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Ebbinghaus H.-D., Flum J. — Finite Model Theory |
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Connective 4
Consequence 6
Constant 1
Constant symbol 1
Cost 276
Counting quantifier 59 309
Craig property 64
Craig's Theorem 64
Cut 275
CYCLE 2 302
Database 119
Database, relational 12
Datalog 239
DATALOG = E(LFP) 243 245
DATALOG program 239
DATALOG(#) 248
DATALOG, positive 245 250
DATALOG, stratified 241
DATALOG, totally denned WF- 265
DATALOG, well-founded 264
DATALOG, with counting 248
Decidability, of validity for 98
Decidability, of validity for 100
Decidable 126
Definable, explicitly 63
Definable, implicitly 63 217
Definable, in first-order logic 114
Degree of a point in a graph 2
Depth 170
Deterministic transitive closure 123 220
Diameter of a graph 85
Digraph 1
Digraph, acyclic 24 30 253
Distance function, in a graph 2. 23
Distance function, in an ordering 22
Do(p) 15
Domain 1
DTC 123 220
Duplicator 16
E(LFP) 243
Ehrenfeucht — Fraisse see “Game element”
Ehrenfeucht — Fraisse, existential 261
Ehrenfeucht — Fraisse, universal 261
Ehrenfeucht's Theorem 18
Enumerable 126
Enumeration, effective of a complexity class 295
Equality symbol 4
Equivalence relation, invariant 107 111
Equivalent 7
Equivalent, 42
Equivalent, elementarily 9
Equivalent, logically 6
Equivalent, m- 14
Equivalent, m- in MSO 38 39
Equivalent, on ordered structures 152
Even 199 209
Existence of a fixed-point 166
Expression, plus free regular 114
Expression, regular 108
Expressive power of a logic 122
Extension Axiom 45 53 72
Extensional 239
F (truth value) 7
FALSE 7 10 11 241
Feasible solution 276
Finite model property 95
Finite model property, of 96 99
Finite model property, of 103
Finite model property, of 100
Finite model property, of modal logic 99
fixed-point 120 166
Fixed-point logic see “”Logic fixed-point”
Fixed-point, greatest 167 172
Fixed-point, least 16
Fixed-point, simultaneous 174
Fixed-point, simultaneous least 175
Fo 4
FO(3-PFP) 198
FO(ATC) 261 314
FO(BFP) 235
FO(BFP) < FO(LFP) 237
FO(C) 59
FO(DTC) 123 327
FO(DTC) < FO(PFP) 272
FO(DTC) and LOGSPACE 142 148 151 296 304
FO(IFP) 121 169
FO(IFP) and FO(PFP) 154
FO(IFP) and PTIME 138 149 151 297 302
FO(IFP, #) 208
FO(IFP, #) and PTIME 305 306 315
FO(LFP) 170
FO(M-LFP) 212
FO(PFP) 121 191
FO(PFP) = FO(S-PFP) 193
FO(PFP) = IMP(FO(PFP)) 219
FO(PFP) and PSPACE 137 149 151
FO(posDTC) 224
FO(posTC) 143 159 224
FO(posTC) and NLOGSPACE 143 148
FO(S-IFP) 175
FO(S-LFP) 176
FO(S-PFP) 192
FO(TC) 123 159.
FO(TC) < FO(BFP) 237
FO(TC) < FO(LFP) 231
FO(TC) and NLOGSPACE 143 151
Forest 3
Forest, <- 59 60
Formula 40 42
Formula atomic 5
Formula bounded DATALOG 250
Formula bounded positive DATALOG 250
Formula DATALOG 240
Formula existential 65
Formula existential FO(posTC) 225
Formula first-order 4 169
Formula I-DATALOG 246
Formula m-Hintikka 18
Formula monotone in a relation 67
Formula negative in X 169
Formula nontrivial 254
Formula normal 95 169
Formula P-DATALOG 249
Formula positive DATALOG 245
Formula positive in a relation 67
Formula positive in X 169
Formula S-DATALOG 241
Formula s-Scott 57
Formula totally denned 194
Formula totally denned WF-DATALOG 265
Formula universal 65
Formula WF-DATALOG 265
Forth property 20
Forth property, s- 51
Fraisse's theorem 21
Frame 99
Free parametric 80
Function symbol 11
Function system, inductive 175
Function system, inflationary 175
Function system, monotone 175
Function, antitone 167 172 192
Function, inductive 166 175
Function, inflationary 120 166 175
| Function, monotone 166 175
Function, polynomial time computable 190
Gaifman graph 26
Gaifman's Theorem 31
Game, associated with a digraph 168 172 198
Game, Ehrenfeucht — Frai'sse for 50
Game, Ehrenfeucht — Frai'sse for 42
Game, Ehrenfeucht — Frai'sse for 50
Game, Ehrenfeucht — Frai'sse for FO(TC) 229
Game, Ehrenfeucht — Frai'sse for MSO 38
Game, Ehrenfeucht — Frai'sse with infinitely many moves 42
