Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Hein J.L. — Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability |
Предметный указатель |
Tree, branch 48
Tree, child 48
Tree, depth 48
Tree, derivation 131
Tree, height 48
Tree, leaf 48
Tree, minimal spanning tree 51
Tree, node 48
Tree, ordered 48
Tree, parent 48
Tree, parse 131
Tree, root 48
Tree, spanning tree 51
Tree, subtree 48
Tree, unordered 48
Trivially true 4
Truth function 318
Truth symbols 310
Truth table 2—4 310
Tuple 30—32
Tuple as a function 64
Tuple as a set 31
Tuple, empty 31
Tuple, equality 31
Tuple, length 31
Tuple, n-tuple 31
Tupling functions 78
Turing machine 698—711
Turing machine, accept 699
Turing machine, blank symbol 699
Turing machine, control unit 698
Turing machine, deterministic 706
Turing machine, equivalence 704
Turing machine, halt state 699
Turing machine, interpreter 709
Turing machine, language 699
Turing machine, multihead 704
Turing machine, multitape 704
Turing machine, nondeterministic 706
Turing machine, one-way infinite tape 704
Turing machine, reject 699
Turing machine, start state 699
Turing machine, tape 698
Turing machine, universal 708
Turing machine, unsolvable problems 744
Turing machine, with output 701
Turing — computable 714
Turing, A. 698 740 849
Two-valued logic 349
Type of a function 61
Types 26
Ug see “Universal generalization”
UI see “Universal instantiation”
Ullman, J.D. 847
Unary relation 41
Unbounded register machine 716
Uncountable 99
Undecidable 365
Unfolding 148
Unification algorithm 466
Unifier 465
Union, bag 25
Union, collection of sets 16
| Union, counting rule 22
Union, properties 15
Union, set 15
Unit element 506
Unit production 687
Universal closure 364
Universal generalization 390
Universal instantiation 384
Universal quantifier 353
Universal relation 41
Universal Turing machine 708
Universe of discourse 20
Unordered tree 48
Unrestricted grammar 749
Unsatisfiable 362
Unsolvable 365
Upper bound 214
URM see “Unbounded register machine”
Vacuously true 4
Valid 362
Validity problem 365
Vector 31
Vector algebra 514
Venn diagram 14
Venn, John 14
Vertex 41
Vertex, degree 45
Vertex, indegree 45
Vertex, outdegree 45
Vertex, sink 43
Vertex, source 43
Voltaire 405
War shall’s algorithm 185
Warren, D.S. 493 849
Warshall, S. 185 849
Weak-head normal form 765
Wegman, M.N. 475 848
Weighted graph 44
Well-formed formula 127
Well-formed formula, bottom-up checking 357
Well-formed formula, first-order predicate calculus 356
Well-formed formula, higher-order logic 439
Well-formed formula, imperative program 415
Well-formed formula, language 127
Well-formed formula, propositional calculus 310
Well-formed formula, top-down checking 357
Well-founded induction 236—243
Well-founded order 219 218—226
Well-founded set 219
Well-ordered set 221
Wff see “Well-formed formula”
While rule 422
Whitehead, A.N. 26 349 849
Winograd, S. 252 846
Worst case function 250
Worst case input 250
Worst case lower bound 251
Worst case optimal algorithm 251
Wos, L. 475 849
Wright, Frank Lloyd 639
Y combinator 764
Zero element 506
Zero-order logic 439
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