Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Monk J.D. — Mathematical Logic |
Предметный указатель |
-sequence 408
-closure conditions 395
-structure 194
, -sequence 376
-complete 498
-completeness theorem 498
-consistent 247
-logic 498
-structure 498
(m,n)-compact 500
(m,N)-relation 107
A priori 2
A-relation 31
Absolute 2
Absolutely free 387
abstract 2
Admissible function 313
Algebraic language 384
Algorithmic function 70
Algorithmic step 69
Applicability 3
Arithmetical hierarchy 85
Arithmetical relation 86
Arithmetization 12
atom 151
Atomic BA 151
Atomic equality formula 168
Atomic formula 168
Atomic nonequality formula 168
Atomless BA 151
Automorphism 352
Ax, J. 234
Axioms 208
Basic formula 233 235 238 240
Basic theorem on ultraproducts 322
Bell, J. 502
Beth's theorem 369
Beth, E. 6
Birkhoff, G. 391
Bishop, E. 5 7
Bolzano — Weierstrauss theorem 346
Boolean algebra 141
Boolean prime ideal theorem 150
Boolean representation theorem 150
Boone, W. 111
Bound occurrence 176
Cantor diagonal argument 47
Cantor, G. 350
Cardinality quantifier 500
Categorical theory 349
Chang, C.C. 217 310 400
Change of bound variable 181
Characteristic function 30
Characterization theorem 391
Characterizes 393
Chinese remainder theorem 57
Choice structure 481
Church's Theorem 293
Church's thesis 46
Church, A. 191 485
Closure 190
Cohen, P. 4 7
Collins, G. 296
Compact class 406
Compactness Theorem 6 204
complete 198
Complete computation 54
Complete configuration 53
Completeness theorem 6 122 123 204
Completeness theorem for equational logic 389
composition 27 77
Computation 16 69
Computation step 15
Computed by 50
Configuration 15
Congruence relation 385
Congruent modulo y 412
Conjunction symbol 162
Conjunctive normal form 128
Consequence 171
Conservative extension 208
Consistency family 311 312 473 506
Consistent 122 189
Consistent over 441
Construction sequence 116
Craig's interpolation theorem 365 506
Craig, W. 262
Creative set 97
Curry, H. 69 75
Cylindric algebra 219
Cylindric field of sets 219
Cylindric set algebra 219
Davis, M. 25 64 111
Decidable theory 233
Deduction Theorem 118 188
Defining relation 110
Definitional extension 208
Dekker, J. 111
Description operator 479
Descriptive triple 479
Detachment 117 171
Detlovs, V. 69 75
Diagram 329
Dickmann, M. 520
Diophantine equation 111
Discrete ordering 331
Disjunction symbol 162
Disjunctive normal form 127 235
Division algorithm 412
Downward Loewenheim — Skolem theorem 332
Duality principle 142
Dyson, V. 277
Effective definitional extension 208
Effective expansion 201
Effective function 12
Effective partial function 76
Effective procedure 11
Effective set 12
Effective Skolem expansion 211
Effectively calculable function 46
Effectively enumerable 12
Effectively enumerable set 92
Effectively incompletable 267
Effectively inseparable 100
Effectivized first-order language 164
Effectivized general logic 425
Ehrenfeucht, A. 234 406 412 417 419 444 450 453
Elementarily closed 406
Elementary class 393
Elementary diagram 337
Elementary effectivized first-order language 190
Elementary embedding 334
Elementary equivalent 327
Elementary extension 331
Elementary prime 445
Elementary recursive function 26
Elementary recursive operations 29
Elementary relation 30
Elementary substructure 331
Elimination of quantifiers 233
Embedding 320
Endomorphism 145
Engeler, E. 447
Equality symbol 162
equation 384
Erdoes, P. 517
