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Bachman G., Beckenstein E. — Fourier And Wavelet Analysis
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Название: Fourier And Wavelet Analysis
Авторы: Bachman G., Beckenstein E.
Аннотация: This book is intended as an introduction to classical Fourier analysis, Fourier series, and the Fourier transform. The topics are developed slowly for the reader who has never seen them before, with a preference for clarity of exposition in stating and proving results. More recent developments, such as the discrete and fast Fourier transforms and wavelets, are covered in the last two chapters. The first three, short, chapters present requisite background material, and these could be read as a short course in functional analysis. The text includes many historical notes to place the material in a cultural and mathematical context; from the fact that Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier was the nineteenth, but not the last, child in his family to the impact that Fourier series have had on the evolution of the concept of the integral.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2000
Количество страниц: 506
Добавлена в каталог: 30.11.2009
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Предметный указатель
Fourier transform, conjugates 340
Fourier transform, discrete 385
Fourier transform, finite 144 265
Fourier transform, in 357
Fourier transform, integrability of 323
Fourier transform, inversion for BV 294
Fourier transform, windowed 480
Frame 465
Frame and Riesz basis 471
Frame, bounds 465
Frame, dual 468
Frame, exact 465
Frame, inequality 465
Frame, operator 465 467
Frame, tight 465
Frame, Weyl — Heisenberg 473
Franklin mother wavelet 462
Franklin wavelets 459
Frequently 45
Fubini theorem 251
Gab or transform 480
Gamma function 283
Gauss and FFT 399
Gaussian kernel 318
Gibbs phenomenon 208
Gibbs phenomenon, suppressed 242
Gram — Schmidt 21
Gregory series 192
Haar functions 115
Haar functions, density of in 119
Haar functions, density of in C[0,1] 118
Haar wavelets 420
Haar wavelets, filter 424
Haar wavelets, wavelets 412
Hahn — Banach theorem 131
Half-range expansion 155
Hardy — Landau theorem 240
Harmonics 145
Hat function 307
Hat function, Fourier transform 282 337
Hilbert cube 60
Hilbert cube, compact 74
Hilbert space 5 61
Hilbert space, dual of 132
Hilbert sum 124
Hoelder inequality 29 33
Homeomorphism 39 80
Homeomorphism, linear 80
Hunt 194
Idempotent 98
Identity none for 271
Indicator function 6 114
Inner product 13
Inner product isomorphic 25
Integral transform 263
Integration by parts 168
Interior of set 58
Interior point 58
Internal direct sum 123
Inversion theorem for functions 362 368
Inversion theorem for 312
Inversion theorem for BV functions 294
Inversion theorem for DFT 390
Inversion theorem, dominated 320
Inversion theorem, Fejer — Lebesgue 310 316 370
Inversion theorem, Fejer — Lebesgue for functions 370
Inversion theorem, Fourier cosine transform 350
Inversion theorem, Jordan 299
Inversion theorem, trigonometric form 298
Invertible element 398
Isometric 3
Isometry 3
Isoperimetric inequality 225
Joint continuity of metric and inner product 46
Jordan, decomposition theorem 165
Jordan, pointwise convergence theorem 194 240 275 299
K=R or C 2
Kernel 127 263
L(X,Y) 126
l.i.m., limit in the mean 43
Lebesgue point 246
Lebesgue pointwise convergence theorem 246
Leibniz's rule 335
Limit in the mean 43
Linear homeomorphism 80
Linear isometry 25
Linear isometry of 27
Linear isometry of C[a,b] 27
Linear isomorphism 24
Linear span 19
Linearly independent 20
Lipschitz condition 166 186
Lipschitz condition, uniform 166
Lipschitz test 186 299
Little oh notation 222
Localization principle 185
Low-pass filter 432
Mean approximation 99
Mean value theorem, Bonnet 193
Mean value theorem, first 196
Mean Value Theorem, second 193 196
Mean value theorem, second = Bonnet 193
Mellin transform 375
Menshov 249
Metric 1
Metric, bounded 81
Metric, equivalent 81
Metric, Euclidean 2
Metric, Hamming 8
Metric, max = sup 8
Metric, product 3
Metric, space 1
Metric, taxicab 4
Metric, trivial 5
Metric, uniform continuity of 68
Minkowski inequality 30 33
Monotone Convergence Theorem 324
Mother wavelet 411 419
Mother wavelet for Haar system 115
Mother wavelet for MRA 428
MRA 414
Multiresolution analysis (MRA) 414
Multiresolution analysis (MRA), Riesz 451
Neighborhood of a point 35
Neighborhood, basic 35
Nondifferentiable function 161
Norm 9
Norm isomorphic 25
Norm of 129
Norm of 129
