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Greub W.H. — Linear Algebra
Greub W.H. — Linear Algebra

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Название: Linear Algebra

Автор: Greub W.H.


The major change between the second and third edition is the separation of linear and multilinear algebra into two different volumes as well as the incorporation of a great deal of new material. However, the essential character of the book remains the same; in other words, the entire presentation continues to be based on an axiomatic treatment of vector spaces.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Third edition

Год издания: 1967

Количество страниц: 434

Добавлена в каталог: 29.11.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Pseudo — Euclidean rotation, Euclidean space      264
Pseudo — Euclidean rotation, orthogonal matrix      273
Ptolemy-inequality      185
Pythagorean Theorem      184
Quadratic form      245
Quadratic function      245
Quadric      285
Quasi-triangular determinant      115
Quaternion-algebra      197
Radical of an algebra      154
Rank of a linear mapping      78
Rank of a linear mapping of a symmetric bilinear function      248
Real vector space      6
Reflection      217
Regular linear mapping      78
Regular linear mapping, matrix      89
Relatively prime polynomials      346
Restriction of a bilinear function      63
Restriction of a bilinear function of a linear mapping      42
Riesz theorem      185
Right ideal      143
Right ideal, inverse of a linear mapping      52
Rigid motion      282
Root of a polynomial      350
Rotation      222
Rotation-angle      226
Rotation-angle, vector      227
Row-vcctor      83
scalar      5
Scalar, multiplication      6
Scalar, product      64
Scalar, term      339
Schmidt-orthogonalization      187
Schus’s lemma      54
Schwarz-inequality      182
Selfadjoint linear transformation      209
Semisimple algebra      156
Semisimple algebra, linear transformation      407
Semisimple algebra, part      365
Sesquilinear function      308
Set mapping      1
Short exact sequence      46
Signature of a bilinear function      232
Simple algebra      155
simplex      283
Skew linear transformation      217
Skew linear transformation, symmetric matrix      218
Space-like      264
Space-like of linear mupplngs      31
Special orthogonul gioup      223
Split short cxuct itcqucncc      47
Stable subspucc      48 368
Standurd inner product      182 310
Step function      158
Subfield      3
Subgroup      2
Subspacc      23
Subulgcbru      142
SUM      23
Sum of matrices      88
Sylvester’s law of inertia      252
Symmetric bilinear function      244
System of generators of an algebra      140
System of generators of an algebra of generators of a vector space      9
Tangent-hyperplane      286
Tangent-hyperplane, space      286
Taylor’s expansion      342
Time-like      264
Topological vector space      37
Totally reducible algebra      156
Trace of a linear transformation      122
Trace of a linear transformation of a matrix      124
Transposed matrix      82
Triangle-inequality      184
Trigonometric functions      239
Two-sided ideal      143
Unit element      140
Unit element, sphere      181 434
Unit element, vector      181
Unitary mapping      318
Unitary mapping, matrix      312
Unitary mapping, space      310
Unitary mapping, trick of Weyl      214
Upper bound      4
Upper bound, triangular matrix      90
Vandermonde determinant      115
Vector space      5
Vectors      5
Vertex      301
Volume      192
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