Game, Ehrenfeucht — Fraisse for counting quantifiers 60
Game, Ehrenfeucht — Fraisse for FO 16 21
Game, Ehrenfeucht — Fraisse for FO(M-LFP) 213
Game, of life 197
Game, pebble 50 60
Global relation 10 12
Global relation, -definable 54
Graph 1
Graph, acyclic 2 306
Graph, acyclic connected 306
Graph, balanced 112
Graph, bipartite 112 113 221 223
Graph, coloured 61
Graph, connected 2 23 29 40 41 85 86 122 123 169 221 309
Graph, connected ordered 23
Graph, directed 1
Graph, Gaifman 26
Graph, of a structure 26
Graph, planar 85
Graph, random 85
Graph, rigid 86
Graph, stable coloured 61
Graph, undirected 1
Graph, with a Hamiltonian circuit 113
grid 302
Halting problem 127
HAM 113 327
Hamiltonian circuit 2 113 327
Hamiltonian path 2
Hanf's Theorem 27
Hard, with respect to -reductions 321
Hard, with respect to -reductions 324
Head, of a clause 239
Head, of a Turing machine 125
Head, read-and-write 125 130
Head, read-only 130
HENK 328
Hierarchy, arity 268 273
Hierarchy, arity for FO(PFP) 272
Hierarchy, polynomial 159 338
Hintikka formula, m- 18
Hold, almost surely 72
Hold, in almost all finite structures 72
Homomorphism 34
Homomorphism, strict 34
Horn sentence 251
In-degree 2
Index of an equivalence relation 107
Induction, on the length of formulas 5
Induction, simultaneous 178
Induction, simultaneous for LFP and IFP 179
Induction, simultaneous for PFP 193
Inductive 166 175
Inflationary 120 166 175
Input inscription 131
Input instance 276
Input tape 127 130
Instr(M) 125 131
Instruction 125 131
Instruction, oracle 331
Intentional 239
Interpolant 64
Interpolation property 64
Interpretation 297 321
Interpretation, of in 297 321
Invariant, s- of a structure 55 200
Invariantization, on S 301
Invariantization, PTIME- 292—294 301
Invariantization, PTIME- on GRAPH 301
Isomorphic 3
Isomorphic, m- 20
Isomorphic, partially 43
Isomorphic, s-m- 51
Isomorphic, s-partially 51
Isomorphism 3
Isomorphism type 18 77
Isomorphism type, m- 18 25 26
Isomorphism type, s-m- 52
Isomorphism, generalized partial 213
Isomorphism, partial 15
Isomorphism, s-partial 50
Join simultaneous 178
King 97
Language 106 126
Language, acceptable 126
Language, accepted by a Turing machine 126
Language, accepted by an NDA 106
Language, decidable 126
Language, decided by a Turing machine 126
Language, definable by a -sentence 111
Language, definable in FO 114 116
Language, definable in monadic second-order logic 109 111
Language, enumerable 126
Language, noncounting 116
Language, plus free regular 114
Language, recognized by an automaton 111
Language, recognized by an NDA 106 111
Language, regular 108. 110 111
Language, ultimately periodic 112
Law, 0-1 for 77
Law, 0-1 for FO 77
Law, labeled 0-1 72
Law, labeled 0-1 for 77
Law, labeled 0-1 for 73
Law, labeled 0-1 for 88
Law, labeled 0-1 for FO 73
Law, labeled 0-1 for FO(PFP) 200
Law, labeled 0-1 for parametric classes 77
Law, unlabeled 0-1 80
Law, unlabeled 0-1 for 80
Law, unlabeled 0-1 for 88
Law, unlabeled 0-1 for FO 80
Law, unlabeled 0-1 for FO(PFP) 200
Law, unlabeled 0-1 for parametric classes 80
Law, unlabeled 0-1, failure for 98
Leaf 3
Lemma, Pumping 107 111
Lemma, Simultaneous Induction 178
Lemma, Simultaneous Induction for LFP and IFP 179
Lemma, Simultaneous Induction for PFP 193
Lemma, Transitivity 182
Lemma, Transitivity for LFP 182
Lemma, Transitivity for PFP 195
Length of a path 2
Lindstroem extension 309
Lindstroem quantifier 309
Lindstroem quantifier, vectorization of 312
Loewenheim — Skolem theorem 8
LOG 132
Log space-bounded 160
Logarithmic space, deterministic 132
Logarithmic space, nondeterministic 132
Logic 159 289 314
Logic program general 239
Logic, alternating transitive closure 261 314
Logic, bounded fixed-point 235 263
Logic, closed under order-invariant sentences 64
Logic, deterministic transitive closure 123
Logic, existential fixed-point 243
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