Norm of a linear map 126
Norm of a projection 127
Norm of integral operator 127
Norm preserving 25
Norm, equivalent 78
Norm, max 12
Norm, reconstruct from unit ball 37
Norm, stronger 76
Norm, uniform 11
Norm, weaker 76
Normalized Lebesgue measure 264
Normed space 9
Nowhere dense 59
Null sequence 56
Null space 53
Nyquist, interval 374
Nyquist, rate 374
O, big oh 223
o, smaller order 222
Odd function 19 147
Odd part of function 399—400
Ondelette 419
Open set 58
Operators 126
Orthocomplement 53 95
Orthocomplement in Hilbert Space 96
Orthocomplement, properties 95 99
Orthogonal 18
Orthogonal, complement 53 95
Orthogonal, dimension 107
Orthogonal, direct sum 123
Orthogonal, projection 98 99
Orthogonal, set 18
Orthonormal basis 107
Orthonormal basis for 113
Orthonormal basis for 391
Orthonormal basis for 252
Orthonormal basis for 252
Orthonormal basis for 413
Orthonormal basis for 113
Orthonormal basis for 113
Orthonormal basis for and 111
Orthonormal basis for band-limited 374
Orthonormal basis from scaling function 416
Orthonormal basis, pasting together 125
Orthonormal wavelet basis 419
Orthonormal, sequence 18
Orthonormal, set 18
Orthonormality of translates 422 432
p-Norm 10
p-norm, equivalent in finite-dimensional case 78
p-norm, inequivalent 79
P-summable 227
Parallelogram law 22
Parseval identity and energy 152
Parseval identity for 329
Parseval identity for 352
Parseval identity for ) 266
Parseval identity for functions 358
Parseval identity for 393
Parseval identity in Hilbert space 103—104 106 108
Parseval identity on dense subset 111
Parseval's equality 103
Periodic 143
Periodic extension odd 155
Periodic function integral 156
Periodic, doubly 250
Periodic, extension 143 250
Periodic, fundamental 153
Periodogram 394
Pickwickian 226
Piecewise, continuous 163
Piecewise, smooth 163
Plancherel, theorem 362
Plancherel, transform 357
Pointwise convergence theorem, de la Valee-Poussin 195
Pointwise convergence theorem, Dirichlet 191
Pointwise convergence theorem, Fejer 239
Pointwise convergence theorem, Jordan 194 240 275
Pointwise convergence theorem, Lebesgue 246 274
Pointwise convergence theorem, multiple 257
Poisson kernel 241
Polarization identity 23
Positive operator 466
Precompact 70
Principle of uniform boundedness 211
Product metrics 3
Projection map 46
Projection theorem 96
Projection, onto subspace 85
Projection, operator 42
Projection, orthogonal 98
Projection, uniform continuity of 69
Pseudometric 7
pth power summable 11
Pythagorean Theorem 20 23 105
Q, rationals 6
R, real numbers 1
Rademacher functions 109
Rapidly decreasing 363
Rare set 59
Rearrangement of series 119
Reciprocity theorem 361
Reconstruction 432
Reflexive space 134
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma 104
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma for 173
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma for 106
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma for 170
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma, variations 173
Riemann — Lebesgue property, Dirichlet kernel 179
Riemann — Lebesgue property, Fourier kernel 181
Riesz basis 450
Riesz basis and orthonormal basis 455
Riesz basis, multiresolution analysis 451
Riesz basis, scaling function 452
Riesz basis, translates of hat function 463
Riesz representation theorem 132
Riesz — Fischer theorem 104
Right angle in inner product space 16
Right-handed derivative 163
S(R) 363
s, summable sequences 27
Sampling theorem 373
Saw-tooth 149
Scalar homogeneous 133
Scaling function 415
Scaling function, compact support 445
Scaling function, Riesz 452
Scaling identity 115 425
Schauder base = basis 89 450
Schauder base = basis, equivalent 450
Sectionally continuous 163
Self-adjoint 135
Separable Hilbert space, 112
Separable Hilbert space, 121
Separable, iff complete orthonormal sequence 112
Separable, space 55
sgn t, signum function 109
Shannon wavelets 448
Shift matrix 395
Short-Time Fourier Transform 481
Signum function 109
Simple function 54
Sine integral 209
Smaller order 222
Solving linear equations 100
Spanned 19
Spectral 481
Sphere 35
Spline, basic 476—477
Square wave 147—148
Square-integrable functions 6
Square-summable functions 6
Square-summable sequences 5
Step function 54
Strict norm 15
Subspaces sums of 101
Summability kernel 318
Summability kernel and norm convergence 326
Summability kernel for functions 371
supp f 436
Support 435
T, circle group 265
Tauberian theorems 234
Taxicab metric 4
Time-limited 281 290
Toeplitz matrix 229
Toeplitz summable 230