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Hein J.L. — Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability |
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-conversion 758
-reduction 759
-reduction 759
-conversion 758
-conversion, -reduction 759
-conversion, -reduction 759
-conversion, application 754
-conversion, applicative order reduction 757
-conversion, bound variable 755
-conversion, closed expression 755
-conversion, combinator 755
-conversion, free variable 755
-conversion, innermost redex 757
-conversion, lambda expression 754
-conversion, normal form 756
-conversion, normal order reduction 757
-conversion, outermost redex 757
-conversion, redex 756
-conversion, scope 755
-conversion, weak-head normal form 765
-conversion, Y combinator 764
AA see “Assignment axiom”
AAA see “Array assignment axiom”
Absorption laws, Boolean algebra 520
Absorption laws, logic 314
Absorption laws, sets 21 28
Abstract algebra 508
Abstract data type 529—543
Abstract data type, binary trees 541
Abstract data type, lists 534
Abstract data type, natural numbers 530
Abstract data type, priority queues 542
Abstract data type, queues 539
Abstract data type, stacks 537
Abstract data type, strings 536
Abstract syntax tree 144
Abstraction 754
ACCEPT 585 588 644 699
Accumulating parameter 247
Ackermann, W. 343 846
Ackermann’s function 246 723
action 548
Acyclic graph 45
Add see “Addition rule”
Addition rule 331
Adjacency matrix 184
Adjacent vertices 41
Ait-Kaci, H. 772 845
Al-Khowarizmi 501
Algebra 501—573
Algebra of matrices 514
Algebra of polynomials 514
Algebra of power series 515
Algebra of vectors 514
Algebra, abstract 508
Algebra, abstract data type 529
Algebra, boolean 516—528
Algebra, carrier of 504
Algebra, concrete 508
Algebra, definition of 504
Algebra, expression 504
Algebra, field 514
Algebra, functional 550
Algebra, group 511
Algebra, groupiod 511
Algebra, high school 503
Algebra, moniod 511
Algebra, morphism 564
Algebra, process 548
Algebra, quotient of 562
Algebra, regular expressions 577
Algebra, relational 546
Algebra, ring 513
Algebra, semigroup 511
Algebra, signature of 505
Algebra, subalgebra of 563
Algebraic expression 504
Algorithm 501
Alphabet 36
Ambiguous grammar 143
AND see “Conjunction”
AND gate 522
Andrews, P.B. 845
Antecedent 309 329
antisymmetric 175
AOR see “Applicative order reduction”
Appel, K. 43 845
Append operation 118
Applicative order reduction 757
apply function 85
Applying a substitution 463
ApplyToAll function 84
Apt, K.R. 433 845
Arithmetic progression 233
Arity 61
Array assignment axiom 428
Artin, Emil 221
Ascending chain 212
Assignment axiom 416
Asymptotic behavior 296
atom 356 450
Atomic formula 356
Attributes 39
Automata see “Finite automata” “Pushdown
Average case optimal algorithm 271
Axiom 332
Backtracking 489
Backus — Naur form 144
Backus, J. 551 845
Backwards check 393
Bag 24
Bag, combinations 265
Bag, intersection 25
Bag, permutations 259
Bag, subbag 25
Bag, sum 25
Bag, union 25
Balanced parentheses 729
Basic equality 174
Basis of mathematical induction 230
Bendix, P. 772 847
Bernstein, F. 101
Best operation 542
Better operation 543 545
BIFO property 542
Big oh 301
Big Omega 301
Big theta 296
Bijection 92
Bijective function 92
binary function 61
Binary relation 41 174—227
Binary relation, antisymmetric 175
Binary relation, basic equality 174
Binary relation, closure 179—183
Binary relation, composition 175
Binary relation, converse 180
Binary relation, equivalence 192—207
Binary relation, generator of 179
Binary relation, irreflexive 175
Binary relation, kernel 202
Binary relation, linear order 211
Binary relation, partial order 210—227
Binary relation, reflexive 174
Binary relation, reflexive closure 179
Binary relation, symmetric 174
Binary relation, symmetric closure 179
Binary relation, total order 211
