Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Porteous I.R. — Clifford Algebras and the Classical Groups |
Предметный указатель |
Special unitary group 55
Sphere 40
Sphere, unit 40
Spheres, conformal 248
Spin group 146
Spinor action 257
Spinor space 133 154
Springer, A. 167 286
Spurgeon, C. 277 288
Square of vector 22
Square, twisted 99
Stabiliser 21
Standard atlas 111
Standard chart 111 215
Standard complex symplectic plane 50
Standard real symplectic plane 47
Steenrod, N.E. 264 276 288
Stereographic projection 41 249
Stiefel manifold 244 262
Stiefel manifold, complex 265
Study, E. ix 256 281 282 288
Study’s principle of triality 282
Subalgebra 9
Subgroup, topological 225
Submanifold 212
Submanifold, smooth 212
Submersion 214 222
Submersive 214
Submodule 5
Subspace topology 193
Subspace, affine 6
Subspace, linear 3
Sum of squares 36
Sum, direct 3
Superalgebra 86
Superfield 134
Surjection 2
Surjective 2
Surjective criterion 213
Swap 14 154
Symmetric correlation 24 52 74 95
Symmetric second differential 210
Symplectic group, complex 50
Symplectic group, real 47
Symplectic map 47 50
Symplectic plane, complex 50
Symplectic plane, real 47
Symplectic plane, standard complex 50
Symplectic plane, standard real 47
Symplectic quaternionic group 78
Symplectic space, complex 50
Symplectic space, real 46
Symplectic, etymology of 79
Tangency 202
Tangent bundle 219 220
Tangent bundle map 221
Tangent bundle space 219
| Tangent map 219
Tangent projection 220
Tangent space 212 219 221
Tangent vector 221
Target of a map 194
Taylor series 209
Ten 100 102 155
Tensor algebra 124
Tensor product 81
Theoretical physics 165
Theta triad 267
Tits, J. 282 288
Topological group 225
Topological group map 225
Topological manifold 215
Topological space 191
Topological subgroup 225
topology 191
Topology, induced 193
Topology, product 196
Topology, quotient 196
Topology, subspace 193
Transformation, Moebius 250
Transitive actions on spheres 256
Transitive group action 21 226
Translation 254
Transposition 4 24
Trautman, A. 166 288
Triad, theta 267
Triality 256
Triality automorphism 267
Triality, Freudenthal’s principle of 278
Triality, Study’s principle of 282
Triangle inequality 192
Triangle, Cayley 184
Triangle, Hamilton 183
Triple product, scalar 61 182
Tucker, R.W. 166 285
Twisted square 99
Type of orthonormal subset 126
Unit quaternion 60
Unitary group 55 104
Unitary linear map 55
Universal Clifford algebra 130
Vahlen representation 254
Vahlen, K.Th. 167 254 288
Van der Waerden, B.L. 176 288
Vector 2 140 167
Wall, C.T.C. x 288
Waterman, P.L. 167 288
Weyl spinors 166
Weyl, H. 79 243 288
Witt decomposition 37 109
Witt index 37 109
‘Correspondence from an ultramundane correspondent’ 176
Реклама |