorms: | | 8
Other operations on functions: 146
Other operations on functions: 149
Other operations on functions: 13
Other operations on functions: 18
Other operations on functions: f* 13
Other operations on functions: f*g 15
P-admissible 71
Poisson kernel 254
Poisson — Szegoe kernel 254
Polynomial 22
Polyradial 139
Positive operator 129
Radial maximal function 62
Rockland operator, (R-operator) 129
Schwartz class 35
Sets: 1
Sets: 24
Sets: 1
Sets: 1
Sets: 1
Sets: 1
Sets: 1
Sets: B(r,x) 8
Sets: |E| 10
Sharp function 149
Spaces of functions and distributions: 12
Spaces of functions and distributions: 12
Spaces of functions and distributions: 33
Spaces of functions and distributions: 157
Spaces of functions and distributions: 142
Spaces of functions and distributions: 12
Spaces of functions and distributions: 12
Spaces of functions and distributions: 12
Spaces of functions and distributions: 12
Spaces of functions and distributions: 75
Spaces of functions and distributions: 75
Spaces of functions and distributions: 12
Spaces of functions and distributions: 158
Spaces of functions and distributions: 158
Spaces of functions and distributions: 158
Spaces of functions and distributions: 158
Spaces of functions and distributions: 23
Spaces of functions and distributions: 23
Spaces of functions and distributions: 256
Spaces of functions and distributions: 253
Spaces of functions and distributions: 35
Spaces of functions and distributions: 35
Spaces of functions and distributions: BMO 146
Spaces of functions and distributions: weak 13
stratified 5
Sub-Laplacian 55
Sub-Laplacian: L 55
Tangential maximal function 115
Tempered distribution 38
Vanish weakly at infinity 50
Weak type 13
Young's inequality 16
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