Авторизация |
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Stenlund S. — Combinators, λ-Terms and Proof Theory |
Предметный указатель |
-terms 145
-variables 144
-equality 19 28
-conversion 43
-equality 37
-reduction 73 74
-conversion 43
-reduction 45
-reduction 46 74
-reduction 75
-redex 45
-reduction 45 74
-equality 20 33
-elimination 149
-introduction 148
-reduction 146
-reduction 146
-abstraction 41
-calculus 15 41
-I-calculus 46
-K-calculus 46
-terms 41
-completeness 20
-rule 20
-elimination 148
-introduction 148
-reduction 146
-expression 136 168
A-terms 146
Abstraction algorithm of c-terms 29
Abstraction algorithm of p-terms 26
Abstraction algorithm strong 29
Abstraction algorithm weak 29
Adjoint situation 170
Application 12
Arithmetical combinators 21
atom 27 41
Atomic -terms 41
Atomic c-terms 27
Atomic combinators 27
Atomic formulas 145
Atomic types 112 146
Bachmann, H. 134
Bar-recursion 112 133
Barendregt, H. 20 52 55
Bernays, P. 87
Bound variable 41
Brouwer ordinals 112 113
C-function 172
c-model 52
Cartesian closed categories 170
Category theory 170
Church — Rosser property 32 45 73 126 156
Church — Rosser Theorem 30 45 73
Church, A. 12 15 16 46 47 67 70 73 92 107
Combination 17
Combinator 14 17 135 167
Combinator, atomic 27
Combinator, deferred 22
Combinator, pairing 94
Combinator, paradoxical 71
Combinator, primitive 20
Combinatory arithmetic 16 91
Combinatory definable 91 93
Combinatory terms 27
Completeness of the equation calculi 141 175
Completeness, combinatorial 15 55 56 64
Completeness, deductive 64
Composite product 22
composition 96
Comprehension 59
Computability 127 158
Computability function 157
Computability set 158
Computable functional 109
Computable term 127
Constant 41 113
Constant, atomic 27 41
Contraction 31 44 46 75 86 125 155
Contractum 31 44 45 75 84 86 125 155
Curry, H.B. 11 15 16 20 21 33 36 37 39 40 45 46 51 67 68 70 71 72 73 83 91 107 108 150 151
Curry’s paradox 68
Deferred combinator 22
Deferring operation 23
Definition explicit 13
Definition recursive 89
Definition theories of 89
Definitional equality 89 125 156
Dialectica interpretation 111 112 118
e-model 138
Equality 20 33 42
Equality, definitional 89 125 156
Equality, extensional 122
Equality, intensional 110 114
Equality, weak 28
Explicit definition 13
Extensionality 19 59 122
Feys, R. 15 16 21 33 36 37 39 40 45 46 51 68 71 72 73 83 108 150 151
Fitch, F.B. 21 22 67
Fixed-point theorem 102
Formula of the propositional calculus 26
Formula of the theory of species 145
Formula, atomic 145
Formula, composite 145
Fraenkel, A. 16 52
Free variable 41
Frege, G. 11 46
Function calculus 11
Function constant 144
Function in extension 12
Function in intension 12
Function spaces 53 66
Function, constructive 109
Function, continuous 53 65
Function, partial 53 97
Functional abstraction 15 28
Gentzen, G. 109 150
Girard, J.-Y. 156 157
Goedel, K. 109 110 111 117 118 119
Goodstein, R.L. 116 119
Heyting arithmetic 110 117 151
Hilbert, D. 150
Hindley, R. 37 72 73 98 107 108 123
Howard, W. 111 112 116 119 134 151
| i-model 137
i-terms 144
i-variables 144
Identity combinator 17
Illative combinatory logic 16 67
Impredicativity 164 177
Induction rule 116 118
Intuitionistic analysis 112 133
Inversion principle 146
J-terms 39
Kleene, S.C. 16 46 70 91
Konstanzfunktion 14
Kreisel, G. 112 116 118 122 155
Kuratowski, C. 65 66
Lattice 53
Lawvere, W. 170
Lercher, B. 37 40
Limit spaces 65
Martin-Loef, P. 74 151 156 164
Minimalization 96
Model of the -calculus 55
Model of the system of computable functionals 136
Model of the theory of combinators 52
Model of the theory of species 170
Normal form 44 45 46 125 155
Normal reduction 40
Normalizable 32 40 44 155
Numeral 114
Numeral sequence 103
One-step reduction 74 76 87
Open combination 37
p-term 25
Pairing combinator 87
Paradoxical combinator 71
Part (of term) 27
Powers 22
Prawitz, D. 112 124 143 147 151 153 155 156 164 165
Primitive recursive arithmetic 116
Proof terms 149
Quine, W.V. 21
R-constant 86
R-redex 75 84 86
R-reduction 75 86
R-system 89
R-term 86
Recursively inseparable 106
Redex in the -calculus 44
Redex in the system of computable functionals 125
Redex in the theory of combinators 31
Redex in the theory of species 155
Reduction in the -calculus 44
Reduction in the system of computable functionals 125
Reduction in the theory of combinators 27
Reduction in the theory of species 155
Reduction one-step 74 76 87
Reduction sequence 44
Reduction, normal 40
Reduction, strong 27 37 83
Reduction, weak 30
Regular combinator 23
Rosser, J.B. 16 36 46 51 70 73
Rule of correspondence 12
Rule of inference 114
Rule of reduction 30
Russell, B. 11 52 166
S-constant 86
Sanchis, L.E. 28 40 134
Schoenfinkel, M. 11 12 13 14 24 56 67
Schuette, K. 123
Scott, D. 53 54 55 106 107
Seldin, J. 72 108
Self-application 15 21 52
Sheffer, H.M. 11
Shoenfield, J. 97
Sn 126
Species constant 144
Species term 145
Species variable 144
Spector, C. 118 122
Standard numeral sequence 92
Stenlund, S. 28 98 123
Strong algorithm 29
Strong normal form 40
Strong Normalization Theorem 131 164
Strong reduction 27 37 83
Strongly irreducible 38
Strongly normalizable 126 155
Structure 135 165
Substitution 29 42
Subterm 27
Synonymous 89
Tait, W.W. 74 111 112 117 119 134 145 149 165 170 172
Term model 52 138 171
Term of finite type 113
Term, closed 42
Term, combinatory 27
Term, computable 127
Term, individual 144
Term, normal 44
Term, normalizable 44
Term, open 42
Term, strongly normalizable 126
Terminus 40
Theory if functionality 68
Theory of combinators 11
Theory of species 143
Troelstra, A. 117 120
Truth-functions 23 116
TYPE 112 146
Type, atomic 112 146
Type, composite 146
Type, finite 109 112
Type, higher 112
Type, infinite 59 62
U-expression 55
Uniqueness rule 123
Validity, in a structure 137 169
Verschmelzungsfunktion 14
Weak algorithm 29
Weak extensionality 122
Weak normal form 32
Weak reduction 30
Whitehead, A.N. 11
Zermelo, E. 16 52
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