Binary relation, transitive 174
Binary relation, transitive closure 179
| Binary resolution 475
Binary search 254
Binary search tree 51 159
Binary tree 51—52 120—122 159—162 541—542
Binary tree, inorder traversal 162
Binary tree, left subtree 50
Binary tree, postorder traversal 162
Binary tree, preorder traversal 161
Binary tree, right subtree 50
Binding 359 463
Binomial coefficient 262
Birthday problem 268
BNF see “Backus — Naur form”
Boole, George 516
Boolean algebra 516—528
Boolean algebra, absorption laws 520
Boolean algebra, axioms 517
Boolean algebra, complement 517
Boolean algebra, De Morgan’s laws 521
Boolean algebra, digital circuits 522—527
Boolean algebra, duality principle 519
Boolean algebra, idempotent properties 519
Boolean algebra, involution 521
Boolean algebra, minimal CNF 527
Boolean algebra, minimal DNF 527
Boolean algebra, negation 517
Boolean algebra, properties 527
Boolean algebra, simplifying expressions 518—522
Boolean type 760
Bottom-up parsing 659
Bound variable 358 755
Boyle, J. 475 849
Branch 48
Brassard, G. 845
Bratley, P. 845
Breadth-first search strategy 492
Breadth-first traversal 46
Burke, Edmund 173
Burton, David F. 501
Calculus 308
Call by name 757
Call by value 757
Cancellation technique 80 276
Cantor, Georg 26 98 101
Cardinality 21 92
Carrier 504
Carroll, Lewis 305 391
Case definition of function 63
Casting out by nines 570
cat see “Concatenation”
CD see “Constructive dilemma”
Ceiling function 65
Chain 212
Chang, C. 474 845
Characteristic function 71
Children 48
Chinese remainder theorem 561
Chomsky normal form 687
Chomsky, N. 687 751 M5
Chromatic number 42
Church — Rosser property 753
Church — Turing thesis 713 712—732
Church, A. 713 754 M5
Churchill, Winston 735 776
Cichelli, R.J. 95 846
Circuit 45
Clausal form 455
Clause 455
Closed 10 563
Closed expression 755
Closed form 278
Closure of binary relation 179—183
Closure, existential 364
Closure, inductive definition 110 241
Closure, lambda 612
Closure, language 130
Closure, positive 130
Closure, properties 130
Closure, reflexive 179
Closure, symmetric 179
Closure, transitive 179 493
Closure, universal 364
CNF see “Conjunctive normal form”
Codomain 61
Collection 10
Collision 94
Coloring a graph 42
Combinations 261—265
Combinator 755
Comparable 211
Comparison sorting 260
Complement, Boolean algebra 517
Complement, properties 21
Complement, set 20
Complete graph 42
Completeness 342
Completion procedure 769
Component 30
Composition of binary relations 175
Composition of functions 77
Composition of statements 418
Composition of substitutions 464
Composition rule 418 718
Computability 712 735
Computable 712
Computable number problem 102
Computation 712
Computation tree 488
Concatenation of lists 155
Concatenation of strings 127 536
Conclusion 3 309 329
Concrete algebra 508
Conditional 309
Conditional proof 333—338
Conditional proof rule 333
Conditional statement 3
Congruence 557—561
Congruence relation 559
CONJ see “Conjunction rule”
Conjunction 2 309
conjunction rule 331
Conjunctive normal form 322
Connected 45
Connective 309 310 356
Connective, complete set 326
Cons function 114
Consequence rule 417
Consequent 309 329
Consistent 332
ConsRight function 154
Constructive dilemma 347
constructor 110
Context-free grammar 640
Context-free language 640—642 685—694
Context-free language, Chomsky normal form 687
Context-free language, Greibach normal form 688
Context-free language, properties 693
Context-free language, removing A productions 686
Context-sensitive language 748
Contingency 313
Continuum Hypothesis 105
Contradiction 8 313
Contrapositive 4
Converse of binary relation 180
Converting decimal to binary 70
Conway’s challenge sequence 169
Coppersmith, D. 252 M6
Correct program 415
Countable 99
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