Erfectivized relational version 206
Ershov, Yu. 234 242 260 264 277 280 296
Essentially undecidable 266
| Exact 2
Existence condition 206
Existential formula 213 355
expansion 201 329
exponentiation 30
Expression 115 164
Extension 208 328
Factorial 30
Falsity 121
Feferman, S. 307 378
Field of sets 141
Fields of a tape 14
Filter 146 318
Filter generated by 148 427
Finite element 342
Finite extension 270
Finite intersection property 318
Finite presentation 110
Finitely inseparable 266
First occurrence 69
First-order language 162
Fixed point theorem 83 275
Formal proof 118 172
Formalism 4
Formula 168
Fraisse, R. 406 412 417 419
Frame 495
Free Boolean algebra 156
Free group 110
Free occurrence 176 177
Freely generated 156
Fuhrken, G. 501
Full language of a nonempty set 163 195
Functionally complete 129
General logic 418
General recursive function 45
General recursive operation 46
General recursive relation 46
General sentential logic 129
Generalization 171
Generalized product 377
Goedel numbering 12 52 53 54 77 121 154
Goedel — Herbrand — Kleene calculus 13 45 67
Goedel, K. 4 7 298
Gratzer, G. 392
Greatest lower bound 152
Grzegorczyk, A. 41
Gurevich, Yu. 234
Halmos, P. 160 228
Halpern, J. 296
Halting problem 82
Hanf number 337 340
Hanf system 336 340
Hanf, W. 277 509 511 517
Henkin's embedding theorem 330 339 340
Henkin, L. 228 311 329 442 502 520
Herbrand's theorem 213
Herbrand, J. 214
Hermes, H. 14 25 64 111
Heyting, A. 5 7
Hierarchy theorem 89
Hilbert -operator 481
Hilbert's tenth problem 111
Hilbert, D. 4 7 192
Holds in 196
Homogeneous structure 461
Homomorphism 145 223 385
Homomorphism theorem 147
Horn formula 398
Ideal 146 223
Ideal generated by 148 224
Identity 384
Implicational identity 398
Incompleteness 6
Independent 370
Independently axiomatizable 370
Indiscernibles 449
Individual constant 162
Individual variable 162
Induction on formulas 168
Induction on terms 167
Infinite digital computer 67
Infinite element 342
Infinitely close 345
Infinitesimal 344
Initial state 15
Inseparable 266
Intermediate Value Theorem 347
Interpretation 216
Intuitionism 4
Intuitionistic logic 137
Intuitionistic model 138
inversion 58
Isolated set 109
Isomorphic 145
Isomorphism 145 223 320 417
Iteration theorem 81
Janiczak, A. 234
Joint extension property 358
Jonsson, B. 392
Kalish, D. 485
Kalmar, L. 2 7
Keisler, H.J. 6 217 310 311 427 435 439 502 517 520
Kernel 147
Kleene, S. 90
Kochen, S. 234
Kreisel, G. 7
Laeuchli, H. 490 502
Lagrange, J. 282
Language of equality 163
Language of ordered fields 163
Language of rings 163
Language of set theory 163 195
Lavrov, I. 242 260 277 280 296
Law of excluded middle 5
Least upper bound 152
Lefschetz principle 351
Leisenring, A. 485
Liar paradox 276
Lies on 50
Lindenbaum, A. 200
Lindstrom, P. 6 417 424 425
Loeb, M. 299 307
Loewenheim — Skolem theorem 419 478
Loewenheim, L. 234
Logic without equality 473
Logical axiom 117 171
Logical theorem 171
Los — Vaught test 350
Los, J. 393 400
Lukasiewicz, J. 131 132
Lyndon, R. 403
m-atomic 444
m-atomless 444
m-basic model 353
m-categorical theory 349
m-consistent over n 428
m-elementary extension 352
m-elementary game 411
m-universal 461
Makkai, M. 311
Mal'cev, A.I. 90 102 234 279 280 485
Many-sorted language 483
Many-sorted logic 483
Markov algorithms 13 45 69
Markov, A. 75
Matiyasevic, Y. 111
Matrix 187
Maximal filter 149
Maximal ideal 149
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